“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”


Members of Parliament voted Monday to label China’s treatment of the Uighur Muslims a genocide, and to call on the federal government to formally adopt that position, without the support of the Liberal cabinet.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau did not participate in the vote. Foreign Affairs Minister Marc Garneau abstained on the record while the rest of his cabinet colleagues were absent.
“I abstain on behalf of the Government of Canada,” said Garneau when he made his position known.

49 Replies to ““To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.””

  1. Whats his and the rest of the children’s cabinets problem?
    They let Dear Leader call Can Ahh Duh a genocidal Country,why would voting to call the Chinese Communists genocidal be a problem.
    Given Can Ahh Duhs behaviours the Chinese would consider it a compliment.
    Comrades in cruelty no less.

  2. The Coward of the Cottage didn’t show up today?

    Must be taking his lead from Joe Biden who said Chinese genocide was just a cultural norm.

  3. This SDA crowd here must be having mixed emotions about the doings of the Chinese. Their victims are Muslims. Anyway, it gives you a chance to sh!t on Turdoo(and rightly so) for his hypocritical double standard(he said Canada has committed genocide against the Indians). So he is saying in effect we treated the Indians(and still are according to his pompous pandering lips) worse than the Chinese are treating the Muslims. Now that is a stretch.

    1. It is a trifle much that ONLY the Chinese are allowed to solve their Muslim problem, yes.

    2. kanuck McWelfare guy, you take yer sanity pills finally?

      There are muslims, and then there are muslims, see the difference, no I idn’t think so, just as you are un awares that you qualify to be called a welfare recipient, you are too stupid to put context to things, just as all you lefties are

    3. No mixed emotions at all. Just want to chastise the enemy for not playing according to their own ROE, pure Alinsky here. I don’t care what Chicom enemies do to Mooselimb enemies. Scratch that, I care, I hope both sides lose. What I care about the most however, is how to damage Librano enemies for their response to the issue.

    4. Speaking only for myself — I don’t have much time or patience for political Islam. I consider it to be a dangerous, supremacist totalitarian ideology.

      That does not translate into me wanting Muslims placed into internment camps; raped, tortured and their organs harvested by a different dangerous, supremacist totalitarian state.

      I know. It’s a razor ‘s edge that I walk.

    1. He also threw Taiwan under the bus – they are under the blanket “I won’t say anything” regarding One China actions.
      TBH, that is of greater concern to me personally, although human rights abuses anywhere are not to be simply labeled “cultural norms.” Multicult to the max – all cultures are equal, eh?
      America has lost all pretence of moral leadership.

      1. Not America, just the current administration that has lost moral leadership.
        Just as it’s not a condemnation of China, it’s a condemnation of the communist government of China.
        Concur with your sentiments but context matters.

    2. @Pliney:
      Now you know how we feel, our Prime minister is a piece of crap as well. I was willing to give Biden a chance but I am disappointed all ready. Looks like we have two ‘pees’ in a pod, or two heaping piles of smelly crap.

  4. L – Bingo !

    If Canadians were informed of the actual degree of infiltration, they’d have real nightmares.

  5. It’s highly revealing that all the ministers except one were absent. They knew full well that this was a make or break day for them. They didn’t dare support this for a host of obvious reasons, but they knew full well that Canadians would never forgive them. After all, there are other worthless alternatives on the Left (Dippers/Greens).

    So they fled the House showing the world the courage of their convictions. Monty Python expressed it best.

  6. 266 to zero.

    Free vote my auntie. Nobody gives a damn about China’s Muslims as long as they stay far away from us. Not on SDA, not in the House.

    I would have expected more time to be devote to the mass murder of Canadians using a bio-terror agent developed in and released from a Red Chinese germ warfare lab.

    If we needed to have this discussion at all, a brave man would have asked:

    Mr. Speaker, the Red Chinese clearly consider toleration of Islam to be contrary to the best interests of what they style the People’s Republic of China. It does not require genius on the levelnof Confucius or Mao Zedong to conclude that Islam might be a threat to the stability of any civilized society.

    Will the Prime Minister please explain in what sense Islam is an asset to the people of Canada?

    If he cannot do this, will he explain instead why the Red Chinese are able and willing to deal with its Muslim problem and the government of Canada is not?

    1. Oh it is so much easier to hoist the sock monkey on his own petard another way.

      Someone in opposition should raise a motion that the cabinet is guilty of islamiphobia.

  7. To quote the great Canadian philosophers Rush from their song Freewill, “if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice”

  8. Nobody in the Cho Biden administration cares about China unless the money stops rolling in. Then they’ll get real pissy.

  9. I do sympathize with the plight of the Uighurs. Throughout history non-political groups became targets of suppression because of the actions of co-coreligionists elsewhere, e.g. Muslims in Chechyna that were being directed by Mecca.

    In this country the Uighur coreligionists have joined the political fray waving the flag of Islam.
    National Council of Canadian Muslims: https://www.nccm.ca/goodbye-bernier-canadians-have-rejected-your-politics-of-fear/

    If you question the ideology they pass off as religion then they label you as an Islamophobe and report you to the thought police for having committed a thought crime.

    STOP. THINK about the human rights abuses that are being committed. YET Trudeau and his cabinet can be a no show for this important vote AND the Muslim community in this country will continue to vote LIBERAL!

    See CBC Analysis-April 2016: Liberals won over Muslims by huge margin in 2015

    I do sympathize with the plight of the Uighurs. I believe their plight is not of their own making. However, the extremist ideology of their co-religionists doesn’t help their cause.

      1. *
        The Uiyghurs are the new Tibetans. It’s trendy to
        support them from a distance

        everybody wants to SAVE THE WHALES… nobody wants
        to help mom with the dishes.


  10. But … what’s the option? Criticize your State Banker? Criticize the hand that feeds you? Criticize the source of your political power? Be realistic. The Canadian people would all suffer an economic Depression beyond compare if the ChiComs are criticized. China OWNS you … and will soon OWN America. All Joe needs to do is push our national debt jussssssst another $Trillion down the road.

  11. What does anyone expect from this band of thieves and cowards?

    They didn’t care that Yazidi children and women were getting raped, either.

    That said, what does this empty gesture accomplish? Regime change?

    1. They’ll support regime change in China the day they accept that the Jews are the Chosen People of God.

  12. Was there a change in the Canadian Constitution that I missed? I thought each member only voted on their own behalf (and hopefully representing their constituents). What authority does Garneau have to vote, or abstain from voting, “on behalf of the Government of Canada”? It was my understanding that the purpose of the vote was to establish the position of the Government of Canada. Why didn’t the Speaker of the House call out this offensive representation made by the Member that his vote (and apparently his vote alone) was on behalf of the Government of Canada?

    1. Garneau’s comment is a bit of bombast and imperiousness in an attempt to assert authority that the Liberal “leadership” was unable to assert in the way of votes, even within its own parliamentary caucus, let alone the whole House. Actually, I think it was an attempt at a threat, pathetic as it was given the weakness of cabinet’s position on this issue. It sort of reminds me, by way of historical analogy, of Neville Chamberlain threatening his own backbench MPs in 1940, wherein a significant number of whom then voted no confidence in him, bringing Churchill to power.

      In the circumstances, actually, why not abandon this inexplicable parroting of and reliance on Joe Biden, read the tea leaves and vote for the motion, thereby making it unanimous? Garneau’s post-vote statement was a lame attempt to patch up the differences between cabinet and the rest of the House.

      What’s good is that this is the second or third time in the last few days where the opposition parties have all voted together against government policy — the first was in the industry committee demanding release of the vaccine contracts over Liberal objections. The opposition was also suitably skeptical of Dr. Tam’s projections of new COVID cases, with public health officials unable to provide underlying assumption details (not a vote, but reflective of building frustration).

      So, I’d conclude that there is finally palpable impatience among MPs with Liberal behaviour and performance. That’s a shift, which mirrors a substantial change in the public mood, at least in my local observation.

      1. The Liberals have learned the deference (and how little Canadians know of their own political system) the electorate has granted them, hence the “royal WE (scandal)” and the cowardice.

  13. Garneau claims to speak for the Government of Canada.

    Is that anything like “What Canadians Want?”

    Not even close, even in rulerspeak or lieperbole.

    About a quarter of Canadians voted for this reign of error.

    So don’t speak for the nation, sir.

    Aside from the political cowards, Parliament has voted.

    So suck it up buttercup; like everybody has to;

    As the covid power party winds down look for new variants, 3rd waves and vital.power grabs.

    Alas covid is unlikely to cooperate even as vaccines drip into Canadians’ arms.

    This China vote debacle is yet another Grit leadership fail; the usual result with their eye off the ball of good government, substituting their benefit, masquerading as sound judgment.

    Their mask must come off.

  14. Garneau does nothing on behalf of Canada. Seems to be Canadian a national motto “We do nothing”.

    Nihil est Patria! That’s fighting words.

  15. This news shocked me, is somebody pretending we have a functioning parliament, government, loyal opposition? If we do, please report when we can expect a budget to be discussed, or an emergency discussion concerning lack of PPE and vaccines.

  16. Perhaps it’s time to rename the country to something more appropriate.
    Can anyone provide a québécois translation for Lilliputian.
