89 Replies to “There Is A ‘Connection’ Between Turbans And The Air India Bombing”

    1. “going”? Canada was circling the drain when Dief was elected. He did not manage enough to stop it then. Canada is long since finished, we’ve been a failed state since sometime around the fall of Saigon.

      1. Started back to MacKenzie-King. Anyone who elects a guy who thinks his dog is his long dead grandmother – and asks advice from same – is doomed.

      2. Canada is long since finished, we’ve been a failed state since sometime around the fall of Saigon.

        One of the first signs was the phony-baloney Berger Inquiry about the proposed Mackenzie Valley Pipeline. PET didn’t openly say he didn’t want it built, so he made the pretense of being open-minded by appointing Berger, a Dipper sympathetic to the natives, to look into it. When the report was released, many of us out west were disappointed but not completely surprised.

        The only reason the NEP was introduced in 1980 was because Joe Clark delayed it by about 2 years by having the audacity of being elected as PM.

        1. A lot of the locals along the Mackenzie Valley were also disappointed. They were hoping that Berger’s recommendations would include training them for various jobs, not elimination of any hope of same.

    1. We used the term “mood turban” back in the university days when our professors would show up with the color of the day.

    1. Right!? Kate never fails to amuse and PAINFULLY inform.

      I’m OUTRAGED by the racial profiling of white folk by this beard-netted religious fundamentalist! Didn’t JagMeat just commit HATE SPEECH by disparaging a group of people based on their naturally-born, immutable characteristics? Why hasn’t he been charged?

      1. I am amused…Kate!
        Doing the Queens wave to you.

        These politicians certainly have given you alot of material to work with in their stupidity.

  1. *
    likewise, i’ve never understood how a man
    whose ancestry is from a country with a
    rigid caste system
    … can accuse canadians
    of being racist.


  2. It is truly and utterly beyond my belief that in Canada, a Sikh,any Sikh, would DARE to open his or her mouth about extremism and extremists in Canada except to make apologies to the Canadian people.

    1. To know what the Left is up to, heed what they accuse you of. Projecting is their trademark.

  3. There is also a direct connection between the NDP, and the Liberals and Greens, to the murder of the innocent unborn.
    Murder? No problem. No mask? “How dare you?”.

    1. How about a connection between call-to-prayer Nenshi and his ilk and flying planes into buildings!

      (uh-oh… I hear the goose-stepping thought police busting down my door… gotta am-scray! )

    2. I want to play:
      There is a connection between the Paranoid Covid Sheep and those that watch CNN and CBC and adore Trudeau.

  4. And we won’t actually need to be a lying piece of Khalistani cow dung to play it. In India the dogs and cows in the street know that.

  5. Just as I have always said, there is a clear connection between the love of C19 anal swabs and higher intelligence.

    1. You’ve “always” said that have you? You wouldn’t know higher intelligence if it gave you an anal swab … which it probably has and which you likely enjoyed.

        1. I do, do I? You, once again, display an amazing lack of insight. Besides, projection is not exactly the product of a sound mind. By the way, what kind of a sick **** are you to come here daily and never convince anyone of any of your idiocies. You really must get 50 cents a post to do this. Tool and troll.

          1. JMHO…I am not sure that is Unme, or a someone that wants to mock him(it?).

          2. Considering how you’re utterly unable to spot a troll, I guess you’re the f**king idiot, Tommy boy. Me, I make a$$hats like you look stupid for shits and giggles.

        2. Thomas, be careful there. The last I joined him, the itching and swelling was unbearable. I needed antibiotics for weeks.

    2. That connection is an inverse proportionality.

      There is also a direct correlation between the rectal obsession you display and idiocy.

  6. What a disgusting thing for Jagmeet to say. I don’t even know what he hoped to accomplish. Demonizing people because they object to the pointless masks. The left truly does have a totalitarian streak.
    Actually CBC is also a culprit here. Trying to get people to conform by suggesting that protests are coming from the far right. Shameful, but not surprising.

  7. Every time this story appears it’s labelled as “Canada’s Worst Terrorist Incident”. Interesting, eh ? Alternatively, there’s a connection between “Montreal Massacre”, “Parliament Hill Murders” and … no not guns … troubled youths of the ‘Religion of Peace’ kind.

    1. I know that one, the same number as the number of stores they have looted.

    1. Oh yeah, Kenny is constantly French kissing Wretched Knothead’s ass. Then he wipes his shitty tongue and lips off on us.

  8. The far right and anti-maskers also have a link with the state slogan for New Hampshire, “Live Free or Die”.

  9. Here we go again. Saw this headline on CTV’s newsfeed. My immediate thought was Bulls#|!. Then I saw Singh’s name attached. What a buffoon. When does this crap end?

    I know, I know. It never will.

  10. Approvingly shares Tucker’s latest “Fauci created coronavirus” conspiracy theory, then two posts later, unironically complains about a politician who says he sees elements of right-wing, anti-government agitators affiliating amongst, and goading on, anti-mask protesters.

    1. I don’t think you are paying attention. Fauci most definitely illegally and covertly funded the “gain of function” research. And Jagmeet’s comment deliberately smears a substantial percentage of ordinary Canadians. Your careless, warped views are inviting this totalitarian nightmare.

      1. *
        who would choose to live in uber-evil canuckistan?

        when will jagmeet be returning to the equitable,
        racist-free ancestral land
        of his forefathers?

        someone remind me… how many millions died
        when india & pakistan were separated?


      2. Oh, they’re paying attention. To their Chinese paymasters and if they’re not being paid, their heads are so far up the place where nothing shines, it makes no difference. They will never learn of the connection between Fasci and the virus because they get their info from the CBC or MSNBC.

    2. Correction Ted … “Fauxci FUNDED COVID-19” with US taxpayer funds. There, I fixed it for you. Oh!? And BTW … the TRUTH … is never a “conspiracy” of any sort.

      And yes … Fauxci used a FRAUDULENT “health emergency” to bypass the BAN on such research. Seems the Deep State has discovered the ‘golden key’ for locking-out The People’s Representatives … “Health Emergency”.

  11. I have no objection to people demonstrating to their own base, who they really are. There is a 0.0000000099% chance that one person will go apostate from The Church of Marx over this. I will take whatever I can get.

      1. ^This. And not just according to one troll at SDA, but to the media, Democrats, LPC and NDP, not to mention many similar European intuitions. Most of the developed world in other words, and spreading faster than COVID-19 beyond it.

    1. Exactly. Make them name names, outside of the protected hallows of Parliament, or STFU. Enough with the innuendo.

    2. Stan, at the risk of being a little droll, the far right in Canada is Newfoundland, any further right and you just get very wet, and therefore the far left is BC. It’s ironic that those moochers on that far right part of Canada are left, and as you progress left across Canada you get to Sask and Alberta where there, more are right. Then of course, you trip over the Rockies and fall into Lotus land left and are bewildered as to where the hell you are and how you got there. I live in BC, and feel surrounded by the left, but not as surrounded as Alberta and Saskatchewan must feel. The sooner this whole Sh%t show falls apart, the happier I’ll be. So lets get on with it eh!

  12. Today on the AM 1150 news in BC, they actually announced that those that disagree with lockdowns, covid restrictions and the vaccines have inclinations toward far right extremism. Divide, divide, divide.

      1. Yet, the study still disparages those who properly follow science. Leftists still gotta Marxist.

    1. I prefer hard right extremism, as I’m going to hit you extremely hard with my right fist kind.

    2. Nenshi, then Singh, now local AM news somewhere in BC. Looks like Katie Telford’s sent out some texts.

      Probably the 73 members of the fourth reich storm troopers are pleased to receive the attention. Their tiki torches are burning in celebration as I speak. As for the aforementioned individuals and organizations, I fart in your general direction.

      Oh, and for the official snoops monitoring the site: Normal or regular Canadians of any complexion who are professional racists are vanishingly few and far between. There are, however, many utopian, socialist, crony capitalist, totalitarian racists around. People like you. And Jagmeet Singh.

  13. Let me see the far right won’t wear mask!

    Jagmeet Singh boys brought down Air India Flight 182 killing 329 passengers and Crew!

    He personally attended rallies to glorify Inderjit Singh Reyat and Talwinder SINGH Palmar both charged in this hideous crime!

    Something wrong in the word SINGH

    1. Identity politics is a tell for Marxism. Always keep in mind Marx was the original useful idiot. Racism is ubiquitous.

        1. Marx was useful to communists, collectivists and other power lusters who pretended to know how to change society.
          He was worse than useless to free enterprise, individualism and prosperity, the dictatorship of the poverty proletariat.

    2. Indeed.

      He is seen as a terrorist by the State of India and cannot travel there.

  14. And we know the “far right” is white.

    Singh is a racist, a divisive piece of shit.
    But he’s not much different than the BLM haters, the Religion of Peace haters or the We Were Here First Nations haters.
    These groups are all trying to win a race war by eliminating “whitey”. The men anyway.

  15. And what do you think they want to do to ” good old boys like me” after they seize everything?

  16. That piece of dung needs to be turbanated.
    Layton is looking good in comparison.
    Oh, and if any central scrutinizer is monitoring, I am not inciting far right violence. Fire them all. We are being governed by stupid fools.

    1. It’s likely just a mountie, getting all worked up before he goes home to beat his wife like the diseased scum they all are.

  17. Singh and Nenshi are Brown globalist race hustlers. They’ll throw that card on the table when they’re cornered or if they don’t get their way.
    Creating division is their stock in trade…it took some time but their own racism finally bubbled to the surface. “Far Right” is code for white people especially Christians and Jews whom they hate with the heat of a thousand suns which is particularly odd coming from Nenshi who knows full well in some parts of the world he’d be thrown off a roof.
    And as Linda noted, CBC was only too happy to throw gas on the fire.

    1. Excellent Comment Burton.


      NenXi is a corrupt POS, has used the face card in the past and most definitely IMO, is aligned with the Muslim Brotherhood…and I also believe that sack of dung has been coerced by the ChiComms…2 Trips to Being meeting with their Mayor (#5 guy in the CCP hierarchy), would seem to make that a Definite.

      1. The Purple Princess is looking forward to his free flying lessons from the MB.

  18. He’s a politician and politicians are cowardly scum.
    There is NO WAY he would have said this unless a) He thought he could get away with it , but more importantly b) it would play to his base and to a significant portion of the general population.
    In other words in ain’t Jagmeet we need to be concerned about, it’s all the other moronic assholes all around us who are lapping this BS up, because that’s what THEY believe. Should you be concerned? I would be.

  19. Now let’s do the connection between the racist communist regime in China, the extreme left radicals that support the lockdown, and the Trudeau government.

  20. I shamelessly borrowed your headline Kate.
    It is appearing as comment 2151 … likely not for very long. 🙂

  21. Wait till Steven Guilbeault hears about this.
    We may all say “Shaddap You Face” to one of the biggest motor mouth eggheads in Canada but we must still respect his right to free speech.

  22. Justin’s little b!#ch will say anything to be relevant but will never say outright that he condemns the murder of 332 people (as one of the victims was a pregnant woman).

    Even typing comments like this is giving this sort of twaddle the attention it does not deserve under any circumstances. It’s stupid, illogical, divisive and comes from a political loser whose party hangs onto the Liberals for dear life.

    Other than “F— off, Jag!”, nothing should be said to Singh about this absurdity.

  23. Well I imagine the best way to control the far right anti-vaccers is to restrict what they’re permitted to post on the internet! You do see where this little performance theater is leading don’t you?

  24. Bombings. Plural, it’s bombings.

    Jegmeets fellow travellers planted two bombs on two planes. The death toll was expected to be far higher.

    Lest we forget the poor Japanese baggage handlers in Tokyo.

  25. Well, all I can say Kate, is this: too bad Pinky “Tiger” No’Tool got pre-empted.

    No no! Not by you … by Jagmeet!

  26. Heh, a guy called to the radio just before 12 on QR77 and called the idiot a terrorist.
    The radio guy did not catch it and somebody let him know what got by him.
    He was apologizing to no end.
    He could be history though he is one of the socialists, very much like the rest of Corus socialist aristocrats.

  27. There is a connection between the likelihood of suffering from Wuhan Flu and the level of personal hygiene. Of course Dogmeat, who comes from savages unfamiliar with the concept of personal hygiene, prefers to just blame whitey.

  28. kenny is a chicom traitor………….. how many times did he go to china when he was an MP………….. honeypots & moneypots just like all the politicians in canuckstan

  29. I’m so old I remember when encouraging people to wear masks was considered far-right extremism.

  30. Dog Meat Sings’ brother is a BLM agitator, so no surprise. Funny, in my neck of the woods here in the L Mainland, the biggest anti-vaxxers are the Sikh community.

  31. There is a connection between rockets launched by terrorists from Gaza and terrorists meeting their creator in a jiffy.
    Jeesus might forgive them, but they just cling to their dead prophet.
