11 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. “No one ever expects their self-invented standards to be turned back against them”

    That’s worth framing. Kind of like “Learn to code”

  2. They are so arrogant that they will never actually process the words: “everything you use against people you hate will be used against you” either.

    Alinsky’s Rules right backatem…

    1. Bernie Fabre and the Canadian Jewish Congress don’t get it either. All his push for censorship will result in the Muslim Brotherhood shutting him down.
      I used to subscribe to his newsletters until it became too painful watching him cut his own throat.

  3. The partisan operatives that infest the echo chamber bubble of the institutional left masquerading as media are now drunk on statist fervor. Their journalistic Lysenkoism thrives within generations ignorant of statist horror of the last century. They are the enemies of liberty, sanity, and reason. They are fanning the flames of civil divide as they are essentially ignored / boycotted by a third to half of humanity whom they aim to silence.

  4. You’ve got to remember that these journalists are just simple liberals. These are people of the Swamp. The common clay of the Marxist system.
    You know… morons.

  5. Let’s analyze this.

    Mass media cartel, being of one mind never to be questioned, contradicted, has lost all of the qualities of free, is complaining because nobody believes them, or at leas very few and even those just believe because they must.

    Heh …. it sure sucks when those interested in the affairs of men look for sources and find that the mass media cartel follows an ideology, intentionally lies, intentionally omits, intentionally hides what the news is and insist there is no evidence of anything since they intentionally and willfully avoid to find out. That in itself should destroy them.

    It is not really a surprise, they went to same schools, learned the same ideology, go to the same cocktail parties that reinforce their beliefs in how damn right they are and that the others don’t know how wrong they are.

    Not watching CNN, only the clips that appear here and there, the commentators are as though in another world, possibly smoking the weed, they seem unable to see how rotten their memes are. They insist that everybody else is at fault for not understanding the nonsense they apparently swim in and are completely oblivious to world outside of their putrid offices.
    One wonders if they believe what they write, say and show, themselves.
    Can’t be.

  6. There are actually people who are naive enough to think that this communist push will not result in bloodshed.

    1. Yes.
      Methinks that the revolution is the next step.
      The normal people will absorb a lot of bullshit, then one day they will say, that’s it.
      Spontaneously, not unlike the wallstreetbets.
      And then people will die.

      With any good fortune it will be those that deserve it.
