72 Replies to “RIP Kathy Shaidle”

    1. *

      Blogging is supposed to be rude, anarchic and distinctly “unofficial.” Hiring a “campaign blogger”
      is like hiring a “campaign farter” or setting up a “campaign mosh pit.”

      Guys, I’ve written of Justin Trudeau that “there’s never an avalanche around when you need one.”

      I’ve called Arabs “violent retards” repeatedly.

      The Conservative Party of Canada would, if they thought of me at all, which they don’t, dearly like
      me to go very far away.


      1. She was an inspiration for all we conservative canuck bloggers. Her work got me going and provided a model of how to spit at, swear at, state to, shake up, and maintain a steady flood of distain for liberal losers. Canadian Blue Lemons will say a prayer for her at church tonight.

        1. Hi Brian…I do remember those early bogging days, and your Blue Lemons.
          Kathy and Kate were on fire and leading a real small c conservative charge, watching Harper slowly take down the Libs.
          I met her and Arnie in Northern Ontario at one of our REAL Women conferences, a brilliant lady and real spark of energy and in your face ideas. Would have loved to see her face off with the likes of Trudeau.
          Thankful for the signed copy of her book. I shed a few tears today. She will be missed.
          Kate…my condolences to you as well.

  1. Kathy was seen arguing with St. Peter at the Pearly Gates and telling the guardian angels off this morning. Now she’s hanging out, getting her wings polished.

    Go Kathy go!

    1. Perhaps a clerical error landed her in cat Heaven. 🙂

      I will always fondly remember her “From our bulging ‘Lourdes: Celebrating its 71,028th riot free day!’ files”.

      Her sarcasm was always spot-on.

  2. She was absolutely fearless – “America should have picked its own damn cotton” is an example. And laugh out loud funny. And painfully honest.
    And the fact they sent out He Who Shall Not Be Named to disrupt her life (successfully) says she was always over the target.
    Never met her personally but knew her a bit through email.
    My heart goes out to Arnie and others close to her. RIP. It is always far too soon.

  3. Rest in Peace Kathy.
    May you enjoy much laughter, love and happiness wherever you go.

  4. I never particularly cared for Kathy Shaidle but, for some reason, the news of her passing makes me very sad.

  5. How sad … until I read this “insensitive” obit. I just found the template for my own … she left an oversized mark on humanity. RIP Dear Warrior lady!

  6. Bought lunch for Kathy at a little green footballs lunch. (before LGF went lunatic). Lots of fun to be with her, and the Canadian conservative movement lost a good soul today. RIP and prayers for Arnie.

  7. I never got around to reading her website, but I feel I lost something truly special with her passing. After reading the obituary, I think we would have had a lot in common.

    Farewell, and we thank you.

  8. Five Feet of Fury was a terrific part of the conservative blogosphere back in the day. Shaidle was never boring. The online right needs more authentic voices like her.

  9. First met Kathy at a U of T Faculty luncheon in about 2000 where she was giving a lecture on conservative matters and the even then, corrosive influence of liberalism, as I recall. We emailed occasionally after that, but somehow life got in the way and our correspondence dwindled to none at all. An insightful and often humorous influence, she will be remembered fondly.

  10. What a great pity. A tough little broad with more balls and backbone than 98 percent of Canada’s male population.

  11. A few of Kathy’s poems have not yet been vaporized by the University of Toronto, a tacit admission that she was one of the very few Canadian poets whose work is worth preserving. A link if anybody cares to copy her work in advance of the new Dark Age.


    Kathy hoped to live to see the demise of the New York Times, whose typists were mostly not worthy to clean her keyboard. God in his wisdom called her to her reward after letting her live to see the downfall of Donald Trump, possibly the last hope of Western civilization.

    Weep not for Kathy, now safe in the bosom of Abraham far from the clutches of the Red Chinese and their Librano friends, and whatever torments they have in store for us now DC is in Chinese hands. Weep for yourselves and your children.

  12. So sad, I loved her blog, a daily must read for years. Rest in peace dear heart, so sorry for your loss Arnie.

  13. “You’re not smart enough to tell me how to live,” was my favourite. She will be missed, along with her movie reviews. I gained a new appreciation for a few films I had previously dismissed.

    1. “Not smart enough to tell me how to live”, I’ve used that too many times to count. I will miss the wit and honesty that she wrote with. She was fearless and she will be missed.

  14. I started following Kathy many years ago on her Relapsed Catholic blog. She was always frank, sometimes brutally so but a rare voice to what matters to me. I will miss her movie reviews, writing and love of snark. Best wishes to her family. I hope that Arnie continues on with his blogging too.
    A sad day. But the sadness is ameliorated somewhat for me because I know she is in a better place. Ave atque vale Kathy.

  15. She also gave better movie reviews than the so called pros. Here’s looking at you kid, you will be missed.

  16. I’m sorry yr gone Kathy, but can you get over there and Haunt that HR Welfare Whore?

  17. Acerbic wit for the modern age…

    Hadn’t had the pleasure of meeting Kathy; but read a number of her online Five Feet of Fury postings back in the day.

    Psalm 149: “For the Lord takes pleasure in his people; he adorns the humble with victory.”


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North

  18. I have great respect for her. She was a voice of reason speaking against the tide of nonsense that flows around us. May she rest in peace knowing that she made a difference.

    Also, I provide condolences to those in her life who will miss her the most.

  19. Five Feet of Fury- her wit and moral courage earned the rank of Culture Warrior Extraordinaire.

    Grieve not that she has died. Give thanks that she lived. (Rabbinical Proverb)

  20. Another great conservative voice lost. She was one of Pamela Geller favourites. Sad to read about her passing far too soon.

  21. RIP Kathy Shaidle.

    It is such a shame the Kathy died from ovarian cancer at such a young age.

    With the minimally invasive surgical procedures that are available today I believe that all women should have preventive surgery after menopause with the removal of the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus. The surgery requires a one night hospital stay and recovery time is only a few weeks, with a minimum amount of discomfort.

    From the web:

    A bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy is a surgery to remove both fallopian tubes and ovaries. One may be having a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy for different reasons, such an ovarian cyst or a high chance of having ovarian cancer in the future.

    A laparoscopic hysterectomy is a procedure to remove the uterus. A small incision is made in the belly button and a tiny camera is inserted. The surgeon watches the image from this camera on a TV screen and performs the operative procedure.

    1. Hank – I read the Steyn tribute and was about to post it but you beat me to it.
      A couple of memorable lines from it:

      Kathy’s Canada did not include Quebec:
      I was in elementary school when the edict came down:
      Everyone Must Learn French NOW Or Canada Will Fall Apart!

      Even back then, I resented being ordered around by the government.

      So I refused to learn French, which was obviously a stupid language anyway since (judging from the fine print on my cereal boxes) it took twice as many words to say the same stuff. Same with the other new thing: metric, which is (not coincidentally I’m sure) also French.

      Being different starts young:

      Now, I realize this makes me a very strange person, but when I was growing up, while other kids were fantasizing about living in the Brady family house, I imagined it would be more congenial to reside in Stalag 13.

      Why she left Hamilton (like someone has to ask?)
      The funeral director asked me why I’d moved away thirty-five years earlier, and I gave my standard answer:

      Didn’t he know that if you’re born in Hamilton and regularly use words with more than two syllables, they walk you to the city limits on your nineteenth birthday and point you towards Toronto?

      RIP Kathy. See you on the other side.

  22. “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog.”

    ― Mark Twain
    RIP Little Warrior Woman

  23. A strong passionate take no prisoners conservative voice goes silent. It’s a terrible loss for those who value freedom and common sense. I remember “back in the old days” of SDA seeing Kathy’s poignant straight talk comments on many posts. She definitely knew how to raise the temperature of the room and didn’t hold much back. My sincere condolences to those who knew her well on this site including you Kate. Cancer is such a terrible thief.

  24. My heart has become a little heavier today. To Arnie, whom I’ve never met, please know that you are foremost in my thoughts. Kathy has left you and I understand how painful it is and will be, for some time.

    Just today, my wife and I had to discuss whether she should continue her chemo or to live her remaining time more fully. It’s a difficult road you and Kathy have had to travel and I wish at this moment I could somehow lift you up.

  25. Best Obit ever. I would have expected no less. I am sad even though I knew it was coming. I am still sad.

  26. She was a genius and fearless.
    The time she called one of my comments here “comment of the month” (given what she’s written) is my highest internet honour.
    Met her a few times and she went out of her way to make my wife and I welcome.

    She was a Giant.

    My condolences Arnie and Kate

  27. What a tragic loss. RIP Kathy and thanks for all that you’ve accomplished.

    My deepest condolences to her family and friends.
