Was #GamerGate a Preview of the 2020-2021 SJW Madness?

On this Sunday morning, I hope you’ll all forgive me for talking about something that is no longer a current issue in the news.  Last night I went out for dinner with some close friends and, on the drive home, got in a conversation with a 26 year old friend/colleague about #GamerGate.  Unlike me, he has been playing video games for most of his life.  So I wasn’t up to speed about this controversy, though had vague memories of it.

My friend posited that #GamerGate was very much a preview of what is going on these days, albeit now on steroids.  The SJWs, Cancel Culture, Victim Culture, rampant lying, media cover-up, phony narratives, and deliberate separation of us all by skin colour, sexuality, and gender – none of this is new but merely an amplification of something very ugly & evil that started several years ago.

Here are some brief primers to familiarize yourself with the 2014 #GamerGate controversy:

Incidentally, if you ever wanted proof positive of how corrupted Wikipedia has become, look no further than the Gamergate controversy “article”. It’s completely slanted in one direction, entirely written by SJW activists.

18 Replies to “Was #GamerGate a Preview of the 2020-2021 SJW Madness?”

  1. As someone who remembers the coining of the term Long March Through the Institutions, GamerGate is merely one of the steps along the way.

    To the Kids These Days it looks like a preview only because it was the first time they became aware of it, a factor of how widespread the Long March has become.

  2. Switching over away from a mechanical society to a computerized one has left our whole society vulnerable to who control the computer systems and electricity.
    Even the electric cars now need computer uploading at times and your totally reliant on the manufacturer. Many stolen cars today just use a uploaded fob and drive away.
    As we are currently seeing many systems are vulnerable to hacking and hostage while others can be sabotaged.
    Our history is being rewritten as well.

    1. Electricity is made by mechanically spinning a shaft.
      I have a computer which requires physical possession to access, it has no onboard network connectivity. It draws about a watt and copies of all my critical data are stored on it, backed up and archived.
      If I unplug the Internet I lose Internet, but my network does not go down. TVs, Stereos, Tablets and computers all continue to function from locally stored data on NAS. The NAS does not run on proprietary software. It draws about 4 watts while playing a 1080p video. It can control both solid state and mechanical switches.

      And yes, I ride a bicycle. A one speed.

      No, I never met Ted K. or even read his manifesto.

      We are still at a point where you can control high technology without it controlling you, but yeah, they’re working on that, so who knows how much longer that will last.

      1. I have 10’s of thousands of books in pdf, and read them on a tablet. Battery lasts 3x longer not connected to wi-fi, and it was the only wireless device in my home. I don’t need an updating weather app and updates constantly squeezing my storage and RAM down on my tablet. One computer hard-wired to the internet, another one for my multi-media, and I use physical media to transfer stuff from one device to another. So much more inconvenient than say, hopping in my car to go to Blockbusters, and actually pay to see the crap Hollywierd puts out. People have become terminally lazy.

        1. Never underestimate the bandwidth of a pair of sneakers walking a thumb drive across the room.
          Still, there are advantages to plugging a drive into a switch.

  3. It all started with someone showing up in an active and longstanding community and attempting to impose their will upon it.

    If it was a physical community in a room, they would have been politely asked to leave and not let in again. Because it isn’t, it got quite ugly. How do you tell someone that they aren’t welcome when they don’t want to leave?

    The idea of private property was perfected with lots of bloody noses and worse.

  4. It is no wonder the SJWs are loved by the gov’t. The SJWs love telling people what they can and cannot do, and so does the gov’t. A match made in hell, as a matter of fact, I’d go as far to say that the SJWs are a propaganda creation of the state, the Soviet State, to be precise, with the Frankfurt School being their spearhead into the west, and the former Soviet states are now quite well inoculated against this crapola.

  5. Gamergate started out as people complaining about unethical journalism. Specifically there was an SJW “game” developer trading sexual favours for good reviews, and this being outed by her boyfriend after a nasty breakup. (Odd how when a woman trades sex for something, it is empowering, but when a man trades something for sex it is exploitive.) Of course SJW side decided to obscure the cut and dried issue by throwing up a bunch of identity politics and defaming everyone calling for ethics as sexist, racist, bigot, homophobe, and transphobe.

    I was not surprised when Trudeau talked about how awful gamergate was during on campaign speech, as the idea of ethics in journalism must have horrified him.

    1. That was merely the pretext to start shoving their cultural marxism down everybody’s throat. The same thing happened with the “Sad Puppies” movement in Sci-Fi books; a bunch of SWJ aholes started telling everybody what to do, and when nobody listened to them, they started creaming racist, homophobe, and other assorted identity crapola hoping some of it would stick, and the liberal establishment naturally jumps on these bandwagons.

    1. W5 is doing one to make it look like only nutbars are forcing everyone else to believe this Vaccination is unsafe to take.
      Rather than actual journalism on one issue, they combined it with unrelated clap trap to put a slanted perspective…
      They call it “distorted facts”.

    2. Well, it isn’t so.

      GamerGate was nothing more than a faction split among entitled millennials with no life outside of video games. The whole thing basically comes down to one guy finding out his girlfriend was screwing video game reviewers for favourable reviews of her terrible little indie game about depression.

      Instead of manning up, recognizing he’d made some terrible choices and learning from the experience, he threw up a copescreen of “ethics in video game journalism”. That’s where GamerGate should have died to peals of raucous, mocking laughter.

      There has never been “ethics in video game journalism”. There is no “video game journalism”. It’s all tarted-up press releases from publishers and always has been. During the Nintendo Power and Official Playstation Magazine days – long before any of these basement-dwelling manchildren had picked up their first controller – everyone knew that certain publishers were always going to get glowing reviews no matter what buggy tripe they foisted off onto consumers. Complaining about “ethics in video game journalism” is like complaining that WWE wrestling matches might be rigged.

      GamerGate occurred entirely on Twitter and had no impact on the real world whatsoever. Absolutely nothing changed. We still got Mass Effect: Andromeda and The Last of Us 2, relentless SJW tripe is still being peddled on every game review site, and AAA gaming is still shrinking into irrelevance.

      GamerGate was not the precursor. What happened in GamerGate was the same thing that hit tabletop RPGs, SF cons, and a host of other hobbies favoured by low self-esteem introverts desperate for female attention a decade or more before Zoe Quinn spread her legs for a four-and-a-half star review. Like all of those hobbies (and movies and TV and most other forms of mass market entertainment), when the market peaked the publishers panicked and started pandering to the loudest voices instead of the people who actually bought their product. Had the GamerGaters not utterly destroyed any positive relationship they might have with publishers via decades of screaming and whining about every decision a publisher makes while pirating their games, they might have been able to stage an effective boycott/PR campaign.

      As it stands, the GamerGaters lost, AAA gaming is rapidly becoming a niche market, and casual mobile gaming aimed at middle-class women with too much time on their hands is where all the money is.

  6. On the plus side it won’t be long before all the makers are gone and Mookie the gamer will have buy/steal his own food.

  7. GamerGate was also one of the first examples of the targets of SJW vilification and marginalization (mostly straight White males) pushing back against the insanity and forcing them to back off somewhat. That the left didn’t learn its lesson is one of the reasons Trump was elected. Unfortunately it seems that they haven’t learned yet (Witness the Coca Cola nonsense), so it is inevitable that there will need to further lessons. Ones that are likely to be a little more pointed.

  8. something that could be just as excessive. the corrections made to a true expert on coconut oil and his opposition changed everything to the opposite within a couple of days in
