11 Replies to ““Those empty planes last weekend were not supposed to be empty””

  1. How’s the Metis’ taking it? can’t imagine PM Prettysocks made too many pals when all of this came out.

  2. One of Trump’s main ideas was that we shouldn’t count on China to do our strategic manufacturing for us. I miss that man already.

  3. Liberano fubar aside, what in Hades is “Metis Nation Government”? Where are the conservative leaders who will stand up and say that apartheid must end in Canada? This potentially glorious nation has been an ineptocracy long enough – let’s select one overtly conservative party and throw everything into electing enough MPs to make the reborn PROGRESSIVE CPC irrelevant again. Yes, a yellow dog could defeat Trudeau II at this stage but what is to be gained by putting the Liberal wannabe Tooles in power? I’m for Max unless I see the likelihood that some other movement will gain traction nationally.

    1. There is no such thing as a “Metis Nation” however there is a document that was imposed by crazy Peeair Turdhole that states that Turdholeland ( formerly Canada ) would not only transition from an English speaking nation into a french country run by a french speaking minority, but it also dictates that Turdholeland citizens would now be divided into tribes or “groups” rather then being “equal” or “Canadian”, in other words, institutional bigotry where some groups are more equal then others all disguised as, “law”… you know, the “just society” bullshit.
      An unelected Court with unelected and accountable “judges” declared a new tribe with new and special “rights’, poof, the Metis Tribe is declared a thing.
      Turdholeland dictators just make shit up as they go along, or they have their “judges” do it for them.

  4. One thing about all those passenger aircraft flying everywhere. They carry a shitload of freight. Stopping flights likely damaged a shitload of trade. What does Trudeau care? Jobs will create themselves.

  5. Everything about this encapsulates everything that is wrong about Canada: its weakness, incompetence, pandering leaders, Big Aboriginal, China, lack of preparation, indifference and the fact that people will vote for all of this again.
