25 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

    1. Their hypocrisy is epic.

      A few ducks die in a tailings pond and environmentalists and their media sycophants go nuts on the oil industry. But, windmills regularly kill countless numbers of birds and bats, some of these species classified as endangered, and environmentalists/media actually help in the cover-up. Not to mention their laissez-faire attitude toward risking human lives by pushing unreliable and inefficient energy sources. Amazing to see such cold-blooded people patting themselves on the back for their own supposed virtuousness.

      Yup, Warren, I sure hope Republicans enjoy RhINO hunting season, this year.

  1. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/02/16/ercot-texas-electric-grid-failure/

    “But wind accounts for just 10 percent of the power in Texas generated during the winter. And the loss of power to the grid caused by shutdowns of thermal power plants, primarily those relying on natural gas, dwarfed the dent caused by frozen wind turbines, by a factor of five or six.”

    Who’s lying now?

    Anyway, the only fact that matters is that the government of Texas deemed it too expensive to winterize their infrastructure. Whether it’s gas or wind or whatever, the source is irrelevant, they can all be made to work in cold weather.

    1. You forgot the rest of it

      “The Day After Tomorrow: Renewables Fail Edition

      Guest “The best laid plans of mice and men…” by David Middleton

      Eric Berger, Space City Weather: “Eventually about one-third of the anticipated capacity went offline. This included a handful of freezing wind turbines, but the majority of the volume losses were due to coal and natural gas plants going offline.”

      “A handful of freezing wind turbines”? At least half of the wind generation capacity has been knocked offline since Sunday. It’s only a “handful” in the sense that wind power only accounts for 20-25% of Texas electricity generation. When you start with only two hands full of wind turbines and you lose one hand to frostbite, I suppose you’ve only lost a handful… [/SARC]

      “The majority of the volume losses were due to coal and natural gas plants going offline”? Well, no schist Sherlock. About 70% of ERCOT’s generating capacity is comprised of natural gas and coal-fired power plants… So, of course, the majority of the volume losses have been among natural gas power plants. However, coal-fired and nuclear power plants (all two of them) have been relatively unaffected.

      The fact is that almost all of the electricity currently being delivered to the ERCOT grid is coming from natural gas, coal-fired and nuclear power plants.


      1. Something lost in the conversation, due to generalized ignorance about oil & gas (no being derogatory), is that the loss of gas generation is from wellheads freezing up on NG wells that supply the power plants. Up here, there are literally thousands of steam rigs that can be called upon to thaw wellheads. There’s probably not a dozen steam trucks in all of Texas that are rigged up for wellhead steaming.

        1. Getting wells flowing again can be an art as much as a science. They put some nasty shit down wells to unclog heavy shit that hardens.

    2. The usual liars are lying now, with among other lies, your lie that things that are their fault aren’t their fault.

    3. So pretend you were a Texas politician during the last 30 years or so. Suppose During that time some power industry Engineers express a concern to you that the power infrastructure needed to be better winterized. What do you do?

      A sensible politician would do nothing. And that is what was done. The big concern being pushed then, and still, was heat not ice. This happens when the public is captured by a delusion.

      1. So pretend you are a CA Politician, or member of the CAPUC, or a PG&E VP (there’s about 1k of em) … and some maintenance report says your equipment and wires are near the end of their serviceable life and need replacement … or else they may blow down, explode, and start multiple deadly wildfires? What do you do?

        Nothing. Because maintenance of infrastructure is boring (unless you’re billing the taxpayer over and over and over for it), and it has nothing to do with “green”, “renewable”, energy mantras. It would be career Deep State suicide to suggest PG&E do ANYTHING other than … *cough* *cough* … invest … in “Green” energy.

    4. You’re right, they should have kept the coal plants going. You can store a mountain of fuel on site. The Nat Gas plants are failing due to lack of fuel caused by supply failures, not the plants themselves.

    5. It’s what happens when you’re so reliant on intermittent, unreliable wind that power generation redundancy no longer exists. Had the billions poured into wind been spent on hardening infrastructure and building over-capacity, the grid would have gone down, but it wouldn’t be still down.

      It’s not going to be a “100 year freeze” either. It will freeze again. Texas has been getting unusual snowfalls fairly frequently now. All of our governments have to wake up and stop allowing public policy be dictated by Weather Channel memes.

    6. Renewables still needs 100% backup when the wind doesn’t blow or the sun doesn’t shine.

      The best argument for an oil based civilization is that oil is a store of energy. This fact is ignored and lost on most “green movement” people with less than 2 braincells to rub together who have never experienced the hardships of life-and-death power outages or food shortages when their socialist government system falls short of the mark. Remember the Quebec ice storms so many years ago with grown upper Canadian family men who could not keep their families alive in the bitter cold? I do. And things for these kinds of brainless zombie masses are 1000x worse today.

    7. andy girl, have you ever heard the term feed back, and cascade, now FO, as you have no understanding of power generation and distribution. A sudden 10% cap drop off of power on a grid can shut the whole thing down under certain circumstances.

      And you wonder why I said that when I encountered a leftist idiot like you when trouble shooting, I did not have to look at the equipment, because I was looking at the cause. You lefties always know so much the isn’t so.

  2. The first 10 minutes of that video is Tucker talking about Rush and then Tucker talking with Mark Steyn about Rush. Steyn has a great thought — If Rush listeners were a Nation they would be one of the largest and most powerful Nations in the world. Not a bad idea. How do emmigrate to Nation Rush?

  3. Americans “voted”(?) for illegal immigrants, not infrastructure. And they’re getting it good and hard.

  4. General Electric makes a lot of money pushing bird grinders. I imagine they’re a huge Demoncrap donor as well.

  5. Windmills are devastating South American forests.

    I didn’t know this, but many windmill blades use balsa wood in their construction in addition to plastics.

    There is tremendous demand for balsa wood, resulting in illegal harvesting of balsa trees.

    I expect we’ll soon hear of pristine forests being cut down for balsa wood plantations.


  6. Cold kills more people than heat .
    There might be a reason the most populous areas are near the equator.
    The double wammy of using Natural Gas as the “Environmentally friendly” back up for intermittent,is cold really screw it all up.
    First the intermittent Power fails all at once,dropping a huge demand onto the “spinning reserve”,then just as that reserve needs massively more gas,it is not available due to other demands…
    Pipelines are only so big.
    Gas flow constricts in the cold.
    The result?
    We are watching in real time.

    Cold weather lifers know,you never put all your eggs in the same basket.
    You always have an alternate.
    If you have easy access wood is wonderful.
    If you have oil or propane,a small power source,generator,inverter off your truck battery..will get you by.
    But when all you have is the utility supply,via powerlines and pipelines,you are entirely at their mercy.
    And the Utilities have been crippled by Inept political interference.
    Politicians who have decreed their Ideology is more important than reliable supply.
    Power is too important to trust to the government.
    Energy is too vital to our lives,for the inept and stupid to be permitted any say.
    Too vital to permit government involvement.
