The 300

Jonathan Kay;

For years now, progressives have been warning that neo-fascism represents a growing cancer within Canada. Since the riot at the Capitol, in particular, the Toronto Star has instructed us that “white supremacy” — not just everyday racism, but the real deal — is now an overt presence in public life. The NDP has jumped on board hard as well. Under the banner, “Take Action: Dismantle White Supremacist and Neo-Nazi Groups in Canada,” Jagmeet Singh’s party informs us that “there are 300 active far-right extremist groups operating across the country.”
Think about that. We’ve all heard of the Proud Boys (which many MPs want classified as a terrorist group), and nuts like Paul Fromm. And the 2018 Public Report on the Terrorism Threat to Canada identified right-wing extremism driven by “white nationalism” as a major threat, rightly singling out Alexandre Bissonette’s horrific Quebec City rampage for special condemnation. But *300*? Wow.

69 Replies to “The 300”

  1. How long before this site falls under the classification? And then all of its’ posters are labelled, then their families, then their friends and acquaintances. See how that works?
    Next Rebel Media, then the National Post. Very Jacobian. The guillotine gets very thirsty.

    1. I remember debating people on this very site, at least twice, who wanted to remove anonymity and require all posters to go by real names. I argued against it for this exact reason!!! Although we have talked frequently of the war on Conservatives over these many years, obviously some here just couldn’t see the reality of it. DO YOU FRIGGING SEE IT, NOW?

      We are being targeted as subversives for having dared to not accept official leftist doctrine. And with Canada’s current crop of CONSERVATIVE PUSSIES, COWARDS and TRAITORS leading the right, I only see it getting worse from here for freedom-loving Canadians.

  2. The only hate groups I am aware of are all on the left of the political spectrum and include the LPC and the NDP.

  3. I don’t imagine there are even 300 real extremists in Canada let alone 300 groups but they are trying to create a boogieman. Then anyone who espouses even a similar view to something they’ve defined as extreme will be vilified/ fined/ jailed

    Kay had a good list including anyone who wants less immigration and so on… How long before anyone who supports Bernier and the PPC is declared an extremist?

    1. Yes, that’s right, I forgot about Bernier and the PPC association. They will be labelled all extremists s as well and all that will be left is the NDP, (commies), Greens (fascists) Liberals (radical left) and CPC (far left socialists).

      1. I am extremist, come to my house and espouse socialism and I will kick their arse.

    2. How long before anyone who supports Bernier and the PPC is declared an extremist? I thought we were already. (I don’t really support them but I make no secret of the fact that last general election I voted for the PPC candidate to make up the numbers, having told my CPC MP’s daughter on my doorstep I’d vote for him if I thought it was necessary to keep out a Liberal, but since he was in no danger of losing the seat and I think he’s complacent and not very effective I’d be voting PPC.)

    3. Trumplost,I have to agree. i doubt there ARE 300 far right extremists in all of Canada, probably closer to 30.

      Number of far left extremists? Probably in the thousands,BLM, Antifa, Black Block, all the “rights” groups and animal rights activists, plus the anti-industrial activists who are willing to burn, blockade or bomb anything they don’t like, and you’re undoubtedly well into the 1000’s. Not to mention all the supposedly legitimate activist groups like Green-piece Barewatch, See-air-ah, Earth Furst, See Sheppard, etc.,etc. ad nauseum.

  4. “We’ve all heard of the Proud Boys (which many MPs want classified as a terrorist group), and nuts like Paul Fromm.
    Fromm came within a heartbeat of taking over the Canadian government for a mere $131, so there’s that.

    1. You mean they almost took over the government in Canada like the Russians swayed the election in the US with a $million of YouTube ads in a $billion election.

  5. I have a suggestion: You want “hate” to go away? Then stop doing shit that makes ordinary people hate you! See how easy that is?
    Ok, maybe for “progressives” it’s not so easy. Leopards can’t change their spots.

    1. The scorpion dooms himself by killing its frog transporter because that this is its nature.
      Right after the useful idiots. Same idea here, they’re consumed by intolerance and loathing.

  6. I am brave. The number one hate group is the Liberal Party of Canada. Now what are the other 299?

    (apologies to Joe the Albertan who I notice already posted the obvious)

    1. The block heads, the greens, the n d p, all socialists and all communists and everyone who thinks lockdowns are a good idea, all of them. I think that will exceed 299 but hey when your right your right.

  7. I sent the following email to the NDP (from which the quote in the article is derived):

    Dear Sir:

    From your party’s website (

    In Canada, there are 300 active far-right extremist groups operating across the country, right now.

    Would you be so good as to name them so that the rest of us might examine your claim for its veracity?


    Name Redacted
    Cambridge, Ontario

    I do not expect a reply, but now someone has at least asked. If a thousand people asked the same question, then the NDP and others like them might get tired of blocking the email stream and realize that bovine excrement smells.

    1. Yes it’s time to make them name names,
      to put up or shut up instead of appeasement back pedalling and cowering at the mere mention of white supremacy. The Grits would likely take a page out of the DeMarxist playbook and claim it’s obvious, hiding in classified plain sight. Any politician who accepts any premise of widespread individual or systemic racism in this amazing nation is an obvious ignoramus, at best, and unfit to serve its citizens.

        1. Like you, colour me pessimistic. What I’ve noticed about my Ontario contacts is they all sound exactly like Liberals.

          Especially, most noticeably and most loudly the naïve fools who think they’re Conservatives.

          Mesmerized by magic words that send cowardly conservatives into hiding, appeasing the Grit totalitarians, thinking if they just agree on their bigotry, that any proposals aimed at limiting and holding government accountable is racist.

          Abara Cadabara: watch Conservatives turn (at least effectively) into collectivist Liberals or socialists:

          White supremacist/nationalist
          Gay pride parade/gender issues
          Climate change.

          All unquantifiable, all phony issues, all of no import to what happens within or without Canada, all for power’s sake.

          Years from now, when Canada is dissolved after more Trudeau regimes ignore Western alienation, the surrender monkeys of Central Canada will ask how did it happen; but the answer will be they caused it all constantly ignoring, minimizing or showing bigotry towards Western Canadians, continually slapped in the face by these dilettantes.

    2. “rightly singling out Alexandre Bissonette’s horrific Quebec City rampage”

      Bissonnette was a very keen NDP supporter. On his FB page he had pics of jack Layton & NDP “Orange wave” memes.

      Hitler was a national SOCIALIST
      Stalin was a SOCIALIST
      Singh is a SOCIALIST.

      I’ll go to their website and will ask them to name all 300 groups and their locations so I can be aware of “Nazis” out there.

    3. CC, they don’t give damn. I have written many parties and those in “power” and get shit for answers, if they bother at all.

      1. I always tell them if they’re going to respond with their talking points to not bother.

        To be honest, Paul Martin is the only Liberal that responded without using talking points.

        1. To be honest Paul Martin earned his fortune unlike most liberals who steal theirs. Mind you he wasn’t stupid enough to let it be taxed in Canada

          1. I believe Maurice Strong was s mentor for Martin. Doors are opened for you. His father’s position was undoubtedly an important connection.

  8. To communists, anything other than their ideology is “far right”. They are too stupid to understand that they are the extremists.
    And in fact, they are the fascists that they so eagerly claim to be fighting given that there isn’t a page thickness of difference between communism and fascism. Good God, in the past they even labelled Stalin as “right wing”. But what really pisses me off is that people adopt the lexicon of the Marxists by called them “progressives”, etc. DON’T USE THEIR LEXICON. Call them out for what they are…..COMMUNISTS.

    1. Remember the “right wing” communist holdovers of the USSR who tried to remove Gorbachev? Ideological ignorance abounds.

    2. Yep, I call them that all the time, euphemisms for communism are still communism.

    3. I call them Regressive
      Disagreeing with their twisted morality makes me extreme
      Fuck Off and Die you communists!!

  9. Anyone who has read the words of Hitler should have little problem recognizing that the political party most aligned with the Nazis in terms of economic policy and increasingly in terms of much of their social policy, it is the NDP, with the LPC, under the Spawn, having stolen most of that. Anyone questioning the institutional leftist narratives is now maligned and lumped in with true nut bars. The left-right identities are smoke and mirrors masking the reality of a two dimensional matrix where economic and social liberty are the vertical and horizontal axis’ where communism and libertarianism are diagonally opposed and where communism is flanked by socialism and fascism. All political battles involving popular parties is found in the middle turf inside all four but increasingly between socialism and fascism. The Nazis took away the guns and killed free speech and that is where the LPC / NDP are today and anyone who is opposed is being set up to be the equivalent to the Jews of the 1930s.

    1. Yup…..Hitler was named “Man of the Year” in 1938 by Time Magazine. They noted Hitler’s anti-capitalistic economic policies:

      “Most cruel joke of all, however, has been played by Hitler & Co. on those German capitalists and small businessmen who once backed National Socialism as a means of saving Germany’s bourgeois economic structure from radicalism. The Nazi credo that the individual belongs to the state also applies to business. Some businesses have been confiscated outright, on other what amounts to a capital tax has been levied. Profits have been strictly controlled. Some idea of the increasing Governmental control and interference in business could be deduced from the fact that 80% of all building and 50% of all industrial orders in Germany originated last year with the Government. Hard-pressed for food- stuffs as well as funds, the Nazi regime has taken over large estates and in many instances collectivized agriculture, a procedure fundamentally similar to Russian Communism.”

      (Source: Time Magazine; January 2, 1939.)

      1. Several years ago on this forum, I pointed out that NAZIs were left-wing socialists, on a part with Communists. A reader took me to task, ‘correcting’ me, saying NAZIs were right-wing. When, in response, I replied, what part of “National Socialist German Workers’ Party don’t you understand? Yet, one still hears of the far-right NAZIs.

  10. The Richard Spencer-led white supremacist movement is weak in numbers as well as being piss-poor at organizing…they can’t even get 200 “members” to a national rally in the US. Thankfully, the KKK is down to about 5000 inconsequential members nationally. Compare this to the millions of members the KKK had with support from the Democrat party in starting them and organizing them.

  11. Multiculturalism was foisted upon us with the unspoken truth that our existing culture was supreme. History had borne that out. All the other cultures were supposed to orbit it and add whatever bits were deemed worthy to the whole.
    So now the members of these groups who have joined are seeing the host culture as ‘white’, because that is the colour of the majority of its original European adherents. Never mind that the host culture is trying to be colour blind – those who have joined are not.
    So they see any group that celebrates the basic cultural inheritance of Canada (or the United States) as white supremacists because they celebrate the ‘white’ culture as supreme and the basic building block for others to join with.
    The question is do we let go our basic cultural inheritance because people who have joined it are unhappy with its origin?

    1. sub, it’s kind of ironic that they intentionally leave their homelands and migrate to the west because of the chance of new lifestyles and opportunities. Then, they whine about the culture, and promptly try to change it.
      If they don’t like it, why did they choose to come? Before someone patently tries to explain they want what we have, I know that, but instead of aspiring to improve their new home and life, they want to turn it into the places they came from. (derogatory terms about those places aside) Which is why we hear the terms that, “if you don’t like it, go back to where you came from”, but of course that’s racist….even when it might be a whitey that is whining. When we allow the “narrative” to define the rules, we are letting the accusers win, without putting up a fight.

      1. One reason people like my parents and I came to this country was to make a fresh start and to seek one’s fortune. “Amerika” was the name given to the U. S. and Canada and it was seen as a land of opportunity and, for those willing to work for it, bounty. Much of that came as a result of the Allied occupation after the end of WW II, particularly through Hollywood movies.

        It definitely was a better place than post-war Europe. One of my aunts came over in the mid-1960s and she was astounded at our house (the same one I inherited). It was a modest 3-bedroom bungalow and she mentioned that only someone like a physician could afford one of those back in Germany at the time.

    2. Every once in a while something comes up in which my colleagues are in discussion of “systemic racism etc blah blah blah”.
      I merely tell them: “I like my skin colour”.

      It sends their Cog-Dis into overdrive.

  12. This from the same clowns/milieu that still categorizes the Danforth massacre as a mental health incident rather than the lone Wolf jihadi attack it truly was.

    1. DB, that’s because his “religion” trained him to hate any other culture or religion, but because we are not allowed to accuse any person of color as that would be racist, and his religion has been glorified as ” a religion of peace” gag! It’s just easier for authorities to pacify our minds and call it a mental health incident. We wouldn’t want the peasants to start thinking bad things about that religion, now would we?

  13. The first thing totalitarians learn is to set up an enemy – real or simply contrived by those in charge. The unthinking hordes then have something to rally together on and a focal point for their gleeful hate.
    I never thought it would happen in western democracies.

  14. These would be the same Dippers who get in trouble time and again for supporting ACTUAL terrorists like Hamas and otherwise harboring “joo” haters ?

    Yeah. Lefties project.

  15. Appreciate the posted article by Mr. Kay. Mr. Kay mentions that the left-wing researcher refused to name the 300 “hate” groups surveyed, and he suggests that the research work may be sloppy or fraudulent. He is mainly writing about her upcoming project, but he also references a 2018 article by the left-wing author.

    In the published 2018 article, the left-wing author mentions that she and a colleague interviewed or surveyed 150+ organizations (government, left-wing, right-wing, etc.). In two months time, I will email her for a list of the 150+ organizations from that published article. According to accepted academic ethical rules, academics must furnish other academics with base-line data used in published work. Some (but not all) of the 150+ groups referred to are supposed “hate” groups. I will keep SDAers informed if she replies or not.

  16. In communist Canada one thing you can count on is the political thugs of the Liberal Party (that would be you, statist RCMP filth) will use the list as their initial targets for for the crackdown on thought they can’t wait to enforce. I used to have respect for the Mounties, but they are just Turdeau’s enforcement thugs now, just as diseased as every other organ of the state.

  17. You’re bad if you’re white.
    You’re bad if you’re conservative.
    You’re bad if you’re heterosexual.
    You’re bad if you’re a gun owner.
    You’re bad if you’re Christian.

    You just need three checks to automatically be put on their list.

    Eventually Steven Guilbeault’s Ministry of Love will come a pre-dawn knocking.

    1. Indeed.
      And the online group (Stormfront?) is mostly populated by Canadian Human Rights Commission staff.

  18. Don’t know why they didn’t say 3000.

    If you’re going to tell a big lie, may as well make it a whopper.

  19. More Canadian Yank-envy. “Ohhhh we sooo much want to be the ‘Merican civil rights heroes of the 1960’s but we were born too late and too far north!”

    Best comment on this from a Canadian… “Before the beginning of time, God decided that the Americans got the black slaves, and Canadians got the French settlers…”

  20. Are these part of the “List” ? Taken from -
    Abdallah Azzam Brigades (AAB)
    Abu Nidal Organization (ANO)
    Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG)
    Al-Ashtar Brigades (AAB)
    Al-Muwaqi’un Bil Dima
    Al Qaida
    Al Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)
    Al Qaida in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS)
    Al Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM)
    Al Shabaab
    Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigade (AAMB)
    Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya (AGAI)
    Ansar al-Islam (AI)
    Armed Islamic Group (GIA)
    Asbat Al-Ansar (AAA) (The League of Partisans)
    Aum Shinrikyo
    Blood & Honour (B&H)
    Babbar Khalsa International (BKI)
    Boko Haram
    Caucasus Emirate
    Combat 18 (C18)
    Ejército de Liberación Nacional (ELN)
    Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA)
    Fatemiyoun Division (FD)
    Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC)
    Gulbuddin Hekmatyar
    Gulbuddin Hekmatyar’s Faction of the Hezb-e Islami, Hezb-e Islami Gulbuddin (HIG)
    Hamas (Harakat Al-Muqawama Al-Islamiya) (Islamic Resistance Movement)
    Haqqani Network
    Harakat al-Sabireen (HaS)
    Harakat ul-Mudjahidin (HuM)
    HASAM (Harakat Sawa’d Misr)
    Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham
    Indian Mujahideen (IM)
    International Relief Fund for the Afflicted and Needy – Canada (IRFAN – CANADA)
    International Sikh Youth Federation (ISYF)
    Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU)
    Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’ Qods Force
    Islamic State
    Islamic State – Khorasan Province (ISKP)
    Islamic State – Sinai Province (ISSP)
    Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM)
    Jaysh Al-Muhajirin Wal-Ansar (JMA)
    Jemaah Islamiyyah (JI)
    Kahane Chai (Kach)
    Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK)
    Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LJ)
    Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT)
    Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)
    Movement for Oneness and Jihad in West Africa (MOJWA)
    Palestine Liberation Front (PLF)
    Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ)
    Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine – General Command (PFLP-GC)
    Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP)
    Sendero Luminoso (SL)
    Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP)
    World Tamil Movement (WTM)

  21. Two or three years ago I found a list of so-called “Rightwing Extremist Groups in Canada.” I wrote down these numbers but I’ve forgotten the online source, though it might have been this Barbara Perry person/witchhunter.

    I have no idea if there’s any truth to these numbers, but what was interesting to me at the time was the regional breakdown. I’m going to post them here as it seems very germane to the article above, with the proviso that the reader should take them with a big grain of salt.

    MARITIMES: 6 to 8 groups, with an estimated 10 to 15 members per group, for a total of 60 to 120 “extremists.”

    QUEBEC: 20 to 25 groups, with an estimated 15 to 100 members per group, for a total of 300 to 2500 “extremists.”

    ONTARIO: 18 to 20 groups, with an estimated 3 to 25 members per group, for a total of 54 to 500 “extremists.”

    MANITOBA: 8 to 10 groups, with an estimated 5 to 10 members per group, for a total of 40 to 100 “extremists.”

    SASKATCHEWAN: 6 to 8 groups, with an estimated 5 to 50 members per group, for a total of 30 to 400 “extremists.”

    ALBERTA: 12 to 15 groups, with an estimated 10 to 15 members per group, for a total of 120 to 225 “extremists.”

    BC: 12 to 15 groups, with an estimated 5 to 10 members per group, for a total of 60 to 150 “extremists.”

    So across Canada, the number of extremist groups was estimated to be between 82 and 101, with the number of members estimated to be between 644 and 3,995.

    Though I can’t remember the no doubt dubious source of these numbers, they are a far cry from the 300 rightwing extremist groups now claimed by Jagmeet Singh et al. It should also be noted that the *maximum* number of individual so-called extremists is only 1 out of every 10,000 Canadians.

    Though I’m not a member of any of these groups, presuming they actually exist, nor would I ever join one, and have no idea what they actually stand for, I heartily endorse all of them because the enemy of my enemy (the entire anti-white leftist regime in this country, including the CPC) is my friend.

    So I’d like to give a shout-out to Quebec, home to by far the most extremists in Canada according to these numbers, and truthfully the last bastion of blood and soil nationalism in North America, and honourable mention to the prairie populists and nationalists (read: “extremists” in leftspeak) in Saskatchewan, who are definitely punching above their weight.

  22. I have no doubt there are 300 white supremacist groups out there, and if you combined their memberships you’d have 600 people.

    About a year ago, the local paper did an article about these sorts of “hate” groups around Atlanta and I was surprised to find out there was a group near me, the International Order of the Brotherhood of something-or-other. Further investigation revealed this international brotherhood to be a guy and his dad and that was it. All these various groups called for a big “Unite The Right” march that caused a three-day’s wonder here – they managed to attract hundreds of counter-protesters and dozens of reporters and ultimately three trucks with 8 marchers showed up, looked at the crowd, turned around and went back home, never even got out of their trucks. I’ve never been so scared in my life.

  23. The globalists or Uniparties in Canada and the USA, have to silence us before they can effectively demonize us. The truth is on our side; facts and logic are on our side. They can’t win the war of ideas if we are allowed to speak; this is why they are so desperate to silence us. First they will Demonize and Silence. Then they will DISARM you. You know the rest. We have seen this over and over again.
    Never Disarm Keep Your Guns. You are going to need them.

    1. Stan
      We are so sorry,
      All railroad companies are hauling environmentally safe natural gas and metric tons of oil.

      WARREN BUFFETT Even HAS Amtrak ON a lease.

  24. Problem is O’Toole and the National Post and other pretend conservatives believe that number too. After all O’Toole and NP believe Rebel Media is ‘far right’ so they’ll believe anything.

  25. Not 298, or 304. Exactly 300. Still, if “white supremacist” groups are burgeoning, either the way they are defined has changed, or the political climate that stifles conservative views (“this is not who we are” , there is no room in Canada for this discopurse, etc) and brand them as Nazis is backfiring. Or both. Oops, there I did it. I had an opinion contrary to the narrative. I guess there are 301 groups now.

  26. Sent to all MP’s today:

    To: MP Jagmeet Singh et al

    Dear Mr. Singh;

    Since it is you – amongst others – who have claimed there are 300+ right wing extremist groups active in Canada, we have a right to know who represents a danger in our midst. I am asking you to provide myself and other Canadians, a list of all of the groups you identify as right wing or potential terrorist organizations throughout Canada. Assuming you are confident in being able to identify such groups, it would also be important that we know how many individuals comprise each group. After all, if two constitutes ‘a group’ the inherent dangers will be less than larger ‘groups’ with greater resources and communication.

    As a lawyer, I’m sure your recognize the need for ‘evidence’ in making broad accusations that impact the decision making by you and your collegues regarding the rights and freedoms of all Canadians as guaranteed by the Charter. For the record, could you also advise as to why you did not seek to have the Babbar Khalsa (BK), Canadian Khalistani organization classified as a terrorist group, following the bombing of Air India Flight 182, which took the lives of 329 innocent lives? I look forward to hearing from you shortly.

    1. Maybe Jagmeet Singh should deal with his own back yard with Air India Flight 182!!!!!! Inderjit Singh convicted of Manslaughter with 329 lives lost and he is the Leader of the NDP!!!

  27. “The State Department is infested with communists. I have here in my hand a list of 205—a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State Department.”
