47 Replies to “A Tale In Three Tweets”

  1. Watch The Big Short again.
    It’s the same game again on a smaller scale.

    Notice how all the outraged ‘Really Smart People’ on the business news shows weren’t and aren’t upset about how GME was shorted 140%, illegally?
    The Redditors have done nothing illegal, all they did was see how GME was shorted illegally and they took advantage of it.
    Why don’t we hear all the business talking heads discussing how this illegal shorting has to be reined in?
    Why isn’t the SEC charging or investigating that crime?

    Watch The Big Short again.
    Nobody went to jail then either.

    The GME shorts committed a crime.
    They lost big because of it.
    Business media defend the crooks.

    1. The government will act when they get the memo that their kickback won’t be in the mail.

      This is starting to come face to face with the Thatcher principal

      “It all works until they run out of other people’s money “

      They just have to hold until it’s time to file their financial reports.
      Year end is almost upon us.

    1. I LOVED the comment that said; AOC is cheering the average, little 20-somethings who are buying up GameStop stock … while simultaneously whining they can’t pay back their student loans. Ha ha ha ha ha … exactly.

    1. The silver bulls have been trolling $100 silver for years.

      But, there may be some there, there, if Xiden’s glorious Green plans move forward, what with silver, copper, and rare earths being vital to unreliable solar power

    2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silver_Thursday

      Anyone here old enough to remember the Hunt brothers?

      “When the price of silver dropped below their minimum margin requirement, (the Hunt brothers) were issued a margin call for $100 million. The Hunts were unable to meet the margin call, and, with the brothers facing a potential $1.7 billion loss, the ensuing panic was felt in the financial markets in general, as well as commodities and futures. Many government officials feared that if the Hunts were unable to meet their debts, some large Wall Street brokerage firms and banks might collapse.”

      1. My wife mentioned the Hunt brothers when we were talking about this on our pre-dinner walk yesterday. We don’t follow the financial news that closely, but we’re old enough to remember that fiasco.

      2. I remember when that was in the news. There weren’t a lot of people who felt sorry for them.

  2. It’s non-tragically funny to watch the big time, government supported scammers lose to small time wise guys.

    The irony is soul elating.

    1. They aren’t losing anymore. The small retail guys are being shut out of their trading accounts by their brokers like TD Ameritrade and Robinhood. The rules are being changed on the fly to protect the big time scammers.

  3. I expect there is still people who believe we live in a democracy ,have fair elections, rule of law and they are investing when you buy stocks not speculating. We have a stock market frenzied bubble with no economic basis fueled by a government policy of quantitative easing and hedge fund parasites getting decimated is the big problem. Tesla stock shares sell for more than $120,000 per car produced for example. When they raise interest rates and taxes which is already being floated, what do you think will happen? I am sure they will restrict the shorts so they don’t make to much money. Sure they will.

  4. Y’all should look up “naked shorting”…
    It’s when a trader shorts a stock and then never actually gets around to buying it to cover the sale. These “phantom” stocks get sold and resold so many times that the requirement to buy real stock to cover the sale never catches up with the original seller.
    The SEC actually addressed this some years back, but their action consisted of nothing more than telling brokerage houses to “dial it back” because they were making everyone look bad. That was all…I shit you not.

  5. Naked shorts.
    Isn’t it more like the trader thinks he’s borrowing another customer’s shares to SELL and BUY back later to replace hopefully at a lower price, BUT that there are no unencumbered customer shares left to loan.

    I’m a anti-regulation fanatic but shouldn’t naked shorts be illegal?
    But wait!
    This is exactly how a bank loan is made in our fractional reserve banking system. Loaning money that is not there. Heh, naked loans.

    And BTW, do we all know that Canada’s mandated reserve ratio is now ….. 0% ?

    1. Yes. Some very old-fashioned people thought it was the beginning of the end when governments decided they don’t have to back their paper currency with something real, like bullion. How silly they were, we don’t even have to back our currency with paper notes anymore, we just let the banks make up imaginary money on their computer screens.

    2. Yes, it’s all value not wealth.
      Which is trading a big bunch of IOU’s. The trick is that nobody on the inside ever calls in an IOU.
      This is now a waiting game.
      The Hedge funds are publicly traded and must file their financial reports for year end.
      They must balance the books to do so, meaning they have to make good on their IOU’s and the folks that came to their rescue need to make good before they file their year end reports, and someone is going to have to come up with the billions to back the valuations they want to publish on their reports or have their investors take a loss, a big loss.

  6. The stolen Biden election is already having consequences. Yes! It is HIGHLY significant that both AOC and PDJT are Tweeting the same support for the GME Raiders! It’s the GREAT Awakening! Not by the conservative Trump supporters … we’ve BEEN wide awake for quite some time. Nope. It’s the YOUNG leftist/libertarians who have awoken. They … also have been shocked by the OBVIOUSLY stolen election and the subsequent SILENCING of all who dare utter that phrase. The Young have awoken to the unbridled POWER of the Deep State and all their minions … all their interlocking Agencies and Departments … to CRUSH the little people. The peasants. The paupers. These young leftist/libertarians still have HOPE for THEIR American Dream becoming fulfilled. Even as they’ve laughed at the ELIMINATION of a PDJT they didn’t much like … they’ve been shocked and horrified at the actions and the unaccountable power of the Deep State. Thinking young people have been SHOCKED awake.

    The Young don’t really want to live in a country where THEIR American Dream has been sold off to the Wall Street and Deep State Vultures. Huh! Listen to me. I’m sounding like a Revolutionary. I have NEVER thought, or talked this way EVER before in my life. I TRUSTED my Government to “do the right thing”. Why? Because (for the most part) they had. I supported the DHS and all the stripping away of our 4th Amendment Rights. Why? Because; Muslim Terrorists. I trusted the Government to NEVER turn those powers on innocent citizens as “Insurance Policies” to ensure HER election. Boy Howdy was I WRONG!

    Please indulge me an analogy from my personal life. I was involved in what became a “controversial” project in my NIMBY hometown. A nicely designed two story addition to a home in a ranch-style neighborhood. A large group of residents opposed the project vehemently and mobilized to defeat it. These neighbors actually proposed that their neighborhood be declared a “historic preservation” zone and that all remodeling and additions be severely limited and reviewed by a “Board” of Neighborhood appointees. So the owner walked through the entire neighborhood door-to-door to explain his project and ask for support. The results of his canvassing absolutely fascinated me. The neighborhood was split 50-50 right down the middle. How was it split? All the old residents, who had lived in the neighborhood for 10-15-20 or more years didn’t want ANY changes to take place. All the YOUNG residents, who had just pawned everything they own to buy into this expensive and lovely neighborhood … didn’t want their property rights stripped-away. They didn’t want a bunch of old people telling them they couldn’t add a room to their house. The Young ALL supported property RIGHTS.

    This little demographic experience I had is analogous to what’s happening with the GME Buyers. They don’t want the ossified Institutions and Deep State Regulators STEALING their American Dream. They may HATE PDJT … but they actually AGREE with (most) everything he did … for them. The proles… both left and right are waking up. Maybe … just maybe … the tactic of divide (by race, class, etc.) is going to FAIL. It’s possible that the majority of Americans have discovered who their TRUE enemy is … it’s the Deep State and their interlocutory Agencies. That Biden-Harris are NOT their friends.

    1. I’ll enjoy watching what happens when the woke gets labeled alt-right.
      How many of them will have their epiphany on the road to Damascus?
      Won’t hold my breath waiting, but the verbal gymnastics will be fun to watch.

  7. Ima set up a betting company that takes bets on “When will they be banned?”
    Whennotif.com TM. pending

  8. The justification for short selling is it “takes the excess out of the market”. Well I think we can cross that bullshit excuse off the list.

    Shorts are there so big money can make money on the way up and down – and via naked shorts – actually move the market down to enhance their profits – by “borrowing” and selling the shares you hold in your trading account – (which you signed an agreement to allow when you opened your trading account).

    Just imaging what the real estate market would look like if you could sell houses you didnt own (multiple times)

    If you want to own a stock, buy it, if you want to sell it, sell it. No need to have short selling whatsover.

    Wall street liked it when the bigs ran the shorts – but now the little guy is in on the game.

    Without intervention by brokerages – I was locked out of TD this morning while GME got run into the ground (dont own any) – this would be at 1000 bucks a share now and moving higher.

    Shorts are absolutly f*cked without they system being gamed to hamstring the little guys.

    *Put a way out of the money sell on any securities you own – then they cant use them against you to short the market.

    1. You know … Tesla stock was floundering for quite a while … and then, suddenly spiked 2-3x higher almost overnight. Right at the time Elon would be paid a $250M bonus if the stock price were above a target figure. Gee … you don’t think the price was manipulated?

      Guess I’ve discovered a new way to “research” stocks … find the stocks that are slated for manipulation by the Wall Street fat cats. What? Research the actual company? Hahaha ha ha … how 1984 of you

    2. The FAA nixed today’s SpaceX launch over a puerile technicality.

      Complete coincidence, I’m sure.

  9. Robinhood has stopped people from buying GME, but they still can sell.
    So how do you sell if nobody can buy?
    Buyer + Seller = Trade.

    Obviously the shorts and brokerage houses who were involved in the illegal naked shorting are still allowed to buy GME to cover their criminal asses.
    You can only sell your shares to the criminals who were illegally shorting GME and who now need to close out those shorts by buying your shares.
    The price is driven down by the restrictions on buyers to screw the law abiding and to benefit the criminals.
    How is Robinhood not an accessory to the crimes?

    1. Government sanctioned crime … isn’t crime at all. See: “Crossfire Hurricane”

      Hell … just see: the entire FBI, CIA and ALL the “17 Intelligence Agencies”

  10. NOW is a great time to SHORT the stock, as the YUGE buy up is done.

    It is clearly now vastly overpriced, one way to go……..

    Look where blackberry is today, and a handful of other robinhood ‘saved’ stocks from shorting. Down significantly

  11. I forget the whole story. It was like 30 years ago when the Winnipeg Commodity Exchange self immolated. Does anyone know the story? The big grain companies grossly oversold grain futures on speculation and the market went up and they were stuck with having to buy back and deliver over 100% of the crop at inflated prices. Despite it being the grain company’s own stupid fault, the exchange voided the contracts. They chose big grain over their victims. I suspect the directors of the exchange and the grain companies were pretty close. I wonder if that is why the Winnipeg Commodity Exchange doesn’t exist anymore?

    1. Winnipeg Commodity Exchange still exists. It was sold off to an Atlanta, Georgia company called Intercontinental Exchange and is now called ICE Futures Canada…

      “the first North American agricultural futures exchange to trade exclusively on an electronic platform” by trading via the “Chicago Board of Trade’s electronic platform, and [using] clearing services from the Kansas City Board of Trade.”


  12. For the first time retail investors have figured out how to coordinate a pump and dump only to be out done by the coordination of the brokerage houses and hedge funds.

    I’d like to remind Redditors that the Securities and Exchange Commission might come knocking on their door for such posts. Trades and Posts being timestamped.

  13. How can you accuse someone with using insider information because they post publicly available information on the internet. They identified publicly available hedge fund exposure and how to use it to advantage and great personal satisfaction. It’s the reverse of insider trading. It’s shining light.

  14. Lots of smart commenters here. Just saying. This is where I come when I want to know what’s really happening.

  15. 2007-2009 was a set up to cause financial hurt, just to get O’Butthole elected, and PJT was taken down just to get Bin Xibiden in so O’Butthole could finish his destruction of American and the free world. Butt Trump is thin skinned right Rance?

  16. You don’t want to sell?
    Too bad, peon, the hedge funds want to buy:


    “We’re sorry, this order can’t be cancelled as we placed it to mitigate risk to your account.”
    Nothing about a margin call, this sounds like straight out theft.
    If it isn’t a margin call they have no right to do anything.

    You can’t buy the shares of GME but they will forcibly sell them.
    To whom?

    The brokerage houses who were involved in the illegal shorting could be in huge financial trouble.
    The old ‘If you owe the bank 50 grand you have a problem, if you owe the bank 50 billion they have a problem.’

  17. If the shorts aren’t lying and they have in fact wound up their short positions then what is the reason for driving the price down now?
    Hint: They are lying about being clear of their short positions.

    If they wrote uncovered call options they could be on the hook for more billions as those options are exercised.

  18. Just another;”Rules are for the little People”.
    Carlin was right,it is a big club and you ain’t in it.
    Mighty nice of the Reddit crew,forcing another corrupt and foul bunch of parasites to expose themselves and their bureaucratic tools.
    Capitalism is damn near dead,being replaced with this kind of Government Protected Theft.

  19. Hedge funds use derivatives – short sells and options – designed to hedge risk – to speculate, trying to deliver “absolute return,” which they don’t, as was just demonstrated. As part of the establishment elite, they expect to be bailed out for their poor business decisions. Insiders run rampant, having bribed the statists, while the outsider traders get vilified and victimized.

  20. Hey Reddit Lefties: You re now officially NAZIS!!! Just like the Trumpers you called Nazis, the Christians you called Nazis, the conservatives you called Nazis. Oh, and racist too. Probably homophobic, I mean, isn’t it obvious? How does it feel?

  21. Hey Wall Steet, and you Vampires at SEC: SEC Rule 156: Asset management firms are required by the Securities and Exchange Commission to say that past performance is no guarantee of future results. Haven’t you heard the legl disclaimer? INVEST WISELY.
