46 Replies to “And So It Begins”

  1. Not shocked.

    As an aside.
    There is a whole industry that has the sole purpose of getting an specific emotional response from the greatest percent of the population.

    1. Joseph:

      Yep – BIG PHARMA….and the Trillions to be made from Taxpayer money with zero worries about any LIABILITY.

      All of it predicated on the EVIL machinations of Dr FAUCI & Bill GATES in their promotion of trashing Hydroxychloroquine. Enough to scare the sheep towards accepting a magic Potion that will neither Immunize Anyone – Nor prevent anyone from actually getting infected Nor dispersing it to others…and might actually kill them. The “Perfect” Anitdote to a BIO weapon eh.?? (sic)…cause you’re gonna need monthly shots or something like that FOR fking Ever with the same LOUSY efficacy as the Seasonal Flu “vaccine”

      And of course that the studies showcased by LANCET & the New England Journal of Medicine were found to be UTTERLY False & had to be RETRACTED has had no bearing on the public – thanks to a MSM mountain of Marxist whores.

      Anyone that even takes a casual look at Indian and African deaths/Million should be able to come to the same conclusion I have. HCQ Works – it always did. That every Govt in the Western World Ignores that, is to me: A CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY

    1. They also now have President with dementia episodes in charge of ordering nuclear strikes.
      My brother-in-law currently suffers from this and has many episodes of living in different life experiences that he believes are real. Such a scary thought. A demented President with nuclear weapons.

    1. To be fair … the truth of the PCR amplification rates, which many were screaming about when we became overrun with “cases”, is very different from the TRUTH expressed by the post-Trump WHO.

      Oh wait. No it isn’t. Truth is immutable … regardless if it is disseminated by Trump followers or Biden sycophants

    2. As are these so called Vaccines. Magic potions I call em.

      When I ask someone this: “Hey, even though you are Healthy & don’t have HIV, would you have any issue taking an injection for HIV without knowing SQUAT about whats in it, what it’s supposed to do and has a mortality rate of some 2%…??”

      i get blank stares…or a lot of coughing and blah blah blah about Health Experts et all.
      Incredible – the lack of critical thinking is an epidemic as people continue to be KILLED by this shit.

      i would note: BC Health is perplexed as to why there is NO SIGN of the seasonal Flu…??

      I would also note TOTAL deaths in Canada is Less this year than last….imagine that eh.??

  2. Interesting conundrum for liberals. Do you revise the testing to eliminate false positives and also lower the death rate to eliminate those not really caused by the virus to make Biden look good? Or do you keep things as is to maintain lock down control? Likely they will revise testing to claim success but insist we stay locked down anyway because “it’s working”

    1. I think they hold the course, because in my view, I think they consider Xiden as disposable, in that way, Camillatoe could have a cleaner slate for reelection.

  3. Let’s not forget all the great work Brother Biden did in bringing us the vaccine as well. All hail Brother Biden!

    1. 100 million vaccinations in Biden’s first 100 days!

      Yet … Gavin Newsom only managed to inject 26% of the 2.7M doses he received while PDJT was still in office. Yeah … get used to more empty Xiden slogans … followed by gigantic posters of Xiden’s face on billboards and sides of buildings

  4. Every click to Twitter, gives them another day on the throne, cancelling all who dissent.

    Thanks for supporting Twitter so generously.

    1. Do those clicks count if when you get there… the message says this tweet is not available or has been removed?

  5. In an article on that page Biden removed a Whitehouse artwork of Andrew Jackson and replaced it one of Cesar Chavez. You remember him – the wetback who unionized and brought premium wages to border jumpers – maybe not. There is another term for wetbacks – an old term – slaves. Cesar Chavez tried but failed to overcome the Democrat Party abuse of Mexicans as a low cost source of menial labour. Biden has likely owned a few.

    1. Never mind the 2nd removal of Churchill’s bust by the pro-IRA Biden. Obama removed it because of, well you know, Kenya and all the horrible things the Brits did there like building roads, railroads, schools, etc. Biden no doubt due to some frothy identification with putative Irish ancestors that passed down their hatred of all things British. Imagine that – 20th century’s most important Western leader who was pivotal in turning the tide against actual, I mean real, racist totalitarians – these guys don’t give or don’t know a hoot about that. I find American Leftists as staggering (if not more so) in their historical illiteracy as the so-called average American ‘deplorable’.

    1. Wow! Serious disrespect. For the next 4 years Biden and Harris are going to have serious problems with respect. Only the Democrats say he won the election but in their hearts they know better.

  6. Twitter link is “disappeared” but the WHO paper is there. Hard tofind on their web site though

  7. C’mon Kate, you know that it was worth the deaths to delay approval of the vaccine for six weeks to get it to right after the election. Stop whining.

    1. Remember – it’s the Democrats so it will likely be an ally. They have already taken a run at Canada.

      1. Oh please.

        There would be worldwide outrage, particularly the EuroCommies, if the US attacked Canada.

        It would be like beating up a disabled person or a baby or puppy.

        Much easier to just continue the current theft from the befuddled hoi polloi.

    2. I think that was already demonstrated when he killed Keystone. He attacked the future Rupertsland, doing so, no doubt, with the blessing of Dear Leader.

  8. Every wonder how governments and health experts can predict a 2nd wave or 3rd wave of virus. It is because they know any PCR test with a cycling threshold greater than 30 will produce false positive results upwards of 98%. They can manufacture “cases” as required to fit their lockdown narrative. These people should be held criminally responsible for the damage and deaths they have knowingly caused.

  9. 1.3 billion tests and counting.

    Someone’s making a ton of money, unexpectedly. Almost like a windfall …

  10. Dr. Bonnie et al need this report shoved up somewhere the sun doesn’t shine. Criminals, the lot of them.

  11. WHO, the Chinese-run WHO: Interesting “scientific method” ya got there!

    ESTIMATED? Sold as SOLID numbers from thorough scientific study!

    This is almost as big a fraud as Biden.

    Funny that anyone who busts open that story will disappear into the “mental health” system.
