There Goes The Narrative!

The most incompetent white supremacist riot ever.

According to an affidavit signed by FBI Special Agent Riley Palmertree, Jackson was one of the first to gain entry through the Capitol doorway at the Senate Wing entrance on the West side around 2:48 p.m. after the violent crowd overpowered police officers.
Prior to this, Jackson is seen on surveillance footage making a fist and repeatedly striking a U.S. Capitol Police officer while attempting to forcibly enter the building.

Always the last to know: Now the Washington Post Admits Trump Did Not Incite the Capitol Riot

32 Replies to “There Goes The Narrative!”

  1. I’m still waiting for all the white supremacist riots the media promised would happen today.

    1. My mother called the TV an “idiot box.” If only she were alive today to see how remarkably accurate she ended up being.

        1. Now the “idiot box” is a smartphone. Same you-know-what, different pile.

  2. Turned himself in my auntie.

    He was no doubt turned in by the ghetto trash he tried to escape by “acting white”—aka getting up in the morning and going to an honest job, arriving on time and not stinking of malt liquor or pot.

    President Trump was the last hope of the minority of black Americans who dream of better things than white genocide. Turned out all the Republicans had to do to being them around was run a man for president, not a jellyfish.

    1. Laugh and drink some more of the baijiu sent compliments of the Red Chinese embassy.

  3. Screeech!
    Goal posts being moved by the idiot media to engage the Black Lives Matter Narrative.

  4. Where’s Lance the Boil to once again ask us how we feel about the policeman who got killed?
    The WaPo, CNN, Lance and the rest need to be drowned in liquid shit. (I don’t include UnMe – he thrives in it.)

  5. L- Long before The Truman Show. There is no news, there is only narrative.

    “All the (Media)world’s a stage”
    By William Shakespeare (from As You Like It)

    All the world’s a stage,
    And all the men and women merely players;
    They have their exits and their entrances;
    And one man in his time plays many parts,…
    “Drama is the willing suspension of disbelief.” Samuel Taylor Colridge,

    “You may think and think and think.
    As long as you don’t think for yourself!
    (Larry’s Cult. Marxist translation service)

  6. Heck, it’s not that complicated. He’s a black white supremacist. We all know people like that.

  7. I am guessing he may not be a Trump supporter or that would be top line. Any info who this guy is affiliated with?

    1. Yeah, I found that interesting too… we know this POS isn’t a “Trump supporter” so is he part of Black Racists Marxists Matter, likely, or is he a Antifa sexual pervert ?
      You know if he was a “Trump supporter” the Media would be yelling it out from the top of the Ministry of Propaganda.
      From my research so far all the “rioters” on Capital Hill that were causing damage and causing violence have all been either Antifa homos or Black Racists Matter… but it wasn’t a pre planned CIA Democrap FBI operation… right ?
      THe Coup worked like a charm… the CIA, FBI, and the Democraps teaming up with the Communist Chinese Party of China and Amerika has been very successful. Move over 3rd world make way for the most corrupt country on Earth.

    2. I read the news story … VERY … carefully. Eager to discover which Trump-admirers Club this violent criminal is a part of ? … nada. Perhaps a neighbor or relative will report that he flies a Trump Flag from his apartment balcony? … nothing. How about a co-worker who shockingly reports the man just won’t stop proselytizing MAGA at the water cooler? … Nope. Maybe this young black man has a story about how Trump’s urban revitalization zones gave him a job and new hope for his future? Hahaha ha … not a chance.

      Trump enthusiasts keep their baseball bats on the softball diamond.

      I wager he is a PAID member of BLM

    1. …says the guy who names himself after a caricatured television “Chinaman”.

  8. “Guys it was only premeditated by my crazy supporters and therefore that makes it ok. My months long “stop the steal” campaign surely did not incite these people! They’re just peeved that COVID restrictions have made Capitol Building tours a hassle and wanted to take in the sights, I swear!”

    1. Next time you use quotation marks, you puerile asshole, quote someone who actually exists in the real world, not the demons inside your tiny pointy head.

  9. I no longer care which side they are on, good, bad, honest, liar, it no longer matters. They can beat and kill each other with abandon as that is where they want to be.

  10. “Allegedly”. I find the media overuse of this one word a corruption of justice. We know there is a presumption of innocence, stop trying to tell us we don’t know what is going on.
