Today in Social Media Censorship

YouTube has been going after content on ivermectin as well as other things. People are beginning to notice.  Weinstein started a campaign to highlight the censorship and it’s been getting friction on Twitter.  Eventually that did change but its an uphill battle.

Have a look at YouTube’s COVID-19 medical misinformation policy for a long list of what’s Verboten.  Under the rubric of “misinformation” they are censoring actual information from actual doctors and scientists, and real studies a lot of which have been peer reviewed.

Smells like there’s a purge coming.

23 Replies to “Today in Social Media Censorship”

  1. No treatment but vaccines, otherwise vaccines lose their emergency use authorization.

    1. Yes, the sheep don’t get it. These “vaccines” are NOT approved. They merely have authorisation for emergency use. AZ has had its authorisation revoked in n a number of countries. Yet Twatter and F***book block pointing out treatments used in other countries with documented success. They are fine with pushing the myth these “vaccines” are approved.

    2. And don’t forget to change the history of what “vaccine” means too, otherwise the current jabs won’t qualify.

    1. Pardon my ignorance but when has a leftist been held to account? The closest Canada came was the reform party and look what happened to it. When they formed the opposition the weasel boasted he would not move in to opposition house. Then he saw the FREE LUNCH sign and it was game over.

      GO WEXIT

      1. Ynot, in answer to your question, NEVER. Why? Because all of Canada is controlled by freaking communists. I defy any a hole online to prove me wrong.

    2. Steve, I keep beating that drum but the “people” are fucking deaf.

  2. Fakebook, “Gag”-gle, and the “Twatterverse” need to shut down any speech that might wake up the sheeple into sensing that they are being herded into a non-FDA approved, non-clinically trialed (the trials end in 2023), medical experiment.

    They are basically lockstep with the über-Pharmaceuticals to make all the CEOs into billionaires at taxpayers expense.

    Ivermectin review can be found here:

    Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19

    Meta-analyses based on 18 randomized controlled treatment trials of ivermectin in COVID-19 have found large, statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance. Furthermore, results from numerous controlled prophylaxis trials report significantly reduced risks of contracting COVID-19 with the regular use of ivermectin. Finally, the many examples of ivermectin distribution campaigns leading to rapid population-wide decreases in morbidity and mortality indicate that an oral agent effective in all phases of COVID-19 has been identified.

    So you can prescribe a therapeutic which has no downside of being a medical experiment…or the application of a pseudo non classical “vaccine”.

    Oh the horror of finding a simple therapeutic which won’t bankrupt the poor nations! 🙂

    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  3. $60 billion for vaccines > cheap Ivermectin.
    Big Pharma can do arithmetic.

    “Gee, I wonder what it will cost for the vaccine booster shot that will be ‘needed’ in the fall after the numbers rise again?”

    And if you can sell the public on one booster shot then you can sell them on continuous booster shots, especially if you are going to pen up any serf that doesn’t want to get one.

    Remember when Occupy Wall Street lefties hated Big Pharma?

    A very interesting read:
    Unreported Truths About Covid-19 and Lockdowns: Part 4: Vaccines Kindle Edition
    by Alex Berenson

  4. Quite the TOS list. Twitter understands the Streisand Effect, Yes?

    “The Streisand effect is a social phenomenon that occurs when an attempt to hide, remove, or censor information has the unintended consequence of further publicizing that information, often via the Internet.”

    In their long covid prohibition list, the only products specifically named are ivermectin and HCQ. Twitter might has well have put them in bold and bright, extra large font surrounded by neon lights.

    1. Correction: YouTube TOS on medical misdirection, not Twitter.

      Those words “medical misdirection”. Is it just me or is that quite an Orwellian sounding word combo?

  5. I’ve throw a couple of interviews on Facebook with doctors regarding Ivermectin over the past week. One was from the Dark Horse podcast. So far they’re still up there. They arguably cross the line for “prohibited” topics.

  6. There is some fine print at the bottom of their TOS shit list that allows for it. But they reserve the right to nuke it at anytime.

  7. Personally, I welcome the algorithms and 20-something liberal arts grads as gatekeepers of public knowledge. All that “actual information from actual doctors and scientists, and real studies” is obviously too white, too male and too old-fashioned.

    Is it too late for my private island protected by a code hidden in a phone book beside a rotary dial phone?

  8. F utube. twitter and facebook. none are needed anywhere at any time.

    1. Of the 3 you’ve cited, YouTube is at least of use to me.

      Unfortunately, there are people who’ve become addicted to social media. The idea of the written word is foreign to them, let alone being able to compose a comprehensible sentence, using words economically, and carry on a sustained dialog.

  9. As covid unwinds, as the full extent of the lethal misinformation campaign from the mediocracy emerges, as politicians scurry for the exits trying to pretend their statements of the past are consistent with what they say now, it’s CYA time for the totalitarian twits.

    This is their only hope, that Americans (and Canadians here who can’t rely on the same economic dynamics), will again become fat and happy and vote in the feel good do nothing but help themselves kleptocrats, but now they’re lean and wary.

    One can hope for an electoral epiphany? People just have to change their vote over one issue, not the platform, while ignoring the predictable and ridiculous attempt to use identity to drive cultural wedges between communities, constituencies and peoples.

    Like interest rates, inflation and market corrections, when it starts, if it/they start(s), the trickle will turn into a torrent imho.

    Populism is reflating, not interventionist statism and progressive Marxism, aka the neo-regals, their Courts, and their jesters.

  10. Nice to see one of the very few brave politicians, Derek Sloan, holding a press conference challenging Canada’s handling of covid and available treatments. He had three doctors speaking to their concerns on the vaccines, lack of treatment options and them being silenced and threatened. Oh and there’s been some whining about long videos lately, so for the stupid and lazy this one is about 38min long.

    1. Great. It is good to have at least one politician not afraid to tell the truth. He should join Max’s party.

    2. Thanks for the link. Very impressed that he has research biologist Dr. Byram Bridle onside. BTW for anyone interested you can change the playback speed of YouTube videos. Click on the gear icon near the bottom right and select Speed. Most vids can play at 1.25 or 1.5x normal speed and sound okay.

    1. Yeah it’s infuriating that conservative parties federally and provincially are purging themselves of the few brave politicians willing to push back on mainstream narratives.
