1. Teflon – President Donald J Trump will be back in his office of Election, Relection, and Removal of RIN0s, after his 10 month vacation.
    The established Swamp Rats are pissing in their Depends.

  2. Go TRUMP!! Regardless of what CBC says…..there are many many Canadians that LOVE YOU. Especially in the West.
    Looking forward to seeing you back in the White House 2024 with your classy, loveable Melania.

  3. Trump gets all the benefits of a retired president and can have tax paid travel and security, If he should need it.

    Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer can’t sleep at night, TDS nightmares. Ha

    They could hold each other and sleep togeth…….

    Ewww,that will give me nightmares.

  4. This has to be President Trump shit hit the fan day because you want to be in power before the US Supreme Court hears your case.
    Certainly don’t want Biden to be in office when this happens as the courts would dismiss them.

  5. Another two months of the Joe Chi Minh Admin. … followed by the Radical Militant, anti-white, leftist, Harris Admin. … and the vast majority of the country will be BEGGING for Trump II … the most demanded sequel in the HISTORY of sequels.
