Dave’s Not Here

Life isn’t a Cheech and Chong Movie.

From LA Times

In the months before three young siblings were slain inside a Reseda apartment, the alarms about Liliana Carrillo’s ability to care for the kids grew louder and louder.

Carrillo was “extremely paranoid” and erratic, according to her boyfriend’s account in court papers, which described her increasingly bizarre claims: that she was “solely responsible” for the COVID-19 pandemic and that his hometown of Porterville was beset by a pedophile ring.

Denton, the children’s father, said in an interview and in petitions to a Tulare County judge that Carrillo had struggled with postpartum depression for years. She had expressed thoughts of suicide and often self-medicated with marijuana, he said in court papers, but in recent months, she had “lost touch with reality,” he said.


I’m no more anti-pot than I am anti-scotch but there’s serious consequences in using too much of it. I’ve seen a number of people fry their brains. My guess is what’s described above is an under-reported story.  Also

33 Replies to “Dave’s Not Here”

  1. I have a thirty something niece who started using it, she smokes it nonstop around her four kids and all the children have gained a great deal of weight and are now obese. She calls them her happy sticks, and in the next breath tells me she smokes the stuff for her “Anxiety”. The poor kids reek of skunk pisse and get picked on at school for it, but does she care=no she’s to busy getting high. The double standard sickens me, if she was drunk all day everyday the powers that be would step in and do something, but because it’s pot oh well kids can deal with her addiction.

    1. Wrong, a female family member is a drunk and has three teenagers. The eldest, 16 years old, has dropped out of school and joined her drinking daily. The two younger ones were falling behind in school which they rarely attended due to chaos and crisis at home. They were filthy, hungry a lot of the time so they left her and moved in with their father. Their father soon had them back at school and all caught up and decently clothed and fed. After a few months, a social worker then accepted drunk mommy’s complaints about parental alienation syndrome without consulting with the school, the teens or the father. She swoops in and issues orders that the two younger teens must henceforth stay with mom on all school nights and can only stay with their father on weekends when he does not have to work. He’s a health care aide so he works shifts almost every weekend but we are talking teenagers so they can be alone for a shift. The teen that dropped out with Mom’s encouragement? He’s sixteen so he can make his own choice, according to the social worker. It’s better for him to drink at home under his mother’s supervision. After two weeks of drunken chaos the two younger boys both ran away back to Dad. The social worker came in again and made all kinds of threats. Long story short, a lawyer, lots of legal fees and family court, with help from the school submitting contrasting reports about the two boys’ performance depending on which parent they were with, overrode the idiot social worker and the two boys got to live with Dad again. The eldest is a write off. I swear a lot of social workers are people who are so incompetent in life that they try to make up for it by messing other people up as much as possible. This particular one I describe must be a graduate of the school of the Evils of Patriarchy. To find out who is wrong in a situation, just check for the penis. Those poor Carillo babies did not have the ability to run away to live with their dad like teenagers do. So no it’s not just pot smoker mommies. Drunk mommies get away with things too, just because they are mommies.

  2. Hey, everybody get some soma, available at ever corner store or a dealer and world will look just fine.
    Heh, things like this?
    Shit happens.
    Get down with the program.

    1. Bob, whats your name?
      Bob, whats your name?
      Bob, can you spell your name?
      Great Creech and Chong skit…

      1. Ever caught one of their stoner shows from the 1980 era, lately?

        Beyond cringeworthy now, sure was funny in my stoner days, but now? Ugh…………..

        1. Hard to find them back then as some of their material was on records.
          Too much censorship of their stuff as it was so funny and raw comedy.

  3. At least Justin has accomplished one thing, he has made adults drug dependent. When the high from Marijuana is no longer enough what will they graduate to

  4. “Pot has never affected me” – Probably the most common phrase I’ve heard from losers I’ve periodically encountered since the late 70’s. It’s always a laugh because they are so unaware of the preventable conditions they have made within their lives, yet try to convince that they have some sort of superior attitude and formula for life success.

    “Whatever, that’s nice” you reply then social distancing as the best solution.

  5. At least one can recover from pot addiction, and lead a normal and very productive life, without consequences (AHEM).

    On the other hand, I’ve known former Heroin and Mushroom addicts, and yes, they are fcked for life, and there are famous LSD burnouts as well, that never recover, Syd Barrett of Pink Floyd comes to mind.

    As for those still deep in their self-induced stoner state, yes indeed, denial isn’t a river in Egypt. Every time a stoner makes a vacuous statement, my BS meter goes off, been there done that, nothing but crap and excuses.

    A drug is a drug is a drug, legal or not. Having said that, my inner Libertarian says you can smoke your brains out, so long as it only affects yourself. Once kids are involved, its child abuse, no different than alcoholic mommy all wined up to pick the kids up from school

    1. “It’s REALLY bad for people who are susceptible to schizophrenia.”

      That’s true, but funny in that it’s a similar excuse the Liberal “gun banners” use for gun control, but want pot fully legalized – no mental health checks. Despite of the fact that gun owners do go through mental background and spousal approval checks before being issued a licence.

  6. I lost one of my sons because of his pot smoking from Jr. HS through his HS years and beyond. Became completely schizophrenic and took his own life. I share this horrific reality of my life to warn all parents !! Don’t let your children grow up to be pot heads … it will fry their brains.

    And don’t start with alcohol. That too got so bad … the women of America started a temperance movement and got the country to enact prohibition. People scoff at that now … without ever examining the genesis of the movement. No, it wasn’t just “religious” … it was a response to a country drinking themselves into a 24-7 stupor.

    Smoking (or edibling ourselves) into a pot stupor … won’t end well.

    1. My condolences Kenji.

      I would need to really sit down and think about the number of family and friends I’ve seen die from drug overdoses and drug related suicide over the decades. Good people, functioning with families that took that one wrong dose (Heroin & Fentanyl), and then the followup suicides of their children years later. Several deaths both on my wife’s side of the family and mine along with some old friends from school years.

      That said, Liberals will never convince me that legal recreational drugs are the sign of a healthy society, in fact I truly believe that our current Fentanyl scourge is a covert chemical weapons attack by the Communist Chinese, something that they learned from the British during the Opium Wars.

    2. Im sorry for your loss Kenji. We are facing the same scenario with one of ours. He’s not dead yet but I think it’s only a matter of time and I am so very sorry.

      1. My condolences as well to people here who have this terrible vice you try to break your family away from.
        My brother was caught in that pot addiction since he’s been 14. In trouble with cops, in jail, etc.
        Jail just made him more street smart to the cops.
        I haven’t talked to him in over 35 years as his life was totally structured around his pot addiction.
        Being stress free from his problems being imposed on me.
        I am sorry, I know that this is totally different from the grief you others must be feeling.

        1. You got it right Jojo.

          It is truly a Drug Culture. When someone is in that traffic lane, Drugs are center stage. For pot, you were either smoking it, sharing it, talking about it with your fellow heads, looking at the last crumbs in your bag, then chasing it, hunting it, asking your fellow heads for it, bumming it, and then, VOILA, scoring this new bag of sweet smelling mystery buds.

          And then repeat the cycle. The life of any drug addict is structured, as you say, wholly around the culture. Just look at the miscreants hanging around your local pot shop. 70s throwbacks.

          Well, at least the pizza industry is thriving, while these mindless yobs pay MOAR taxes to government, for their addiction

    3. Thank you gentlemen, for your kind words. We spent 17 years with him in and out of jail, mental holds, etc. life finally became too much to bear. He was a straight-A student, talented musician, and generally a nice kid. I am convinced that the pot was the one wildcard that initiated whatever underlying chemical imbalances he had.

      And a frightening number of his classmates … from our upper-upper middle class suburban enclave died in their 20’s and 30’s … all from drugs. You gotta keep your kids on the straight and narrow path … we did with 2 out of our 3 kids … but lost the middle child (who was named after my brother who died at age 27 from a rare cancer). Guess I jinxed him, rather than honored him with the name.

      PS … he passed-away just over a year ago … and we had a memorial service scheduled TWICE … in March, then July … only to have COVID cancel both … we are just now scheduling another. Speaking of adding insult to injury. My daughter, who was devastated by her brother’s death … insists … on an in-person memorial service … she refused to Zoom his memorial. God, I love my daughter (my kid who is most like me).

      1. Sorry for the loss Kenji, there’s no guarantee with kids or addiction.

        I’m lucky, both kids did not get in that life, no thanks to dad who was a little hard on them about it, but it came from experience, knowing the pitfalls.

        I can’t say why some people can quit and move on with their lives, and why some dive deeper into more and worse drugs. If that reason was known, we could wipe out addiction overnight. As it is, we have governments encouraging addiction, eliminating laws, adding cushy facilities to get high, and soon, providing all the hard drugs any hard core addict will ever need, because Feelings, and “saving lives”.

        Saving them, for what? An ongoing life of thievery and dereliction?

      2. Alex Berenson was on Tucker Carlson tonight and laid bare the TRUTH about cannabis use and dangers. He is a brave man. Because the BLM’ers are asking for FREE cannabis for all African Americans … as reparations. It is a very dangerous drug in its current high strength THC strains. Talk about your GMO’s … sheesh.

  7. I suspect that anti-male and anti-father politics came into play here, too, in the various agencies unwillingness to take the father seriously.

    1. Yes, want to find out who is at fault? Check for the penis. It’s easier than actually doing your job as a social worker.

  8. I always thought “at least pot doesn’t kill anyone”

    Then I lost two teens (pedestrians) to a stoned driver. Then realized there’s no roadside test for pot that can be done without a warrant (besides the “walk the line”, “monitor the pupils” thing). I.e., there’s no breathalyzer type test that can be done without a warrant. And at least in the state of Michigan, there’s no standard to gather such evidence even in a potential fatality accident.

    Despite all that I’m all for legalization – but with liberty comes accountability. And we have to be able to have mechanisms to hold abusers accountable for their actions to stop their choices from damaging others.

      1. Appreciated greaty. They are in heaven, I’ll see them eventually.

        He’s in jail. If the cops had tested him, he’d be in jail longer which really pisses me off. Worse than the pot usage that they didn’t test him for, he was habitually committing crimes against others, getting out early, and then committing more crimes often before his original sentence even ended. Florida has what they call a “truth in sentencing law” which means that when they sentence you to 10 years, you have to serve at least 7. Yeah, thats “truth”

        But to the OP…marijuana is not victimless. Some of us (me and my kids included) believed it was. Its not. Not only can people mess up their own lives, they can f*** up others too. And while we are rushing to legalize/decriminalize it, we have no mechanisms to monitor misuse. Thats an issue I take personally – as a libertarian type, I support letting people use. But we gotta make sure they don’t damage others by their choices.

  9. My experience with pot smokers, some pre- and post-adoption, is that smoking pot makes you lazy and stupid. The more you smoke, the lazier and stupider you get. Of course, the same is true of hard liquor, but for some reason the potheads all have some kind of moral superiority complex.

  10. There’s no such thing as post-partum depression.

    It’s a polite term for buyer’s remorse.

    What? You actually had to care for a snot-nosed brat, darling? Should have thought of that before you opened your legs.

  11. Can’t believe the number of pot stores opening in Toronto. There is so much tragedy in drug and alcohol abuse and it seems every family, mine included, has some form of addiction. The drugs today are killers as the number of overdoses is soaring.

    A close friend of mine made a great statement years again when we saw cocaine at parties. He said he would never try it in case he liked it! My feelings also.

  12. I never tried the stuff myself, not even tempted to. For one thing, I considered it wrong and I attribute my upbringing to that. Besides, if my father had found out that I did, he’d have beaten the living daylights out of me.

    During my sophomore undergrad year, I lived on a residence floor where that sort of thing frequently went on. I never liked the smell of the stuff. I became particularly nervous when I found out that my next-door neighbour had boxed in his desk and was growing the stuff inside the enclosure.

    Later, after I finished my B. Sc., I attended two different concerts where it seemed every second person had lit up. I went home each evening feeling slightly ill.
