49 Replies to ““We should be outraged that someone’s talking to a 3 year old about changing their sex.””

  1. What a shameful period in time this is. Not
    Long ago “Doctors” like this would be receiving the mental treatment they require and not deciding public health policy. Critical thinking and common sense has all but left humanity. Someone stop the planet, I want to get off….

    1. In a more reasonable, time anyone who dared advocate such abuse out loud in public would have been hounded through the streets by a mob with staves and torches until no two pieces of it remained together.

        1. What is it with the increasingly LEFTIST Democrat Administrations that they appoint a LITERAL FREAK SHOW to cabinet positions!? Why do they get such glee and orgasmic thrill by shoving these weirdos into positions of high pay and authority over the majority of NORMAL Americans!?

          The amount of damage this FREAK can do to our institutions and society is both … “complex and nuanced”. How sad. And maddening.

          PS … kudos to Rand Paul for being far more coherent than this “thing” who repeated meaningless, evasive, drivel in response to Paul’s questioning. Citing the UN and WHO condemnation of genital mutilation as equivalent to chemical castration was brilliant. And the “thing” had no answer for his brilliant question.

      1. Just poster a pic of “Rachel” in clinics pushing this BS.. “do you dream of looking like Rachel”.. should put a stop to Bob from accounting and his freakshow… SideshowBob/Rachel!..

    2. They would have been drummed out of the medical profession. Certainly never allowed to get into a position of authority.

  2. That woman fairly screams “DERANGED” as she smugly avoids answering the question. I wouldn’t trust her to runa lemonade stand let alone a government agency.

    Biden’s admin must be collectively insane to even consider this person for the job.

    Three year olds in gender transition!? Holy fuc*!

    1. Sorry, Don. Dr. Richard Levine fathered 2 children before deciding to become a not very good-looking “woman.” Unfortunately that’s not possible no matter which organs are surgically removed or enhanced.

      1. Exactly. They can remove genitalia but they cannot change sexes. At most they just neuter.

        That isn’t a woman, it is a former man, a eunuch.

      2. I’ll start taking “Trans” mental patients seriously when they start breaking and rearranging their pelvis structure to accommodate childbirth. Get back to me when they show THAT level of commitment

    2. If you think this is bad, wait until they have established their power! This sort of thing whether, insane or not, is inspired of the devil and will only get worse until we repent and become obedient to God. America repent?… What are the odds of that happening?… God would have to become more important than money.
      All that is required for evil to flourish is for good men to do nothing.

    3. Obviously the candidate has already had surgery to REMOVE THEIR BRAIN!

      These are always the same old canard BULL SHYTE language; this is a “sensitive nuanced complex area”.

      The same garbage language the SJW lunatics use around abortion, euthanasia and now physical mutilation.

      Well you can’t say killing and mutilation; so they dress up steaming crap and try to tell you “Oh folks its so wonderful, liberating, etc. etc.” until they turn this garbage into a fake “right” and doesn’t it smell good…

      Sure let the lunatics run the asylum…what could possibly go wrong? Lets just turn another generation into the physically and psychologically abused.

      This dodo couldn’t find her backside with two hands and a flashlight; much less genitals.

      “Plums, plums, I dont’ remember buying plums.”


      Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
      1st Saint Nicolaas Army
      Army Group “True North

    1. Mark… good question.
      I hope that victim those cowards assaulted sues the asses off of those thugs and Canadian Tire
      I wish I had been there to help him…
      Boycott Canadian Tire.

      1. Thanks. I’ve noticed several times in the last few weeks sda posting stories and then removing them shortly after.

  3. Biden’s cabinet is a joke and a red herring. These are not the people who are going to be running things, it’s going to be people like John Kerry and Susan Rice who get appointed to advisory positions which don’t require Senate confirmation. Pay no attention to the man in front of the curtain, it’s the one behind the curtain you gotta pay attention to.

  4. “1984” is touted as a guidebook for our current situation in which civilization is rapidly declining. But “Brave New World” may be even more the blueprint being used by our “betters”.

      1. Kurt would faint at this juncture.
        Forget HARRISON Bergeron…did you read his latter day novels? Got cynical, then fell on his head and died.

  5. I had to laugh when the chairwoman thanked the doctor “for answering the question.” What a freakin’ joke!

  6. PARENTS…….pay very very close attention to your kids education.
    Crap like this should be exposed LOUD and CLEAR. Write,phone, show up in person and bring this garbage out into the light of day ….and….home school your children. The public schools are NOT teaching your children anything worthwhile.
    This is absolutely DISGUSTING. A lynch mob should be arranged.

  7. 3 year olds are still and “it”…..they have no idea what they are

    what happened to normal people…..it seems you have to be some kind of freak now

  8. This is just one more step down the road to devolution. Remember not that long ago when there was a lesbian and a pedophile in charge of the Ontario Education Ministry? Notice how the ‘good’ doctor sidestepped the question in the admirable style of our very own Justine. Then there is the answer from Merrick Garland the other day when asked about domestic terrorism, who answered that if it happens after business hours it can’t be labelled terrorism. Not that it would make much difference when the SCOTUS is so abysmally absent of cognitive thinking that they can’t bring themselves to hear evidence. Yes, we are definitely headed down the road to devolution with the governments that are in charge of North America today and the Democrats and Liberals can’t get there fast enough.

  9. That man pretending to be a butt-ugly woman, despite what ever hacks, cuts, implants, and drugs he has inflicted on himself – is in conflict of interest as he is prepared to do the same to other people’s children against their will while hiding behind the now completely deranged state.

  10. Abortion on demand was accepted, euthanasia was accepted, pedophilia will also be accepted by Canadians. Not only will you accept it, you will be punished if you don’t agree and acknowledge that it is wonderful.
    They will tell you that even the children think it is wonderful and something children have always wanted.
    There is no perversion this generation of sheep will not accept.
    The sooner canada dies the better.

  11. If children aren’t off limits then we’ve failed as a society.
    If children aren’t protected, who is?

    1. Time to manufacture many millstones.
      Throw into sea.
      Biblical rebuttal.

  12. Of course Richard Levine is a pervert. That’s why he wanted his meat and two veg chopped off.

    Castration, by removing the sex drive, is the only thing short of death that does much to control a pervert’s lust. Reformed perverts in countries that castrate sex offenders generally report that getting their balls chopped off is the best thing that ever happened to them.

    “Reformed” is the key word, of course. Even castration won’t work if the pervert isn’t serious about reform.

    “Rachel” sure isn’t.

    1. “Reformed” – an interesting term of art, which I’ve seen in Heinlein’s Farnham’s Freehold.
      Makes for a very compliant & productive creature.

  13. Millions of children are sex trafficked every year and this crazy asshole wants to let 3 year olds “decide” what sex they are… yep sounds like a pedo to me… priorities… This man is not only insane and in need of institutionalizing he is a dangerous ideological creep, just like his CCP President Xoe ( the sniffer ) Xiden.
    Evil and lunacy is a “progressive” trait.

  14. I saw the exchange between Rand Paul and what’s his face earlier today . Reading tonight’s SDA comments I think Watcher sums it up completely ..” There is no perversion this generation of sheep will not accept “

  15. Here’s the truth: it doesn’t matter what Rand Paul says, what any commenter here says. The Dems have the votes to ram through whatever they want, pedophile or otherwise. So the only thing commenting on this madness does is let people vent some feelings about how vile this is.

  16. All the pretendin’, stitchin’ and snippin’ in the world will not change “XY” to “XX” or vice versa.

      1. John – gender refers to language; biology has sex, of which there are two, male and female, distinguished in the human species by XY and XX chromosomes. Occasionally the chromosomes get naughty, and you get unfortunate children who are born with indeterminate genitals. Interestingly, the received wisdom has been to let these children grow to maturity before deciding where they stand biologically speaking. And I must say that the modern trend of having all kids in pants must aid that.

        A lot of families are still firm on their children being girls or boys, depending on their biology. And the kids grow up knowing that and are comfortable with same. Interesting time in one family I know where they wanted to adopt a new cat and – after looking at the potential adoptees – Mum wanted a specific female while the son wanted a male. When asked why the female cat wasn’t just dropped in and presented as the male, the response was that the son could tell the difference.

  17. “Id be happy to meet with you in your office?” It’s this kind of non-answer one hears in a session in parliament. Was this individual coached by Butts?
