Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors

Meet self-styled masking enforcer and Huffington Post contributor Sandi Bachom…

@Cernovich Everyone needs to watch this. Especially the middle. “He’s about to punch me.” They will LIE. Falsely accuse you. Always be recording and always travel with a buddy.

30 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. This woman’s behavior is exactly what I’d expect from a journalist. They’re unhinged leftist nutjobs all of them. One of the parent’s at my kid’s school is a journalist and I’ve never met a bigger asshole in my life. Speeds through the parking lot to drop off his kids etc etc. SCUMBAGS all of them. If you see one, stay clear and don’t associate with them.

  2. L- Welcome to Mass transport 2021, now that mass hysteria is legal.
    Yes, your C02 footprint is smaller, the footprint on your face, not so much.

    1. ‘If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.’
      ~ George Orwell

  3. I just googled Miss Beacham, she is 76 years old, and certainly in an at-risk group due to her age.

    She is certainly in the very wrong here.

  4. The same hysterical bitches who scream they’re going to call the cops on you for not following current lockdown nonsense also scream the loudest about police brutality and the BLM martyr of the month. They seem incapable of recognizing that they cannot hand unlimited power to the police to promote “public safety” and simultaneously act incensed when someone disobeying police orders gets choked out

  5. 70,000 fellow thugettes ?

    Fortunately, someone had a concealed carry camera when the growling started, and was able to
    hold that monster off the normal until reality showed up.

  6. First world problems … social media, doxxing, whining over things you don’t like … so-called “journalism”

  7. *
    most lucid comment from the thread…

    “That woman doesn’t need a mask, she needs a psychiatrist.”


  8. I’m starting to think that there are not enough walls, or helicopters, or gas station awnings, for these people.

  9. At some point in time these freak shows are going to start getting their heads stove in and that’s video I’m looking forward to.

  10. The reason leftists want the police to wear body cams at all times is because the only thing that convinces a leftist to behave is the knowledge that the cellblock screw has his eyes on him at all times, and will make damn sure the little commie punk goes in the hole for acting like a punk.

    When America is great again, I am sure Sandi can be trained to be a cellblock screw in the prison camp where the less dangerous lefties will be sent to savour the joys of the communist ideal: “From each according to her ability [back-breaking farm work 16 hours a day], to each according to her needs [enjoy eating prison loaf, shitting in a bucket and sleeping in a cage only big enough to lie down in for the next five to ten—it was good enough for your fur-babies].”

    The rest of us will get to savour our morning coffee in peace, and gladly mind our own business.

  11. Have never seen a better reason why one should not use public transportation. Mind you once they get their way and totally defund the police we can implement the code of the old west, which basically say get in my face and you’re going down. Thank God I live in a small town where sanity still prevails.

  12. She tries to shame two men by posting on her 70,000 follower page.

    Get’s infuriated when she gets shamed on someone else’s 396,000 follower page.

  13. Thing 1 and Thing 2 – I liked that. Pity the conductor couldn’t stop the train and toss the nut jobs off.

  14. BTW … that is one luxurious commuter train. Suffice to say it’s not carrying passengers from the Jamaica station. Nope. Upper, upper, class all the way. How can a nutbar woman like this AFFORD this train? Or the neighborhoods it serves?

  15. And now another example that leftist “progressives” are insane. Post Millennial reports that a BLM activist and candidate running for office, celebrated that the Edmonton police officer was killed.
