35 Replies to “We Don’t Need No Stinking Giant Fans”

    1. Wow. That’s a … LOT … of words. And incomprehensible graphs.

      Pro Tip: dump all that information and data … and instead … say things like “Magic Energy is as FAKE as a Magician’s sleight of hand”. That’s too many words too. Pare the concept down to a snarky 4-word Kate headline (like “Fickle Finger of Fat”). Low Information citizens, with low IQ’s and short attention spans VOTE … and you won’t reach them with your WRONG kind of science. And you won’t reach these people without a cultish personality like Elon Musk. You need a modern Enrico Fermi … who dates Hollywood Actresses, and is filthy rich. The slack-jawed, and slack-brained public really go in for that kind of stuff.

      1. Kenji, it no longer matters who votes or who doesn’t vote if one side has the ability to control the results and the other side does not.

      2. Kenji, one would almost think I was 100% correct in my assessment of so called renewable energy. Listening to the Prager U piece. I guess that is because I was and still am.

    2. Another way to look at it is energy density.
      The Bottomless Well – the twilight of fuel, the virtue of waste, and why we will never run out of energy. Peter W. Huber & Mark P. Mills, paperback 2006, Basic Books.

      It’s a real thought provoker, and a reasonably easy read. The second on “energy losses” when you look at the amount of energy in sunshine, then the amount of energy in plant life (on the order of 10% of what’s available), then the amount of energy uptake by herbivores (on the order of 10% of what’s in plants), then the amount of energy uptake by 1st level carnivores (~10% again) and finally second level carnavores (another ~10%), that’s a whole lot of sunshine “wasted” so that humans can live and eat. Would the world be better off if only slime molds still existed, and with less total energy losses?

      And for those who would ask about a vegan or vegetarian diet, help yourselves, but be ready to spend more of your time and effort into getting a balanced diet and processing your food because it’s not as energy-dense as eating meat.

      1. These folks had best hope for (more) global warming. So they have a better plant harvesting time.

  1. What’s wrong with you luddites? Our High Tech … scienci … betters are gonna solve all the problems created by you Boomers (and Boomers dead parents) . Elon Musk is transforming the planet! Only the most Neanderthal of our species don’t yet drive a Tesla. Tesla and it’s battery array are ‘magic’ … solving all our transportation problems. Right?

    Remember when people used to drive cars as an expression of their self image? Isn’t it great to be free of that sad old behavior? Now … people buy Teslas to heal the planet … not to feed their fragile egos. You’ll never find a man with tiny hands driving a Tesla … Right?

    (More extreme sarc. … I’m getting cranky as we approach the FAKE Inauguration of our FAKELY “elected” dementia patient President).

    1. Unobtainium energy,
      Go Ahead Kate, make my day. Ha

      Climate Professor Joey Biden and Komrade Harris got more votes than Trump because the president didn’t call a computer/server hacker instead of a Republican attorney general campaign crook;
      A hacker could’ve added 12,000 more votes to the Dominican voting machines down in Georgia’s Fulton full of shit Democrat district.
      Trump forgot the number one rule of politics, always call an intelligent criminal instead of a dumb ass politician.

    2. Kenji if they manage to kill 6 billion of us then energy will no longer be a problem.

  2. How about common sense for beginners Wind and solar couldn’t keep an outhouse heated in this country,I understand these windmills or a turbine if your from eastern Canada last 20 years and then where do they go?Whats the equation for the dead birds littering the ground around the windmills mind you if they are bats that’s a good thing.

    1. thats so true . i have an off the grid place in central alberta , has trouble with 20 solar panels keeping the composting toilet and vents going after a week of cold and cloudy , i stopped trying to stay in the winter probably 20 years back

      1. Dustoff, I understand there are dead wind farms and no one is wiling to tear down the turbines because it is too expensive and recycling is not worth the effort. At one wind wind farm they have dropped them and buried them on site rather than try and do anything else with them, clever people these environmental engineers.

        1. I no-longer live in CA. But you get past LA and they are everywhere. Many not working at all.
          Talk about a clean up mess. That they created.

  3. The objective of the left’s environmental schemes is not to solve any problems, it is to increase control. Stop accepting the premises of their arguments. Their goal is control.

    1. ProfDPM,
      How dare you enlighten us with truth, that’s so evil, and sooo….undemocratic…./s

  4. Just confuse our politicians and ask for a big check seems to work very well.
    And a monthly subsidies check too.

  5. Fools are now trying to tell us that the government subsidizes oil and makes wind & solar look uncompetitive.

    Point out that desert nomads in the middle east did not become fabulously wealthy by subsidizing oil and their Neanderthal brains simply stop computing.

    It’s like talking to a brick wall, so frustrating.

    1. Great come back. I had not thought of that one. Regarding “government subsidizing” oil, they come up with things like tax breaks (the ones that are available to all companies) and building roads. I guess electric cars do not need actual roads.

  6. The math was done long ago and they know it doesn’t work so let’s get that out of the way. “They” being those who are pushing this on the rest of us – Corporate elites, Enviros, politicos and faceless bureaucrats who help them implement their policies. I think there’s a misperception out there that these people are stupid…they’re not stupid, they’re cunning is what they really are.
    And if you haven’t already figured out that this is all by design and they want all of us in a perpetual state of energy starvation to make manipulation that much easier then I can’t help you.

    You’ll come around eventually. it took me a while but my epiphany came to me here at the local level when I found out the true meaning of “sustainable development” which is Liberalese for “ask us for permission before you cut down trees in your woodlot”.
    “ProfDPM” has hit the nail on the head. It’s about control. Always has been and always will.

  7. I like this. But for me and my common buttheads buddies, turn the inputs into dollars, works the same way. Decimal pointing everything doesn’t translate into easy understanding for us Joe Sixpacks.

  8. Arguments like this, while true, are a losing proposition at this point in history. We lost the “facts” argument 20 years ago.

    Picture this same argument between a gun owner and an anti-gunner. Gun owner has all the facts on his side. Gun grabber won the fear argument in 1968, and has been running the show ever since.

    It doesn’t matter what the truth is. Arguing the truth is a waste of time. I don’t know what -will- work, but I do know that talking about the laws of physics isn’t going to get it done.

    Maybe try focusing on the slave labor in China, the little kids dying of bone cancer while they dig with their hands for lithium ore for your f-ing Tesla, you bunch of rich f-s. That’s real too.

  9. Wind and solar and battery power will work when the worlds elites achieve their stated goal of reducing the planets population down to according to them a more sustainable 600million max,if you take that into account their illogical policies magically become logical.

    1. Um, Marc, don’t forget that they’ll expect that 590 million of the 600 million, will be placed in mind numbing labor and servitude to the the 10 million of the one percent of the one percent, who plan and will still expect to live their lives and that of their offspring, in the manner to which they’re accustomed. That right there, is the crux of the matter.

  10. They (environmentalists) have already figured out the solution to this math problem… just need to get rid of 7 billion people and everything will be fine. Simple

    1. That philosophy dovetailing nicely with the CO2 greenhouse gas premise so in a sense I guess we’re all poisoning Mother Gaia with every exhale.

  11. I’m assuming the atomic number of unobtanium is zero, is it in the same family as bigassium?

    1. Peter, you’re assuming wrongly that unobtanium is mostly solid, and bigassium is mostly gas. In reality, the unobtanium is only a solid until it becomes close to being in reach, and then it dissipates into a lost gas, as the hard knock mining first exposes it to air. Bigassium on the other hand, turns to a semi solid with a noxious odor, but usually it’s still too unstable to handle delicately, but at least has been used successfully to grow food, when properly distributed. Beyond that, both elements have been found to be useless for further scientific and industrial processes. However, there is great value in the pursuit of these elements that have proven to provide extremely lucrative deposits, of political and bureaucratic vanity, that can be successfully mixed with dissingenuanium to create extremely rich financial income streams for those enterprising enough to manipulate the useful idiocy of the low information citizenry, with a side benefit of extreme stupidity of same. The ultimate result of this wealth accumulation also creates a vast increase in power and control over that same human biomass that is constantly being manipulated with the dissingenuanium element!

      Thus, a planetary scale circle jerk that successfully blocks all exits, and does not allow any individual thought, action, or deviation, from the planned method of operation, using censorship, coercion, or outright cancellation, threatening deletion from society up to, and including, the use of extreme prejudice. To make the world a better place of course.

  12. Unobtainium AND Chineseium. After all, the climate change fraud is designed for the benefit of one country and one country only….China.

  13. When all else fails there’s lochnessium, bigfootium, ancientaliensium and all the other stuff people fall for without any proof but lots of rumors.

  14. The Greens don’t want to let reality out of the bag just yet as their short term goal is to convince the mindless that their popular bromides are the answer. Once they have severely wounded the (net positive ) energy industry by tying up most energy into developing the (net negative) bromides through political action, then they can get on with their long term objective of eliminating most of humanity. All of this is in the name of “sustainable development” and embedded into business school jargon as the epistemological mush of ESG.
