16 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. Tapper is a POS…always prefacing his anti military tweets with “I’m grateful for…” or “Thank You for your service” before launching into his version of why an ex servicemen/ women are Republican aholes. Journalism 101 – always give the interviewee/tweeter a little back rub to put them at ease then shiv them.
    He tried that schtick on Navy Seal Marcus Luttrell during a one on one interview once, characterizing the deaths of Luttrell’s friends in Afghanistan as “senseless”. Luttrell wasn’t having any of it and gave him a spanking, it looked like Tapper was going to piss his pants in fear before deftly backtracking.

  2. Until even the dopiest justy/joe voter realizes that they are the ones Mark Twain was pointing out in the fooling quote, this brainwashing will never end. The so called media for many years has and is a well constructed gathering pen, to a holding pen, to a set of corrals and soon into the squeeze so to speak. The dullards tune in, listen to the lies, believe the lies, and form opinions based on lies. Turn off the globulls ctv’s ( we hate Trump) and the c-enen’s, (we hate Trump) the tony (fake news) kings (we hate Trump) on the radios and start looking for real news, might cost you some, satellite radio isn’t cheap, but listening to lies all day long on radio and tv is not healthy. Like our “free” healthcare, sometimes your better to spend a little more on vitamins and other remedies than a pill from the pill pushers, to get real results. The lies are all planned and scripted to get the results these scum are getting, wake up.

    1. Listen Carefully to any LIBERAL Leader.
      and watch very Carefully what they do vis a vis the Military.

      The Canadian Armed FARCE is what happens when you have a predominately ANTI MILITARY bunch of Quebecois cowards in Control. THAT particular pile of ROT set in very Early & heavily during PET’s Communist Reign.

  3. Speaking of those lizard faces, I have seen several pictures of Nancy Pelosi in the last few days, and with her mask on, she really does look like a lizard. She seems to be choosing masks with patterns (supposedly a fashion statement), but they have a very lizard look.

  4. Further – I remember quite well ex CBS journalist Bernie Goldberg being raked over the coals for his 2001 book Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distorts the News, media meat puppets went ballistic calling him a conspiracy theorist and batshit crazy for suggesting that most in the media were progressive Liberals.

    Well here we are 20 years later and they’re not even hiding it anymore.

  5. Your link under “warn people” includes a link to katewerk at twitter….Seems that they say the account no longer exists…your choice or theirs?

    1. I deactivated the account a few days ago after deleting everything. Moving to Gab once the platform is stable again.

  6. It seems like there are no more bridges for sale. I guess the last 3 cnn listeners are out of luck.

  7. Come on, join the reality-based community.
    The media is society’s friend and investigate Hate. CTV, CBC, Global News, Toronto Star etal have reported numerous times about the white supremacists running wild across the country blocking railroads, streets and highways. Our teachers and professors are also provide valuable info in this regard.
    If not for the media (and academia), we would not know this, as these supremacists are good at hiding from the public.

  8. The enemy of the people. These propagandists will pay a price for their deliberate mendacity and dishonesty. Tapper surely knows wht happens to “the enemy of the people” in a civil war… maybe he doesn’t… Tapper and many other propagandists just like him are in for a very rude awakening… he will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his miserable life. He earned it.
