Protecting The Vunerable

Get your ass over here Grandpa so we can help you.

A two-hour drive stands between John Suderman and his vaccine.

The 91-year-old Dauphin resident is currently eligible to be immunized against COVID-19 but he needs to get to a vaccination clinic because he lives on his own.

With the nearest immunization site in Brandon, Suderman plans to do the drive himself, but says it doesn’t make sense that he can’t show up at a local seniors’ residence to be vaccinated along with residents.

The inability of those in charge to in anyway improvise or colour outside a very narrow set of lines is breathtaking to behold.

As is the cognitive ability and common sense of a 91 year old in comparison to a small army of highly paid, highly credentialed, highly educated midwits.


Stories behind a paywall but you get the idea.


27 Replies to “Protecting The Vunerable”

  1. I call it “Voluntary Euthanasia” were they want the oldest to youngest have this vaccination in Ontario.
    And surprise, they cure the flu in the process.

    A miracle vaccination within a month of this Pandemic.
    No real testing time, just start Administrating to the public directly as our politicians never lie.

  2. “The inability of those in charge to in anyway improvise or colour outside a very narrow set of lines is breathtaking to behold.”

    That’s because if they exceed their authority or instructions and it goes wrong, they’re sitting ducks for a lawsuit. It’s the natural outgrowth of a cultural mindset in which every negative consequence has to be Somebody’s Fault.

  3. Not to ignore the bad treatment, but I’m cheered way up by this 91 year man driving himself and being independent.
    My respect to him and I wish that for all of us.

    1. If the mountain won’t come to Muhammad … then Muhammad will go to the mountain.

      The government is a land mass moving at a glacial pace … intractable and incapable of original thought. And somewhere … in some State bureaucracy … there are bonuses being handed out to the girls who devised an “efficient”, centralized, method of vaccine distribution. Those rural Riding inhabitants can just hop into their gas guzzling pickup trucks and DRIVE. Right? They’re most likely to be conservatives anyway, living out in the sticks.

      As for my own vaccine … I had to drive to the Oakland Coliseum. Uggh … drive to the ghetto to get vaccinated. Hells Bells … my own beloved team formerly known as the; Oakland, cum LA, cum Oakland, cum Las Vegas RAIDERS didn’t even want to play in the ghetto of Oak Town. I would much rather drive my fine Bavarian automobile through the Great Plains of Canada (just not in the dead of winter) to get vaccinated … than drive to where drive-by shootings are an everyday affair.

  4. Well, I suppose if he dies in a car wreck on the way or back they will call it “Covid related”.

    1. It’s the three passengers in his car and the 12 kids in the short bus that I really worry about. (To your point I’m sure they’ll all be dutifully recorded as Covid deaths).

    2. All factors considered, age, length of trip, fatigue…his odds of dying in a crash are greater than dying from wuhan flu.

      1. “It’s not like we’re trying to get a pizza oven or anything like that.”
        “Oh, that I can let you have… just fill out this form and put “pizza” where it says “machine gun”.”

        ….M*A*S*H Television Series, early 1970s.
        The joys of bureaucracy will be with us until the fall of civilization.

  5. “The inability of those in charge to in anyway improvise or colour outside a very narrow set of lines is breathtaking to behold.

    It is not “inability”, it is not “an oversight”; it is a feature, not a bug.

    “That’s because if they exceed their authority or instructions and it goes wrong, they’re sitting ducks for a lawsuit. It’s the natural outgrowth of a cultural mindset in which every negative consequence has to be Somebody’s Fault.”

    You are just completely wrong there. Crown immunity; not a single one of them can be sued by anyone, for anything they do, or fail to do, or do incorrectly.

      1. All Chief Medical Officers across the country need to be fired.
        Rousin in MB is paid over $425,000.00 per year and all he is doing is taking orders.
        He is supposed to be working for the people of MB. This scamdemic is being dragged out by sock puppet on orders from the WHO.
        There never was a pandemic in MB. If you look at Stats Can weekly deaths all causes for the last 5 years, 2020 is not abnormal, the line is lost in with the rest.
        Ontario and PQ have spikes in the spring, but not thousands of more deaths than normal.

  6. Most of these idiots couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were printed on the heel. That’s why they work for the government.

  7. We exist as an impediment to the midwits. As the old quote goes, they’d rather see us dead but may settle for our submission.

  8. Israel is well on track to have every Jew in Israel vaccinated and to move on from Wuhan flu by Passover.

    Our masters could have done the same if they actually gave a damn if Canadians lived or died. But they don’t.

    1. Sounds like you have faith in the guvament and the vaccine…any data to back that up?

  9. The real danger is they believe they are doing a much better job than anyone with a vested interest and culpability would. Expect calls for raises soon.

  10. Delusions of adequacy are truly marvellous to behold.
    Remember they only want to “help” you.
    How dare that 90 year old lout show any self motivation,self help,he is disrespecting the great union help,that will come his way ..perhaps next century.
    Firing 50% every 3 months will be great fun,cruel,nasty and totally necessary.
    Beheading all who strike will satisfy the blood lust of impoverished and abused taxpayers every where.

    Covid-19,the Wuhan Pestilence has been a great gift to the taxpayer..If you can’t see them never will.

  11. Not to let the government folks off the hook, but why wasn’t there anybody in Dauphin (population 8,457, according to the 2016 census) who volunteered to drive him?
