43 Replies to “The Daily Science”

  1. I think if the only time supremacy can be used is in reference to white supremacy then you are being stingy with the word. Or should I write, niggardly?

    1. In the case of SI, their slide downhill has been more like

      …and isn’t Scientific American kind of a nationalistic name?

  2. Just more proof of cultural Marxism’s march through the institutions. What should be instantly dismissed as such now occupies and dominates academia. As for any hope of reforming the institutions, it would likely be easier to starve the beasts.

    1. I’ve often mentioned what happened to the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Just about every issue of its flagship publication Science now has at least one article or editorial spouting SJW bilge.

      I first became a member soon after Carter was inaugurated, so there have been some doozies in that office since then. Never, though, have I ever seen such contempt for and disgust with a President as has been displayed towards Trump. Even though he’s left the White House, there’s still sniping and derision. One recent guest editorial described him as “boorish”, a term that I’d never seen used in that magazine.

      My membership’s coming due this coming fall. I’m seriously thinking of letting it lapse. The AAAS clearly doesn’t care if it offends its membership. This was an organization with which Thomas Edison was affiliated.

      1. I suppose once you have an American Association for the Progress of Science, it’ll all be over.

      2. Well, that tears it! I just got my latest issue of Science and the cover article is about those big bad white male police officers being so mean to minorities. (“Big data” says so!)

        Rather than spending money on another membership renewal, I think I’ll spend it on amateur radio instead.

  3. They do realize that the loudest voices screaming white racism are white themselves?
    I take it they must hate themselves like Trudeau does.
    Remember Trudeau changed his skin color and yet screaming racism the loudest.
    That damn political double-speak.
    Instead of saying I’m lying my ass off.

  4. What are we going to do about Diana Ross and the Somethings (I dare not say the bad word)?

  5. Where I work, the computer terms “master”, “slave”, “blacklist”, and “whitelist” have all been banned. I think the replacement terms are along the lines of “leader”, “follower”, “deny list”, and “approve list”, respectively. A lot of code had to be checked and corrected.

  6. I am waiting for the word “white” to be banned from everything. “I really like that void of colour shirt on you”. “I have a Colour-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named dog.” or do we just change it completely and substitute white for Voldemort… “Suspect last seen driving a Voldemort SUV heading south”
    Or maybe something from Orwell’s Newspeak:
    blackwhite — To accept whatever one is told, regardless of the facts. In the novel, it is described as “…to say that black is white when [the Party says so]” and “…to believe that black is white, and more, to know that black is white, and to forget that one has ever believed the contrary”.

  7. Would be interesting to see if the civilization that replaces ours has the capacity to analyze the mental illness that took down our civilization and made room for them.

    I doubt it. They’ll barely be able to feed themselves.

  8. Next up funerals, where wearing of black will be deemed offensive? Maybe there should be a SDA contest to find the most outlandish instances of the words black and white that could be banned.

    1. Isn’t white the colour of mourning in certain parts of Asia? That should twist a few lefties into knots.

  9. Bourne Supremacy is the whitest spy movie ever. I couldn’t even watch the trailer without being reminded of my great grandpappy’s forced labor in the old cotton fields back home.

    1. Not to worry … soon … Dear Leader Joe Chi Minh will be cutting you a reparation check. Last I read … the check will be in the neighborhood of $750k. Now don’t spend it ALL on a single drug binge!

    1. Why are you a science-denier? You don’t believe what’s written in SCIENTIFIC American? Sheesh … next you’ll be claiming Global Warming isn’t an imminent existential threat to the poorest people on the planet!

  10. Well … I have to admit that I no longer call the largest Bedroom suite a … “Master Bedroom”. That is simply too reminiscent of Plantation Owners and Slave Masters … Right? Now I simply label the suite with a Number. However, I start with the number ‘2’ … because the Number ‘1’ is reminiscent of Trump’s MAGA … making America #1. And Number ‘1’ implies winners and losers … so it is simply too ‘divisive’ a number to use.

    Well as my unwoke penance … I’ve altered my screen name.

  11. When people speak of “whiteness” what they mean, whether they realise it or not, is that behavior is determined by skin colour. It is not, it is entirely based on one’s values. It is culture, in particular the entire European cultural edifice of moral, technical, and aesthetic values that determine public behavior. That said, if the rule makers want to substitute “primacy” for “supremacy” then I’m up for it. I do not like describing people by their skin colour but the progressives seem to be in charge of the rules so – “White Primacy” it is. You have to admit, it has a certain ring to it. Just between you and me, I like it – in fact, I like it a lot.

    The article states, “only 2 percent of bachelor’s degrees in physics are awarded to Black students, Latinos comprise less than 7 percent of engineers, and women account for a mere 12 percent of full professors in physics” and [physics is] “a historically white, male-dominated discipline.” There are reasons for this.

    People of any race, sex, and ideology can be successful at any endeavor, including science, if they are intelligent (very for scientists), well trained, motivated, work like a dog, and are not ideologically straight-jacketed. The essential biological trait? Intelligence. The essential character trait? Self discipline.

    I have very limited tolerance for the stupidity and laziness of the politically correct. And, now, in my final few years, that toleration limit is approaching zero. I think it was John Wayne who said: “You can’t fix stupid.”

    If I repent of anything in my life it is the time I spent trying to do just that. Not anymore.

  12. Caught on CNBC news today that the manufacturer of Jeep Cherokee announced that in the future it will be choosing non-Indigenous names. We will sleep better tonight knowing this.

  13. “Scientific American” should rename themselves Yo! Ni99a!

    But of course only after firing the entire white supremacist editorial board, writing and publishing staff.

  14. Someone needs to take this word control madness to the Supreme Court! It would only be the white thing to do, man….

  15. Every year this gets worse. People like us see that this is a mental illness and would treat it and not allow it to fester beyond mental institutions. But the rest of society lets us down year after year by not dealing with the problem.

  16. I love how the left can combine the Lysenkoism of the commies, the newspeak of 1984, and the racial hatred of the NAZIs into one nice little package.

  17. What a queer turn of events.

    ExxonMobil Unveils New and Improved Synergy Supreme+ Premium Gasoline Formulation.

    Why does Scientific American even pretend to be about science any longer?
