14 Replies to “Who Will Conform?”

  1. From Blacklock’s
    The Supreme Court judge who upheld the federal carbon tax yesterday said all Canadians must do their part to lower carbon emissions, but did not detail his own efforts to fight climate change. “It’s not everybody for instance who can use a bicycle,” said Chief Justice Richard Wagner, who is provided a car with chauffeur: “You have to try your best.”

    Your Right Honorable Justice Sir: Bugger off. I do my bit daily to stop the wealthy unemployed twits like you from screwing it up for working folk.

    1. Picard fought the good fight, but in the end, just like Winston Smith, he was indeed broken.

      Mirab, his sails unfurled. Shaka, when the walls fell.

      1. That TNG episode has become so iconic in today’s culture, I knew someone here would quickly grasp the origin of those four words. Too bad so many youth today still don’t get the serious undertone of Pecard’s courageous fight to hold truth and freedom as non-negotiable.

        Lickmuffin, his arms wide. Ha, another iconic episode, I admire any ‘show’ that works hard on dialects and language. Nothing ruins historical movies for me faster than modern language and lexicons being used. To me, “Unforgiven” was a prime example of getting period dialogue correct, to great impact.

    2. We live in a time where every bit of objective truth is being forcibly coerced out of our being by a political class and media class that has chosen to conspire against the very people they are elected and enabled to protect and defend. How like the 1930s in Germany is our society today? It is too much like it.

      There… are… four… lights.

  2. Explaining anti-Semitism by claiming that most people are anti-Semites because everyone else is doesn’t explain why anybody is an anti-Semite.

    Why would the authority figure claim in the first place that all man’s problems are the work of the Jews, when that is obviously not true?

    Easy. Self-preservation.

    The God of Israel is the One God. In a world where the Truth from which the Law follows were taken seriously, most of mankind’s earthly problems really would disappear. Problem is, few of our current worldly authorities would be suffered to live even as slaves.

    So, the Truth must be hidden and blotted out at all costs.

  3. So these Supreme Morons are Warmists..Fuck them.. They are Activists not real Judges!.. Where do we go from here?.

  4. Oh, ok, Amber…so you are able, barely, to opine and regurgitate about tired old group think experiments, as though falling off a pumpkin truck that passes for cutting edge insight discovered anew, or for the first time, according to your lights.
    Conformity, thy name is derivative….yawn….Ecclesiastes, etc.
    Have a nice day.

  5. I’m betting that not one in a hundred people on any street in any city or town in this shitty country could name one of the so-called ‘Supremes!’ Yet here they are making decisions that impact every damn one of us.
    They are our rulers!
    Their word is final!
    We have no recourse whatsoever.

  6. Message to the Supremes.
    “Truth is not a defence”.
    There is no reason for the courts to exist.
    Once the court ruled “That truth was not a defence” against “Hate Speech Laws”.
    They extinguished any further need of these courts by the citizens.
    Coming soon,the same Courts of retribution that the French rewarded their Effete Elites with.
    For have not these same brilliant legal minds ruled we have no rights or freedoms during a pandemic?
    Even a pandemic that has none of the classic tells by which we judge a sickness to be pandemic..

    So with these Jurists Proudly and very arrogantly telling us civil society is shutdown.
    Why do they assume they will be protected by the civic institutions?
    They had better pray we do not take them at their word,which we might if we thought them honest honourable men,
    Cause I hear them words..
    Me Savage?
    Me Savage,you prey.
    Because you have repeated stated you are my enemy.
