96 Replies to “January 2, 2021 – Reader Tips”

  1. The following is an interview with Catherine Austin Fitts who is the Publisher of the Solari Report and is Managing Director of Solari Investment Advisory Services.

    She has some interesting information about what the Globalists have in store for the World.

    Have a listen before it disappears:

    “Planet Lockdown” (48:32)

    1. Another conspiracy theorist with grainy photos of a flying saucer landing in the north forty.

      Give me a break!! Where do you find these people??

      1. I finished watching it a few minutes ago.

        I find a lot of what she says to be far-fetched, but that doesn’t mean that she’s wrong. She lost credibility with me towards the end, however, when she started babbling about building “from the bottom up”. Gee, that sounds a lot like “build back better”, now doesn’t it?

        1. I don’t need to watch it. Far fetched, however? Everyone is walking around with a diaper on their face. If I told you that two years ago, you would have laughed me out of here.

          1. Sadly, some of it seems to be falling into place for the commie ‘basturds’. Apologies, femininity wearing off.

      2. Fitts is actually a really impressive person. She has headed up investment banks and served as assistant secretary for housing and urban development under Bush. At one point she was invited to join the Federal Reserve Board, but turned that down. She knows about how things really work in finance and government. I have a lot of time for her.

    2. Thank you Nancy. It has been awhile since I have heard one of her excellent podcasts.
      Our currency destruction is the inflation of money over this century. You can only create so much before the system itself fails.
      Our banking system now generates more credit than what these huge companies are worth as they have used it to buy more and more companies in consolidation. Banks are private companies and create their own laws as people and governments can be bought by their ability to create cash and credit

      I can understand if someone is new to this, it would sound totally absurd as mainstream media and our politicians never talk about this. And yet we hear new policies our government creates such as the cancelation of our currency of money before 1983 and the cancelation of the use of the penny due to inflation.

      There is a multitude of things going on behind the scenes that make s thing much worse on ourselves by our 3 levels of government and their individual regulations and imposed laws.

      My brother in law own a fantastic antique store which is being decimated by time where people no longer are interested in the old.
      I went a different route and learned that I love quality which is getting more and more difficult to find as cheap crap does the slow invasion.

    3. Thanks Nancy.
      Its an important interview. Someone linked the interview in tips around Christmas and the video started gaining traction on twitter the last couple days.
      I especially liked how she discovered the correlation between the BLM riots and the proximity to 34 out of 37 federal reserve branches and banks.
      Then there is the tie in to opportunity zones where the tech oligarchs can invest their proceeds avoiding capital gains taxes.
      “The riots are a real estate acquisition plan. Its called disaster capitalism.”
      The covid19 background starts at 26 minutes.
      At 28:30 she speaks about the riots an the tie in to big tech
      At 34:40 she discusses tecnocracy and how big tech view the deplorables as a resource and how they are exploring tech to develop a slave system

      1. It’s obvious that these plans have been in the works for a long time. The Globalists’ plans are not going to go away, they’ll just be delayed, if at all. POTUS Trump is in their way.

        The rapid decline of the middle class is underway.
        The introduction of COVID-19 was the final push.

    4. I was just going to put this vid link in!
      Great video.
      She is very matter of fact in her presentation.

  2. I am showing Citizen Free Press has been suspended.

    Anyone else?

    CFP has been growing fast.

    Shades of things to come?

      1. PD, from 45 to 79 USSR, was the boggy man , what took place in 79 that shifted our attention away from USSR/Russia, and communism?

    1. I check it out daily and the website is up and running. I don’t look at twitter unless it is linked on line to something I am interested in, same with facebook and u-tube.

    1. Maybe a good strategy would be to get his foot off of Alberta’s neck. What a horrible Prime Minister he is. If there were worse ones in the past, I am not aware of them.

      1. Only the Trudeaus have ever introduced legislation specifically designed to hobble and cripple the western Canadian economy.

    2. Of the three the first two have been reality for decades. The third will not happen, as the demographic in the west has changed and trough licking socialists are in the majority, not just in the R O C but western Canada as well.

    3. L- Who would offer to buy Government. of Canada junk bonds when others wouldn’t?
      The Communist Party of China, but Being owned by the C.C.P. has consequences…
      Consequences that lead one to question, how many politicians are so owned now?

    4. Scary thought (being a Westerner) but so true. Maybe it will finally work and the West can prosper as it should. Feel very sorry for the situation in Newfoundland. They vote Liberal time and again and still are on the verge of bankruptcy.
      The Federal Government has too too much power and uses it in ways not in the best interest of the population but in their interest .
      If we are ever going to succeed in this world, separation with the formation of a new country is the only way for our children and grandchildren to have any sort of a life.

    5. LOL more ‘success by failure’ conservaderp. Even includes excuses and mythmaking regarding the budget spending (it was Harper that ruined Martin’s balanced budgets after Martin admittedly started increasing spending, and Klein was also starting to shove money out the door by the time he left). Conservatism is completing it’s logical evolution into nihilism.

      1. PM Harper’s error was cutting the GST to 5%. That said PM Harper also managed to balance the books before he was defeated, something he is rarely given credit for. PM Martin was bribing the public with their own money. That is an act of desperation that should never be rewarded.

        It is always hard to pay off debt which is why most people will take an alternative if it is presented to them by someone they feel they can trust. I think the real issue is financial and economic illiteracy, it is much harder to pull the financial wool over someone’s eyes if they are more knowledgeable.

    1. No it wasn’t. Everything you a-holes are saying is a total lie. It’s 2021, you lost, STFU and stop pretending you get to matter anymore.

      1. This reader tip was meant for humans. The one for you was flushed earlier after the morning coffee.

      1. Sheer’s CPC got 6,239,227 votes in 2019
        Bernier’s PPC got 294,092.

        Some split.
        Good luck next time.

        1. Well the hysterical idiot maxipads did manage to swing about six to nine seats, except that they swung them Librano way. They never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity. The grand maxipad himself would be a shoe in for the last CPC leadership race, but he has chosen another way, … Fwench traitors are what Fwench traitors do.

          1. In fairness, I think Scheer handled Max badly. He could have used Max effectively as an attack dig against the Libersls, but instead tried yo shut him up. Right up there with trying to shut out Rebel. Sheer made some mistakes. I have lost interest in the Party. Doug Ford is not doing much better. He gets led around like someone’s lap dog . I think it is too late to save the country.

          2. The CPC= communist party of canada along with all other parties. The PPC is as close as canada has come to a conservative party in my lifetime. I doubt very much that if they did gain power that they would remain conservative after four years because as I have said most canadians are socialists, if not outright communists. canada is broken beyond repair and the “people” broke it.

          3. Colinista;

            1. racist
            2. fake conservative
            3. low IQ
            4. hateful & CPC useful idiot. Have fun with globalist Erin O’Toole at the helm of Canada (since you are low IQ it means no changes from Trudeau)

          4. aand so colon R~4, you still complaining that yer libtard, andy scheep lost? Now fuck off already!

            Ahmed, colon , heavy on the low IQ, Idiot in over drive status for that BOY

          5. All the parties in Canada are the very same, policy wise there is no difference. There are no Conservative parties or leaders in Canada. Canada is ending something new will emerge. Canada is bankrupt and will not continue as one nation very much longer.
            The fake Con Harper had a Total Public Debt of 4.1 Trillion in 2014 and the Pup Out Of Old Fidel Justin wracked up another 1.2 Trillion by his own admission. They have sold all the Gold Reserves starting with PET.
            Until PET we had over 1000 Metric Tonnes of gold, and most of it was sold off at 250 per oz.

          6. TT and Ahmed, not trying to take sides here, but let’s try to avoid insulting others on this thread. Let’s start the year right and make arguments and write constructive posts. There’s a war on, between the good side and the establishment bad side.

          7. Linda, yes of course, Scheer made every possible mistake. He was a weak leader and an embarrassment. Yes, of course he did. That is a separate matter. Does not make the Grand Maxipad any more or any less of a Trudeau’s useful idiot. He did everything wrong and timed it perfectly to maximize benefits for Trudeau.

            Black Prince is the enemy we should be working to destroy. and we should be using any politician that is useful and discarding them after that. All the idiots below your post that are demanding purity are dumber than Bernie Bros and exactly the kind of opposition Black Prince is hoping for.

          8. Ahmed, Enema and UnMe, aka the The Troll, the Rabid and the Vomit, please be careful, your enthusiastic circlejerk can create a black hole of stupid.

        1. That, buddy, has survived the Test of Time.
          Quebec is, and always will be the the apple in the Laurentien Elites eyes.

          1. Bingo, there is no fixing what is fundamentally broken by design. The sooner this country collapses the better, better for West, better for Ontario, as for the rest… oh well.

  3. An item a ZeroHedge threw me for a loop.
    The item, posted where news stories are usually displayed, shows a pin with this text:


    The post includes s disclosure that it’s an advertisement and provides the merchant’s name which is …. Dissent Pins. So they seem to be suggesting that this warp speed mRNA vaccine is not too popular and people who want it are dissenters.

    I clicked on the ad to see an assortment of pin offerings. Amusing.

        1. I think you need to do the reading. Your moronic trolling is rarely worth my effort to respond, that is it for this year.

  4. Quick! Somebody tell that annoying A&W ad guy….

    “The same amount of greenhouse gas emissions result from the production of organic meat as regular meats, a study has concluded.”

    “… while organic meat saw emissions reductions in some areas — such as by not using fertiliser to grow the necessary animal feed — these savings were typically offset by increased methane emissions from the animals themselves.”

    “This complication arose as a product of both the slower growth rates of the animals and the fact that they tend to produce less meat per individual — meaning that organic farms must raise more animals to meet the same level of demand.”

    “Organic and regular beef are just as environmentally damaging, they concluded — while organic chicken actually results in slightly more greenhouse emissions overall.”

    1. And everyone, almost 8 billion of us inhale and exhale co2 with every breath, we also fart a lot.

    2. What about the plains bison? These critters also had the tree line beaten back almost to High Level. Were the Europeans that almost decimated the bison “climate champions”?
      Any study claiming that cows are bad for Mother Gaia for any reason are produced by a bunch of Commie Fag Junkie Vegans.

  5. L- Canada at .2 percent vaccinated… but no worry lockdowns and masks will reduce the demand for vaccines, as Canadians adopt lock-downs and masks as their new political culture without or with vaccination.

    And Just in claimed, we have no core identity. Baa, we replied with a sheepish grin.
    “Israel has vaccinated 41 per cent of its over-60s and more than ten per cent of its population as it drives ahead in the global vaccine race despite fears over shortages.
    The country has now vaccinated 11.56 per cent of its 8.7 million population. It is hooped that high proportion of over-60s who have received the dose could soon start to bring the country’s hospitalisation and death rate down.
    The infection fatality rate (IFR) of coronavirus for under-65s is estimated at 0.5%, dropping to almost 0% for under-44ss.
    But for the over-65s it is 3.1%, rising to 11% for the over-75s. That means that incoulating all of the older generation will make much greater reductions in a country’s hospitalisation and death rates than vaccinating the younger population…

  6. I only listened to the part where she said that “invisible enemies” are used to herd the public in a constant state of fear. How very TRUE that is. Global Warming – invisible. Totally unnoticeable, except in a Hockey stick chart or computer modeled graph with lots of REDs and Purple-REDs covering it. The Great swirling plastic patch the size of Texas floating out in the Pacific? Ever seen any pictures of it? And, no … pictures of plastic waste washed up against a harbor break wall doesn’t count. So then the story changed to “microplastics” because the UV and tidal action breaks down the big plastic into teeny-tiny microscopic sized plastics that lodge in the liver of tuna and make the Japanese into the most racist, racially pure country on the planet (next to China).

    And I would add the Novel COVID-19 Virus to the list of “invisibles” … EXCEPT … it cannot be invisible! Right? Why not? Well … because it’s large enough to be stopped by a homemade cloth mask in fabric which matches your purse, or nation of origin. So … just like an MIT high speed camera film of a human sneeze traveling in excess of 25 feet … the virus can be seen as particles getting trapped by your mask.


    We have FAILED our children by … all the science they don’t understand … it just their jobs, five days a week. Gullible yeah ah Gullible.

    1. Picture a mosquito approaching a chain link fence. That’s what Covid looks like approaching your mask !!

  7. https://www.newsmax.com/politics/trump-georgia-senate-runoff/2021/01/01/id/1003953/

    I happen to live in New York state at the moment and we have had more than a dozen robo-calls from Georgia Democrats urging us to join activists in teleconference calls for information about the election.

    Stacey Abrams, the Governor elect(?) of Georgia, was one of the robo-callers. Yuck.

    I think these calls will piss off more Americans than anything else, they’re not only annoying, but everyone, even idiot liberals, know they want to commit fraud, why the eff would they waste their time calling us up here otherwise.

    1. To you and like minded individuals it will infuriate.
      But to the intended recipients it’s an invitation to be an out of state mail in ballot.
      Now ask why those mandated to stop this have not done their job?

      That was a rhetorical question.

      1. “it’s an invitation to be an out of state mail in ballot”
        With 0 downside. Hell they even had a guy, fully recognizable, caught on camera pulling boxes of ballots from under a table after all the observers had been sent home. No repercussions whatsoever.

        1. I mentioned that incident to my elderly aunt. She still insists that Biden won fair and square. Then again, I’m sure she get all her news from the MSM.

  8. Here’s a thought.

    Let’s suppose it’s 2023 and Biden is in the Oval Office.
    He has obvious cognitive issues but insists on running for one more term.
    Questions are
    – will the media cover for him?
    -will an ambitious contender work behind the scenes to undermine him and force him to step aside?
    -will the GOP let such an opportunity go to waste?

    1. Joseph, it will interesting to see the contortions they are going to go through this coming year, as old Joe continues to slip way. I really don’t think he has much more than a year.

          1. Jeff a Commander in Chief he is the only one who can order a nuke strike, period.

  9. The Liberal Party’s loyal Saturday Toronto Star, explains in detail on how white “settler” Canadians are racist bastards towards Indians. Except for Justin, Justin is wonderful.

  10. Update: Amir Abdulrahman and Al-Azan Shah Muhammad both turned themselves in and were arrested for the murder of Cargary police officer Sgt. Andrew Harnett.

    The corporate media have gone back to referring to the latter-named perp as a “17-year-old youth”. The police had obtained a judge’s permission to name the perp during the original manhunt. A Google search shows that some of the bigger corporate media scrubbed the youth’s name off of their original manhunt stories, in order to try to keep his name a secret.

    And watch for the National media to collectively forget about this tragic case. Given who the peeps are.

    1. The 19 year-old will be let off as he was not driving. The 17 year-old will be given a tap on the wrist and a couple of hours to clean a mosque.

  11. Where is Justin (“Waldo”) Trudeau? His official itinerary says that today, like the two previous days, is “personal”.


    If you join his official fan club, do you receive better information on this whereabouts ? If that’s what it takes, I am willing to join.

  12. I see the Senate threw the Trumpeters veto out. It’s the first one he’s lost. It looks like the Senate has moved on.

    The Georgia run off may be a referendum on Trump. If that’s the case things could go south as they say. Many of those old southern Republicans might not approve of Trump’s behavior since Nov 3.

    If the Senate stays in the hands of the Republicans Joe and kameltoe will have a tough time of it.

  13. “it’s an invitation to be an out of state mail in ballot”
    With 0 downside. Hell they even had a guy, fully recognizable, caught on camera pulling boxes of ballots from under a table after all the observers had been sent home. No repercussions whatsoever.

  14. Breitbart reports on how China is replacing Hollywood. Biggest worldwide film was from China which was about brave Chinese fighting the Japanese in World War 2. It was a delayed release as the Chinese government didn’t like Chinese actors in it.

  15. Linky not working. Duckduckgo is your friend. ‘The Technocratic Takeover’. “Dark Journalist” is the interviewer.

    A good interview with the brilliant Fitts. She’s a former insider from a blue blood law firm, ex-Goldman Sachs, ex-assistant Director at HUD turned whistleblower. From that one Dept. she discovered vast sums of money went missing. That number was later a Project, estimating the lost funds to be at least be $21 TRILLION. Enough to pay off the national debt at the time iirc. She got death threats and non-stop surveillance for her efforts to clean up HUD. She’s gone private as an international consultant for high net worth clients. In this interview she concludes that her digging for the truth is “a lonely road”. Her POV is that “Mr. Global” sees humanity as livestock. You may argue. We wait and watch the rollouts of the first of who knows how many vaccinations. Fitts says we will keep getting ‘updated’ like the Windows OS.
