45 Replies to “Papers, Papers Please”

    1. .

      Cop: Why are you here?
      Me: Well sir, everyone has to be somewhere.

      Cop: But you are not supposed to be here.
      Me: Why not?

      Cop: Because you may get or spread the Chinese Flu.
      Me: But I am in my car, alone. What is the threat?

      Cop: Where are you coming from?
      Me: Home.

      Cop: Where are you going now?
      Me: Home.

      Cop: Tabernac!

      1. Cop: But are not supposed to be here.
        Me: I wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t stopped me.

  1. I’m a super spreader…
    Please let me through.
    Ford sent me to Karen you.
    Just sharing…
    We’re all in this together and I’m no longer sane.

  2. That looks like one of the bridges connecting Ottawa and Gatineau.

    Kebeckers must be pissed.

  3. Let’s look at the positive. While you can breach the Canada -U.S. border and they will carry your luggage, provincial borders are enforceable. I guess provinces and territories really are separate countries . Have they not just sent the precedent?

  4. Police were allegedly doing this two weeks ago entering Regina under the disguise of a alcohol stop Check.

  5. Tens of thousands of people illegally pour across the southern US border but try and legally immigrate into the US and join your spouse. Go ahead I dare you. I’ve been at it for seven years and this morning the immigration visa people at the consulate in Montreal sent me back to the beginning.

  6. Did it inconvenience anyone? I hear the Federal public service has not been in the office for 13 months now. So who is on the roads in Ottawa anyway? Oh of course. Costco is open.

    1. Hi Chris, there is still a small percentage of civil servants working on site. I can’t telework because my rural internet connection isn’t fast enough, GCRSA (Government Canada Restricted Secure Access) gobbles bandwidth and I need access to hardcopy records anyways. Also it’s pretty hard to take a piece of an aircraft home to work on it so the hangar floor is still full of Aircraft Maintenance Engineers. My coworkers who live in Gatineau were all given ‘essential worker’ papers months ago but the intent was to show them to the Gatineau police if they were commuting during the Quebec curfew.

      By the way, people from Quebec don’t go to Costco in Ottawa. People from Ottawa go to the Costco in Gatineau to save money on beer.

      It should be noted that the Mayor of Ottawa is long-time Liberal Jim Watson who was a member of Dalton McGuilty’s cabinet 15 years ago. Liberal is rooted in the Latin “libere” for freedom but the Liberal party is the first to strip away your rights.

  7. Oh sure, cross the border into New York. Think it’s any better there?

    What we need is a full scale cleansing of communism/totalitarianism. Russia, please nuke us now.

  8. Meanwhile planes are likely flying overhead depositing 30,000 travellers weekly from international locales at Pearson International Airport.
    We’re fng crazy. No, check that, they’re crazy… I’m just along for the ride.

  9. Probably a lot of government workers were in those cars. Many live in Ontario and work in Gatineau; similarly, many live in Gatineau and work in Ottawa. I am sure that after a year, some days responsible pubic servants feel that they have to go into the office. One study said that only 37% can work from home, which is about right. I was a federal public servant and no job there is possible working from home for a year!

    The premier of Ontario desperately needs new advisors or a brain.

    Actually, we do not need the federal government much. Just the pay branches.

  10. “Why are you here?”

    “To give you a reason for being here.”

  11. All Canadians should ask their officer at the bridge:
    “What is the average air speed velocity of a laden swallow?”
    That should demonstrate of the foolishness of the situation.

    1. I’m hoping that one of them gives the wrong answer and is thrown into the Chasm of Death, or whatever it was in the movie.

  12. It looks like all you need to do to get waved through a checkpoint is to hold up a paper with some writing on it at the cop. None of them appear to be close enough to the vehicles to read any of them. If they did, it would take the average driver about 8 hours to get to work. This is a typical public policy response which is instituted to give the appearance of “doing something” as panic sets in at the highest levels.

  13. And this police presence does what exactly (asking for someone who has a brain…)? Does it scare the crap out of COVID, prevent it from crossing the border, what?

    1. riffer73

      Now that’s thinking outside the box although Bubbles cannot control airports he can control roads to and from. Clever.

      Papers please … where are you from? …. have you proof of vac? ….. have you papers depicting a place of quarantine? … do you need help with that luggage?

      What a sham and Ford is starting to remind me more of Bubbles from Trailer Park as every day passes.


  14. Old timers have been heard to say that we didn’t need any bridges to K-bec.
    Nobody in Ontario went there and all the frogs could hop over on the lily pads.

    Now Ottawa and Hull I Mean Gatzinnoh are pretty intertwined. Ever since Pierre Weirdeau brought in bilingualism and made 40% of the federal bureaucracy French.

    The cops we don’t see probably have some AR’s at the ready.

  15. This is insane and a waste of everyone’s time. I am guessing most of those people are going to work. No one would choose to come to Ottawa just for “fun” . Dumb, dumb, dumb.

  16. They should all be smoking cigarettes while holding them pinched from below , wear long leather black trench coats and be able to sneer “check-in za paperz” slowly with malice.

  17. There’s only half a dozen copper cars there
    if they all did a runner
    the coppers can only chase one person at a time

    Sheeple need to start thinking for them selves

    Run for it Matey, Arrghhhh

  18. I sure would like to know how many of these cops are on overtime, rather than regular pay. My bet is most of them.

    1. But they’re all our “essential” heroes … Right? “Doing the most dangerous job in the world” … Why any minute … a Trump insurgency might breakout and the fire extinguishers will be flying!

  19. It’s outrageous! There are well proven, effective cures and they ignore them and do shit like this!

    And the media is complicit, they should be pointing out the mishandling and the ignoring of effective treatment and demanding explanations and answers, but nope, they go right along with the incompetence and fear mongering.

    1. Dirtman, “and the media is complicit”, er yep, the sock monkey is paying them big bucks, (our tax bucks) to be complicit. If they are not, they lose the extra compensation he’s handing out. Money talks loudly, other peoples money is even louder. Did you actually expect the media aptly named fake news, (by someone who shall remain nameless) to do anything else but toe the line? Or is that tow the line, when you are pulling weight for the sock monkey?

  20. Came for the comments, left satisfied. This isn’t happening in the USA yet, but we are very aware that Britain and Canada are the usual test beds for the eventual freedom-strippings to which we are subjected.
