7 Replies to ““Good People””

  1. Virtue signaling hell.

    Is that anything like: “everyone should be vaccinated” or “this experimental DNA modifying vaccination is safe” or “everyone should be tested”?


    Just come clean.

  2. I guess I’m not good people, after hearing Covid 19 being compared to the Spanish flu constantly. I did a bit, not even a lot, of research. The Spanish flu in Alberta when compared to the current pandemic was worse by nearly a factor of 10. For Covid 19 to match the devastation of the 1918-1920 pandemic there would be 18,500 deaths by now and nearly 38,000 by the end of next March.

    1. And let me guess … the population of Alberta was farrrrrrrr less in 1918 than now. Suggesting the current plandemic should be exponentially worse than the Spanish Flu … if you’re going to compare apples to apples.

      1. I compared historic pop vs current pop. ie. 500,000 vs 4,500,000. That doesn’t even address the fact that our population is far more dense. The Spanish flu is far deadlier than this blip has been so far.

        1. the fact that our population is far more dense

          You mean, IQ has dropped since the Spanish flu?

          1. You, my friend, are an idiot. You need to compare the percentage of people who died of the Spanish Flu to the percentage who have died of COVID. The percentage in regard to the Spanish Flu is an order of magnitude greater. People back then didn’t need to watch the news to know there was a pandemic. Many young people were dying in their communities. Average life reduction of a Spanish Flu victim: 40 years. Average life reduction of a COVID victim: 4-6 months. Any suggestion that COVID is similar to the Spanish Flu is irresponsible. It is really painful to hear people like spreading stupidity.

          2. (headslap) ESL, Boris? The pun is a common form of humour here.

            Long version explanation: “dense” has multiple meanings. People per square kilometer is one. When referring to people it can also mean a thicker skull that ideas have a hard time penetrating. Nothing you’ve added is unknown to us, and you might want to add that the average years of life lost to those who die from experimental gene therapy (what is now called a vaccine) are a closer fit to the Spanish Flu than to COVID.
