26 Replies to “Merriam-Orwell”

  1. So what they’re saying 😉 is that some random white dude, Trudeau for example, is no different than David Duke and should be held in equal contempt.

    As long as we’re just making up new definitions; let me just add that rational people that don’t buy into this horse shit are exempt from these crazy new definitions.

    I think we have long passed the point where rational people need to start a new nation and do a little legal housekeeping. Let the parasites try and survive on their own. They can have Ottawa, Toronto and Quebec east. For now.

    1. “Trudeau for example, is no different than David Duke and should be held in equal contempt.”

      I’ll bet, David Duke didn’t even wear blackface like our turdy prime minister has. Trudeau should be held in even more contempt.

  2. How the pigs of the left keep getting their way in any endeavour is absolutely amazing. No matter how screwed up and sick, they always seem to pull it off eventually.

    1. But why? Why people buy into this shit? According to Konrad Lorenz 30 percent of the population is mentally retarded. So that explains 30 percent. What about the remaining 70?

      1. Media buys into the leftist shit, and their propaganda brain washes a good chunk of the remaining 70%. I think journalists themselves are easily influenced by group think. Didn’t used to be that way, but here we are. Dumb and dumber leading the pack.

    1. You should. “He who controls the language controls the masses” – George Orwell.

  3. Not “being racist” is not good enough, if your white, you “must self hate”,, just have a look at the school curriculum.
    You must self hate, and you must be tolerate to those who are non-white, who want to hate you,,, after all they’re justified(somehow) right.
    You’re white,,, you must pay for all the past sins and for white people not being woke over the last couple thousands of years, because of course, non-white people always have been,,,,,,,,,rriiiiight.

  4. So are assholes a race? Then I’m a racist. As long as they stand down wind and keep their mouths shut who notices them?

    Go WEXIT

  5. I was never a fan of Merriam Webster dictionaries in the first place. However, leftist influence has been around for some time. Other dictionaries have also been influenced to provide the leftist version in many definitions of words with political connotations.

  6. Equality and an end to seeing people differently based on the colour of their skin BUT “acknowledge important aspects of racial identity.” Hold on a second… by their definition if I acknowledge race I am racist, but if I don’t acknowledge race I am also racist? Colour isn’t culture. The issue never was colour, it was culture. We should learn from history, not be judged by it based on the colour of our skin. By judging a white man by the colour of his skin it creates segregation which is racist, it is a step way way back. Green, blue, brown, grey, yellow, magenta, white… we should all be judged by our actions and by our reactions as individuals. Of course this will never happen so long as we allow ourselves to be manipulated by the government and extremist groups.

  7. Merriam-Webster is the dictionary. Merriam-Orwell is the April Fools joke.
    Well done Sirs (sorry that is sexist- me bad)
    Well done Humans (sorry speciest)
    Uhh Well done entities??
    On the other hand, I have no problem calling Trudeau racist.

  8. Merriam-Webster (on-line) has also added a new definition for vaccine. It now includes “a preparation of genetic material (such as strand of synthesized messenger RNA)…” That definition is nowhere to be found in my 2004 hard copy of Merriam-Webster. Expanded definition for sure.

    I joked with my husband we should look for a used set of Encyclopedia Britannica because we can’t trust (believe) anything on-line anymore. How long before they disappear from the Reference section at libraries (if they haven’t already).

    1. Soon after we came to Canada, my father bought a set of Collier’s Encyclopedia. That was in the 1950s. I have it now as part of my inheritance. Considering the tomfoolery that goes on with editing things on the Internet, maybe I should hang on to that set.

  9. Our BC Human Rights Commission launched a major race baiting advertising programme (proof in itself that there’s just not enough real racism out there). Its budget was recently doubled or tripled. Run by a brown lady of Indian or Pakistani desent (but seemingly born here). See, I openly admit I noticed her skin colour!!!!

    There were 5 questions in the Maoist struggle session we were invited to engage in. One of them was “if you claim you do not notice skin colour are you racist?” My comprehension was not up to snuff as I had to read it 2-3 times to confirm that I did not miss something.

    1. Our BC Human Rights Commission launched a major race baiting advertising programme

      And, yet, there are people in Fort St. John who wonder why I want to sell my house there. British Columbia: a province where logic goes to die…..

    2. One of them was “if you claim you do not notice skin colour are you racist?”

      reminds me of this joke:
      quip: Why was Ray Charles always smiling?
      answer: Because he didn’t know he was black.

  10. I don’t know why being racist is a bad thing. Has anyone ever explained why, or who exactly isn’t racist?

  11. I’m sticking with my crusty 1923 Websters – it went downhill pretty fast after that…
