Still Losing The Last Election

Conservatives launched their major campaign pitch today. It’s one thing to read the dingbat details but it’s a whole other thing to watch the leader try to sell them. I’ll apologize in advance but you need to see this. (There’s 15 minutes of music and pretty pictures before anything is said.)

Update: David Akin  @erinotoole says: “This is not a tax. Not a cent goes to Ottawa.” Consumer: I’m paying more at the pump no matter what. CPC: But u get credits you can spend on stuff. Consumer: Can I use it to buy anything I want? CPC: No. Only on items from a govt approved shopping list.

112 Replies to “Still Losing The Last Election”

  1. Anyone who genuinely thinks that there is any difference b/w the LPC and the CPC is willfully ignorant or delusional. The argument that the PPC will “split the vote” is a white elephant. Split b/w the Liberals and Liberal Lite. Got it!

    1. Doesn’t matter. Error O’Stoole has ensured the LPC will get a majority. Voting for PPC or the Maverick Party won’t split the vote to be of any consequence. I sure as hell will not be voting CPC this time out.

  2. If ever I had a doubt about the real CPC, this removes it. I will be actively working in the PPC campaign.

    1. I have just fired off a letter to the CPC cancelling my membership and monthly donation. Next election the first choice will be Maverick, second will be Max.

  3. If Trudeau announced he was lowering the age of consent to 10 years old, O’Tool would campaign on “10 years plus a day”.

  4. The CPC and Erin Otoole (pathetic Thumb of a progressive frontman ) can go fuck themselves, hard. Maverick is a better choice than the PPC though.

    Max has good ideas, but does not stand a hope in hell of coalescing the vote around him.

    Even if Maverick won took every conservative seat and flipped it, the West would still have no voice – and maybe thats what its going to take to get the average Western Canadian voter aware that separation is the only answer to our survival, and playing within the realm of the Laurentian elite is a dead end.

    Max has pretty much impossible hill to climb in terms of winning the East – and without that there isnt much meat on that bone.

    Maverick does not need the eastern vote.

    1. So Ward, if Max can’t get us there, then there is only one alternative – riots and insurrection. It’s the only way a dedicated few can change things. At least that’s what history tells us. Expecting to win a majority vote for anything but socialism is hopeless.

  5. Fifty-four percent of the CPC convention delegates voted against this which tells you the kind of corrupt, unaccountable institution that the CPC has become. I despise political parties. I despise democracies as they have evolved. We would be better governed if anyone with citizenship would be selected at random for a limited single term of a year or two of public service to run parliament. There would be far fewer psychopaths involved as they wouldn’t be able to congregate into politics.

    1. I propose an option to choose “none of the above” on every ballot, and if the majority select that option then no one takes that seat in parliment. also randomly selecting from the voter rolls persons to sit in the senate for a limited term

      1. The amount of lying and bluffing this guy did to get elected leader is staggering. What is he thinking? Thar people want more Trudeau just with a paunch and male-pattern baldness?

        1. That used to happen in ancient Athens; some positions were filled by random selection.

        2. He just thinks it’s clever politics; his short pants wearers think it is machiavellian, oooh, so archane and special secret as I they learned in poli-sci 101. And he thinks people he cheated will follow him? His advisors counter : Where else do they have to go. I think we’ve just heard the answer PPC, Maverick or abstain. The leadership brains trust of the Conservative Party always seem to think the base will follow wherever they go.

    1. “Who is advising this wacko? He’s so done.”

      Must be the same idiot who is advising Jason Kenney as he’s going down in flames.

      1. Jason Kenny is french kissing Wretched Knothead’s ass. Then he wipes his shitty tongue and lips off on us.

      2. Jason Do-Little (the federalist shill) was a staunch supporter of O’Fools leadership run. ‘Nuff said.

  6. I am so glad I didn’t vote for them last election…and that is obviously not changing anytime soon

  7. What bull this is!

    Maybe we should NOT be bringing in more immigrants, who are expensive, create garbage, as we do, create excessive energy use and create overcrowding/housing demand in our cities and inflated housing costs no Canadians can afford.

    O’toole and the CPC party have no vision and are doomed, yet again. Who will be the first to create a law that foreign entities can not buy property or have to pay millions of dollars to do so? Answer: no one.

    1. It’s interesting that the Liberals both 1) complain about the West’s excessive production of CO2 and 2) want to add 400,000 more people to Canada so they too can produce more CO2.

      It’s the same dumb hypocrisy that makes them shut down the energy industry while giving $500 million to an airline.

      As for O’Toole, he’s further left than Chretien, Turner and Martin. Canadian politics has swung so far to the Left that the Liberals are now the NDP and the Cons are somewhere in between the old Liberals and today’s NDP.

  8. Didn’t O’Fool run for leader claiming to be a real conservative. I am sick and tired of these wokistani imposters running bait and switch campaigns. If they really believe their policies are winners, they should campaign on them. First the Dairy Queen, now this. Just more tax grabbing Laurentian Imperialism.

    1. Same way they tanked the NDP nationally.
      No one voting for a ‘woke’ leader who hates whites.

      1. The absurd comedy of the NDP and their gotta have a POC leader is that they think all POC are the same. While they might prefer to have one of their own, they do not want a leader from a different POC group, and are often quite hostile to them. I doubt many Hindus want to vote for a Sihk, and neither group will support a Pakistani. The second choice for almost all POC is a white guy, because they came to this country because they wanted a country run the way white guys do. This was explained to me by an Afghani immigrant friend. Choosing a POC leader is a great way to lose the POC vote.

    2. Zero-t00l touted his CAGW connections and pledged allegiance to the Paris Agreement during the leadership race. And the Party voted him in anyways. And then he ignores his grassroots – “I KNOW how to get elected – the Conservative Party of Canada has GOT to SAAAAAVE THE EARTH!!!” despite 54% of the delegates telling him not to.

      He can expect no mercy from the Party if he fails to win the next election – we sent the Dairy Queen down the road, Zero-t00l will be next. Sadly it means Little Potato will get back in, but he’s running the country openly as a dictator now, and the tool is preaching the liberal platform almost word-for-word – what’s the difference?

      1. Funny that every problem has the same solution to these clowns, more taxes.

        If they really believed this so important, a winning strategy would be to encourage energy efficiency by eliminating the GST on things like insulation and weather stripping, and eliminating subsidies to green in name only projects like solar farms.

        1. According to Trueadu, it’s not a tax, it’s a payment.
          According to O’Toole, it’s not a tax, it’s a saving.

          According to me, it’s a lot of cobbler, that’s what it is .

  9. Who is advising this wacko?
    This is the advice from so-called professionals who understand that the majority of Canadians vote for leftist parties including the mindless mushy middle who supposedly swing between parties at the slightest whim. They conclude that conservative voters have no choice but to vote for the party so they can be ignored while the brilliant kids advise their leader who is also beholden to eastern power brokers, that all you have to do to pick up the mindless mushy middle swing votes is join the left in policy all be it in a slightly lessor level of zeal and poorly disguised level of insincerity. IOW you don’t argue for good policies, you whisper me too for poor policies and hope to squeak out a victory.

  10. Surely this idiot is aware that the great bulk of conservatives are climate skeptics doesn’t he?
    And to push this global warming crap is a guaranteed election loss?
    What the hell is wrong with his brain?
    And then he doubles down, the pin faced moron. Trudeau lap dog.

    1. He knows that the climate skeptics alone are not enough for him to win, so he’s pandering to the moderate believers to try and get their votes too. But he’s too dumb to realize that moderate believers are unlikely to vote Conservative and conservative skeptics will never vote for his Liberal-Lite pandering. His political instincts are moribund.

  11. That was absolutely abhorrent and stupid. He’s trying appeal to millennials (maybe?) and he puts on 15 minutes of boring music and stupid video and then jumps into a idiotic boring speech. Kim Cambell’s redemption arc is here.

    1. O’Toole’s weird, scary looking, car-salesman fake smile during the press conference was just plain strange. It was also a ‘tell.’ At least Peter McKay would have believed in this kind of red-Tory wokism. O’Toole doesn’t look genuine and he will get nowhere with this acting performance.

      I could at least understand the political theory behind this ‘Red-Shift.’ Abandon the core conservatives, lose some votes in rural ridings but still win them, gain more votes in suburban Toronto, maybe get a minority or bare majority win out of it. But this requires a charasmatic leader. O’Toole is not. He is a scheming wannabe, ready to abandon any principle at the drop of a hat. People who want useless government climate action already vote for Trudeau and they aren’t going to change after today.

  12. Three left parties is all Canada has. Radical left, far left and progressive right that think going slowly to Marxism makes them conservative.

    1. TJ, couldn’t agree more. For O’Toole to masquerade as a conservative is ridiculous. Throw him out!

    1. For O’Toole, it is not a scientific question. It is a political issue. You are right, but what is he to do when 80% of the Canadian public think climate change is something that needs to be addressed?

      1. And that’s exactly it.

        We conservatives are a MINORITY in this country. Especially east of Saskatchewan. I’ve been saying for a while now that Canada is about 65% progressive, and that number’s probably closer to 75% in Ontario & Atlantic and higher again in Quebec. Campaigning on small-c conservatism in that environment is a fool’s errand. Rack up huge wins in AB & SK, yes – lose the country, yes.

        Honestly? Forget about it. Just forget about it. Politics is downstream of culture. Unless Canada’s culture ever changes to become significantly less socialist, progressive, left-leaning, etc. then the Conservatives will never be doing anything other than fighting a rearguard action anyway. The country will continue moving left, left, left until it strangles the golden goose.

        We can’t vote our way out of this. Never could.

        1. A debt crisis is coming.
          Maybe next year, maybe 7-8 years from now, but it is coming. That is the only thing that will end this generation of woke. Pandering red toryism won’t do anything.

      2. Just put things in a percentage base, 416 PPM, and humans contribute about 5% of that .0416 component, and it may just sink in to people how minor things really are. And many religious people also believe we should do something “just in case”. Cuckservatives are piss poor communicators

        1. That’s 0.000416, 416 parts per million. We have added 1 molecule for each 10000 in the atmosphere.
          There is a large percentage of voters who are worried enough about Trudeau that they will be looking for a viable alternative. At the same time the public has been brainwashed to a such a degree that a party must at least make reassuring noises. O’Toole is bidding $20. Trudeau now has it at $40 and rising at $10 per year so in 5 years we will be paying $90. I’ll take the $20, thanks. Max is right but unelectable, Libs want at least 300,000 of us to vote PPC to ensure their victory but I don’t do what the crime party wants. So the choice is to reassure those ~8,000,000 voters that are now questioning Trudeau and may vote CPC to allow a scrape by in voter rich Ontario or be a puritan Conservative voter, satisfy 500,000 voters who may vote Max or stay home, and help reelect Trudeau. In any event Wexit in the next ten years to avoid the collapse.

      3. A Liberal friend actually had a better suggestion: vary HST on purchases to promote purchases on energy efficient options. High taxes on trucks and low efficiency furnaces, low taxes on gas misers. Oh, I know, this plan is fraught with procedural and ethical issues but it’s STILL a better proposal than this Byzantine dung heap O’Toole is pushing. The point is that it isn’t hard to come up with alternatives that can kowtow to the climate Cargo Cultists but still be useful. God help us.

    2. Actual CAGW figures are irrelevant to all of them – it’s all about the money; and best of all, the pol’s have cottoned-onto CAGW as “the gift that keeps on giving”.

      And the POWER – getting to order us proles around, tell us we can’t have cars anymore and that we’ll be allowed one flight – not return, btw – every five years and that our smart-meters are setting our thermostats to fifteen degrees all winter and thirty degrees all summer – but they have our best interests at heart, they’re doing their best to SAAAAAVE THE EARTH for us, after all…

      And of course the bans and proscriptions don’t apply to them – they work HARD on our behalf, so they’re entitled to their Zils and dachas. Best not inquire too deeply into it, comrade – that ‘voluntary reclamation camp’ on Ellesmere Island is fast becoming a tropical paradise thanks to global warming and the efforts of all the ‘volunteers’ who’ve been sent up there to help. And it must be true – none of them have ever come back to tell us what it’s really like.

  13. “Conservatives launch comprehensive plan to fight climate change”

    It would be so much easier to just put a paper bag over your head and then fight for air.

  14. I’m surprised he didn’t throw in banning all firearms for good measure, or did I miss that? And he could have required all water pistols and super soakers be registered.

    I don’t believe I’ve ever heard more moronic nonsense. It rivals the Greenies!

    CPC = lost cause.

  15. How stupid is this guy and by extension what did the idiots that voted for him hear?
    Derek Sloan, what are you doing at present – can we talk? Peter?

  16. The reason conservatives cant get elected is not because they lack a climate plan it is because they lack a leader

      1. And they don’t run on policy. Harper won with his simple 5 point platform and effect communicated it. I still remember most of it. Can’t remember anything Scheer talked about.

        1. james, Harper lost in 2015, bc he knew that the party no longer was conservative, nor was he, he implemented some very poor policies, and failed to implement some that would be better for people in general.

  17. Well what can one say? A country that has no alternative to the three brain dead leaders of our national political parties, doesn’t have a snowballs chance in hell to get out of the downward spiral we have created for ourselves. The carbon tax that was introduced to combat climate change by making the big polluters pay and show the world that Canada was a morally superior country by setting a shining example has only proven to the rest of the world how dumb we really are. We have sold our birthright, courtesy of a bunch of fools that think they can save the world by selling the farm for some magic beans that will bring us eternal prosperity without any effort. We are well down the road to perdition and none of the fools leading us realize it nor do their sycophants and those of us that do are in the minority and are being swept along with the herd. Being long of tooth and short of hair I don’t expect to see the end result nor would I want to. A land full of shining opportunity just a half century ago has become a living nightmare ruled by idiots.

  18. The strategy is clear: Act even dumber than Trudeau.

    It might just work!

    I’m donating to the Bloc.

  19. I don’t like O’Toole and won’t be voting for him, but I think the essence of the problem is not O’Toole, but the political dynamic in Canada. Conservatives cannot win until the public is totally disgusted with Liberals. Too many people still support them. It’s a lost cause. Nothing O’Toole does will make a difference. People will sneer at everything he does because nothing will make a difference.

    1. Exactly. Again.

      For the last century, Canada has been and continues to be a Liberal fiefdom that only elects Conservatives when Liberal corruption simply grows too foul to bear. Conservatives only hold power so long as it takes the Liberals to rinse off a layer of stink, apply a new palatable leader if necessary, and reenter stage left. Then Conservatives are once more removed from power and Liberals reinstalled. Rinse & repeat.

      Preston Manning and the Reform party either did not understand or would not accept this dynamic and effectively wasted a generation’s worth of time during which western Canada should have laying the groundwork for eventual secession. Instead western Canadian cities have become no less infected by progressive thought than central Canadian cities and now western Canada may already be too far gone to save.

      1. I.M, “Canada may already be too far gone to save”, May??? Nope, our goose is cooked, burnt to a crisp in fact. A fork won’t even penetrate!

  20. O’Stoole is a genius.
    He just locked in all the progressive conservatives out there.

  21. Why do we have the leaders we do? Because Canadians, by and large, are smug, self-satisfied, self-righteous, brain-dead pieces of shyte.

    Herewith endeth the lesson. I can’t wait until this stupid country breaks up.

  22. Does anyone know who is actually running the Conservative Party at this time? Is it the National Council? Is it the Conservative Fund board? Is it the Conservative Caucus? Is it the feckless “leader”? Is it the kids in short pants running around the OLO? Are any of them actually conservatives?

  23. Sorry, I cannot waste 15+ minutes on this CPC drivel, just like I cannot spend time watching CBC/CTV-news drivel.

    1. You and me both David. I quit watching CTV a good while back, and iIve never watched CBC more than I could stomach, (about two minutes) A good friend says he checks in on CBC to know what the enemy is doing, but I just can’t lower myself far enough to watch it.

  24. Conservatives should have stuck with Scheer. Would not have worked either for a win, but lots of energy and effort for nothing would have been saved. So do they have yet another leadership race when O’Toole loses?

    1. Yes.
      The Conservative Party has to “have it out,” as it were. Blue vs red. Pollievre vs McKay. Winner take all. None of this half-n-half pandering.

  25. The stupid idiots aren’t smart enough to not cause an election. The Liberals have bought and paid for their votes and the media but the money will run out with consequences of cutbacks and taxes to follow. With covid they will not be able to campaign even if they were capable of being effective.

  26. This is seriously the dumbest policy I’ve ever seen. It only hurts the CPC. Conservatives like me prefer rebates to some slush fund crap and retarded centrists would too.

  27. SMOD (Sweet Meteor Of Death) please put the remaining remnants of Canada out of its misery.
    Aim for a somewhere between Toronto and Montreal for the best affect.

  28. There is a growing demographic of citizens eligible to vote but do not.
    I see two factors causing that demographic to grow by the next election.
    Well three if you add the NDP leader to that mix.
    Liberals seeing their party led by an embarrassing light weight.
    Conservatives seeing their *leader actively campaigning for the liberals while ignoring or outright throwing them under the bus.
    Liberal voters decide to stay home on Election Day and conservatives throw up their hands in resignation that there isn’t a conservative on the ballot to vote for.

    At this point mischief is important.

  29. What the Liberals say about the Conservatives: they’re like the mumps, you only get them once in your life.

    I’ll vote for my (kinda nutty) Libertarian Party.
    Or I might just spoil my ballot.

  30. And, in related news, this release from Randy Hillier, MPP.

    “April 14, 2021) Federal MP Derek Sloan (Hastings-Lennox & Addington) is hosting Members of the “End the Lockdown Caucus” on Parliament Hill for a National News Conference. He will be joined by Randy Hillier (MPP, Lanark-Frontenac-Kingston) Maxime Bernier (Leader of the People’s Party of Canada) and Pastor Michael Thiessen. During this media availability, End the Lockdown Caucus members will present evidence on why lockdowns are ineffective, have caused more harm than good, and how governments’ responses to COVID have created a political crisis that is now destroying the fabric of our country and society.”

    You can bet your bippy that Pinky No’Tool and his jellyfish were nowhere in sight.

  31. Even the dumbest liberal voter should realize that for the last year 338 MP’s have been paid an average $200,000 per year for doing absolutely nothing. In addition there are countless thousands of civil servants working behind the scenes again doing nothing. If the average Canadian does not realize that this level of government is not required then we are in serious trouble. To the average Canadian when was the last time you corresponded with your MP and what was the result.

  32. His words are Musak to my ears. And in French too. 16 more years of Justin then his son will take over.

    Will this incompetence ever end? I guess not. Problem is that every other western country is f*&ked too.

    Time for Sask and Alberta to leave.

  33. The absolute best outcome for this would be for Le Dauphin to win a solid majority (i.e. O’Toole does even worse than Scheer) The signatories of the Buffalo Declaration resign from the CPC caucus and actively pursue independence.

    Again, I will spoil my ballot. Don’t know if we will have anyone running for Max in our riding. Doesn’t really matter, just want to write cuss words on a ballot 😉

  34. So now that this crap has been released, does O’Toole and his merry men sit around and slap themselves on the back thinking they are swaying the centre vote over to them. Do they poll. It certainly apparent to me that they didn’t watch this before they released it because no sane, common sense person would say “wow that’s it”

  35. The only question left to answer at this point is how many Con MP’s lose their seats in the next election, I say they”ll lose at least 20.
    Why would the Con Party hire corrupt Liberals to run their party is anyones guess, my guess is that they hire Liberals to run their party and their campaigns because its a sure fire way of losing.
    Remember folks, the Cons want to lose.

    1. I hope the Cons are obliterated.
      Nobody who is a conservative should vote for these SOB’s.
      The “Party” needs to be nuked, pissed on and buried.

  36. The look on the dickhead’s face when he loses on election night will be priceless. Hoping for a massive loss. And looking forward to the pathetic list of excuses cited for the loss.
    Every single useless Con needs to go no matter how good they may be. Serves them right for not standing up to the dickhead. Cowards all. Who wants to be represented by a damn coward.

  37. You weren’t paying attention.

    You pay and pay and they give you back some Conservative Tyre money.

    You can use it to buy a Chinese made bike or a Chinese slave made solar panel or if you are a really special person you can drop it in the large Chinese made acrylic box marked ‘Trudeau Foundation’.

  38. This Tool, pretty much guarantees Fidel’s Bastard spawn the Next Federal Election

  39. Wally asked: “To the average Canadian when was the last time you corresponded with your MP and what was the result?”

    I have corresponded with ALL MP’s of every political stripe over a variety of issues in the past several months. I have had exactly one personal response to one enquiry. Every other one has been a computer generated “Thank you for your communication” acknowledgement of receipt. That’s what we get for our 338 X $178,000 per year, plus all the perks.

    Never, ever doubt that we work for them.

    1. That’s their salary. How many work in their offices?

      As with all things government, the sticker price is 1/10 the total bureaucratic outlay.

    2. No Guff

      I e-mailed my con rep and told him andy scheep was going to loose the election, but was answered back that not to worry, as andy knew what he was doing. Cons are as stupid or stupider than libtards, at least libtards know how to win elections!
