21 Replies to “This Is CNN”

  1. He should look over his shoulder if he wants to find a dangerous distortion of truth.

  2. The Propaganda from these assholes is truly an art form.
    He is just another in a multitude of cheap voices to spin the narrative.
    They can get away with this as it is classed as ‘opinionated journalism’ .

    1. He’s convinced himself that Trump had participated in “collusion-like” dealings with Russia? These people are literally … textbook … INSANE! They’re hearing voices. They’ve lost all contact with reality!

      PS … I can’t look at that creepy doughboy and not think he’s sitting naked, from the waist down pleasuring himself as he gives his masturbatory leftist answers to all the “hate” callers.

    2. If Trump’s presidency had a major flaw, it was his apparent ‘need’ to play silly footsie games with evil corporate media, instead of hammering the shit out of them with legislation. His supporters would have backed him all the way, but he never even tried.

      1. CO…his supporters were not in positions of power, and those that were worked over time to hobble him. BARFF threatened to quit if he fired Wray! One person can only do so much.

  3. What’s the difference between Brian Stelter and SDA trolls?

    Stelter gets paid a lot of money to espouse the Radical Leftist B.S. of his paymasters. The trolls on here do it for free because they’re too stupid to know how to monetize this “work”.

    1. So money for lying. Telling us something new.
      It’s the MSN, all they do is lie.
      Many folks with low IQ never check any facts, so they fall for it.

    2. How did the gender reassignment surgery go Roberta? Have you settled on a preferred pronoun post-op so you won’t fly off the handle if we misgender you?

  4. Of course we learned a lot about shady behaviour,Fake Newz is real.
    And this pathetic piece of work leads the slime.”What lie” ? His lips moving?
    It lies.
    CNN has covered the Biden Family,why indeed they have,with a tongue bath..

    “Win your Trust”..indeed forget Report the facts..
    All hail the sacred Progressive Narrative,.

  5. CNN shall henceforth be called the jerk-off network. Written, produced, and performed by jerk-offs for the edification of the left.

  6. “CNN asked to see what was on the Hunter Biden laptop but those requests were rejected.”

    And yet the New York Post had no problem getting it.
    And the story continues but they refuse to cover it.
    So in other words Potatohead is just flat out lying here.

    1. All they had to do was to announce they are trying to get them, and they would have had them!. But, I never heard peeps from cnn about that.. Lying Fkr!

  7. We need to do a lot more of this, because people like Stelter live in a leftwing echo chamber.

    Confront their lies whenever you can.
