50 Replies to “You’re going to love it”

    1. Also in 613. Neither of our two cellphones got the message.

      Remember that the emergency alerting system was designed and built by the federal bureaucrats who have a track record of abysmal failure when it comes to designing and building anything that involves computer systems.

      1. I got it this morning. I’m 613.
        The French version makes me swear twice as much.
        I get alot of spam calls so I block the numbers after I get them.
        I thought of this for the alerts which were 70707 and so now they’re blocked.
        Hope it works.

    2. What the hell? WHAT is going on in Ontario? Is there some drastic spike in the death rate? Hospitalizations? (Until June 2019 I lived on the border in the Niagara region, U.S. side, for 30 years. And in Ontario for 15 years before that. Now I’m in my home state in thr Midwest. Have friends in Ontario but feel distant from them now, geographically and ideologically. This seem very weird.)

    3. Same here. We both live in 613 area code, and did not receive the alert message.

  1. I’m a trucker and in North Ontario right now and was just crawling into bed after a long night running and this crap came over my phone! Nothing wakes you up faster then that noise! And for what?

    1. I always turn the ringer off when I hit the pillow!!
      More determined now that emergency alerts are common.

  2. Gotta raise the fear factor. I wonder if any morOntarians will call 9-1-1 to complain about being woken up, like they do after Amber Alerts.

    1. I don’t think people are listening to Premier Ford anymore…
      All these lockdowns have a breaking point when nobody knows of anyone who is sick.
      And yet daily the threats are getting worse.
      Everybody in my group of friends have had their first shot but me and still more lockdowns.
      Don’t seem fair especially when others have exemptions.

    1. My android phone ( Samsung ) has none of the Emergency or Emergency Alerts anywhere in it. Must be removed in phones after 2016 ?

      Should be a Class Action Lawsuit filed. You don’t pay for my phone I can choose to opt out of all alerts.

    2. Another thing that works for Android is downgrade your “Preferred Network Type” to 3G instead of LTE. The Nanny State alerts only seem to work on LTE.

      I did it last year and haven’t had a Pampers Alert since.

      1. No, what you have to do for an Android in nanny-state canaduh is go into App permissions, SMS and deny the Emergency Services app permission to use SMS. You’ll get a nag message at the top of your screen , but those pesky shrieking alerts won’t come through at ridiculous hours.

        I REALLY hate that our f***ing paternalistic nanny-state doesn’t let us manage the levels of alerts we want to receive, unlike in the US.

        1. No, I did what I mentioned. I don’t even have the options you mention.

          I suppose it might depend on what bloatware OS your phone maker has “improved” your phone with.

    3. go to the Messaging application on your Samsung and follow the steps provided below; Click on the three dots provided at the top right corner of your screen. This is menu button From here, go to Settings and browse for Emergency Alerts.

      Worked for my s8 and s9. I left on the Amber alerts, but they can get fkd with their Covid alerts

  3. Gee, I sure wish there was a politician I wanted to vote for. A dictator, a dictator light, and a dictator wannabe.

    We did it! We did it! We finally defeated ourselves.

    The Rapture cannot happen soon enough. Then the lefties can wreck themselves unhindered by us Christian conservatives.

    The most feared words in hockey apply, “Let them go!”

    1. *
      i’m just waiting for “erin the tool” to announce
      he has scheduled his sex change operation.


      1. He already had it. To remove his pecker, the top of his skull was removed. The surgeon grabbed his brain and pulled until O’Stoole’s pecker was completely pulled inside. After which, the surgeon tied and cut off the excess. O’Stoole’s skull cap was replaced. His ineptness explained.

        On the other issue, Erich Honecker, I mean Jason Kenny, will be giving us a blaring on Friday.

  4. It’s truly unbelievable! Why not an Amber Alert saying ‘We’re in debt up to our eyeballs, more to follow!!’

  5. We have an “Amber” alert. But we really need a RED alert, you know for the communist takeover.
    As far as Eric the Tool is concerned, he’s worse that the milkman Scheer.

  6. Progressives infect every major political party. Have for years. That’s who ON votes for so now that’s who Canada votes for.
    PET was our first; the US takeover began with Teddy Roosevelt, with a sprinkling of liberalism (JFK) and conservatism (Reagan).
    Progressivism is an infection; it’s socialism, not liberalism in therapy, the old joke. RINOs prove conservatism is also affected.
    Once you stray from natural rights, where the state decides, all hell breaks loose, pardon the pun, with dystopia it’s only end.
    Progressive Conservative is an abomination, a sellout to statism for power. The label is gone, but the progressives aren’t.
    They can never win with that formula of so-called compassionate conservatism, labelled as no better than Grits, just racists.
    Can we now vividly witness the myth of the primacy of government, that in truth it’s occupied by no skin in the game losers.
    Losers are good at picking government, because government can’t pick winners, because they don’t know what a winner is.

    Unfortunately we lose, with our wallets, with our rights, with our future. Governments everywhere failed to contain covid and now blame a compliant society, chasing the same bad result, while the vulnerable remain unprotected, with second vaccines, and lockdowns extended, months away, the summer shot already. Deaths and hospitalizations fall yet they clamp down further chasing perfection, which is in reality classic CYA. They’re covering their butts, but not ours, putting us and them in a sling.

  7. Anyone familiar with Ontario law? I am thinking of having a lockdown party every weekend. No loud noise, just food, fun and games. If I don’t open my door, the police can’t know how many people are in my home. I’ll just talk to them through my locked screen door. They won’t break it down, will they? Do they need a warrant? Probable cause?

    1. I am not a lawyer, but from experience I will tell you that IF the cops are sufficiently pissed off,they will kick your door down and arrest anyone they feel like arresting. Unless you are very well off financially and can afford a lengthy legal battle which could take several years, you would be well advised to be very polite to the cops if they should show up.

      Defiance of The State is strictly for the rich and the ethnically approved. All other will face severe financial consequences.

      Let us know how it works out.

      1. I would be very polite, but never open the door nor answer incriminating questions. Other option, what if I don’t answer the door?

    2. Just do it Don, we had people over at Easter, we went out to visit at Easter. People are sick of the insanity. If everyone says no, then no is the answer.

    3. I cannot count how many gatherings we have had thru this whole nonsense. We are absolutely blown away that our adult kids are not living in fear and willingly participate…birthdays, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, every chance we get! It helps that we have acreage for all season activities. Neighbours are aware, and doing the same!
      Breaks my heart when I hear about grandparents who have not seen their families. Salt on the wound is that they can cross paths with hundreds of strangers at Walmart, or Costco.

    1. *
      it was never about lost or snatched kids.
      you think they want mom or pop smith &
      jones tackling some person down at the

      that was a palatable way to get the gov’s
      instructions out to all the serfs.

      so go back inside, slave… and wait for
      further orders.


  8. I played 18 holes of golf at my local course today. It was a beautiful day, shorts and golf shirts, I am member, and my buddy and I drank some beer at my place after. Tell them to go f—k themselves.

    1. Golf courses are open in *stay at home* Ontario.
      All childrens departments are blocked off. Diapers are not essential.
      We got this, eh??

  9. OToole really does not grasp how this works does he?
    There is no amount of tribute he can offer up that will appease them.
    When the other side see’s the word conservative as an existential threat, conservatives will only see a leader willingly abandoning conservatives to the crocodile mob in the hopes they will be satisfied enough to spare him.

    1. It will be somewhere in the legislation “permitting” the Telco to operate; one of MANY interesting conditions.

      Another one is that, in most countries, the “authorities” have full access to the decryption key for digital phone traffic and the location data used by the networks to track your phone and “keep you in touch”.

      If you are feeling a bit “adventurous”, leave your phone at home, set to silent, but still on. The network will log you as being “at home”. The signal data from the repeaters constantly plots tour location relative to the three repeaters with the best signal. It’s a sort-of electronic dog leash.

  10. In the 905 I got this message. I have also been out and about today and the streets are as crowded as they always are.

  11. “Emergency! Only leave home for the things you normally leave home for!” What a farce.

  12. It is as if all the greasy politicians are trying to run their own little Jonestown and they are Jim Jones.
    People need to stand up and face them down all of them even the Gestapo Thugs.

  13. the white zone is for loading and unloading only.
    central scrutiniser

    love the Zappa nuggets

  14. I got the alert earlier today. Then, later, I went out for a walk. When I got to the end of my driveway the alert sounded again, reminding me to stay home and “save lives”. This happen to anyone else?

  15. Didn’t get one, but in my kids’ school all phones rang at the same time and everybody shat themselves. Teacher apparently weren’t certain what to do with it. Priceless.

  16. He’s either your typical lying politician who believes unless he moves left he has no chance and has no intent of going fwd with this, just putting on a show for votes..

    Or he’s an idiot who’s too stupid to realize any lefty is going to vote Lib or NDP no matter how far left the CPC goes just on principle and all he will accomplish is to lose conservative votes.

    I hope for the former, I believe the latter.

  17. “You know… we could use this system to SOUND THE ALARM, hah!, about climate change. Or systemic racism. Or…”

    I guarantee you this is going through some mid-level puke’s head right now.

  18. Thanks for the reminder. Just got a new phone and didn’t turn them off. We get the stupid amber alerts,and it’s usually some kid taken by their own parent on the other side of the state at like 2am…grrr . They can be turned off, just search your settings for ‘amber’ or ’emergency’.

  19. Honestly, how are they still getting away with this stuff when some states lifted all restrictions months ago and there cases kept plummeting.

    1. There is an agenda. It is clear.
      If You Tube censors the vid of a public round table discussion by health care experts, and scientists on lockdowns, you know there is an agenda. Not even subtle.
      That is the case for the Governor of Florida.
      Poof! gone!
