The British Columbia Stasi Have Arrived!

The Lives of Others should be mandatory viewing for all students, to see how terrible things can get in a totalitarian regime.  Under the dark realm of East Germany, citizens were encouraged to report on their neighbours.

It appears that B.C. police agencies are taking a big step in that direction:

Police say they issued tickets and broke up gatherings in several places in B.C. on New Year’s Eve in keeping with COVID-19 safety rules.

Vancouver police say they responded to 34 calls for gatherings and issued four tickets of $2,300 each to event organizers, including one to the owner of a restaurant near Granville and Davie Street found hosting a private party with around 100 people in attendance, and serving alcohol at 11 p.m.

60 Replies to “The British Columbia Stasi Have Arrived!”

  1. When you find out the hard truth after graduation that the only job your coddled ass can keep from getting fired at, is working for government, well, that right there is a hard incentive to “just following orders”.

    1. I see a lot of such people each time I go through airport security. It’s a good thing those punks aren’t issued weapons.

  2. “Imagine being born into a Western democracy and then becoming an official thug of the state to squelch the freedoms of the citizens of that democracy.”

    Unclench, Robert, before you develop a haemorrhoid. As much as you, or your SDA brethren, or your stern daddy Jordan Peterson insist to the contrary, police handing out fines to scofflaws for violating provincial public health laws intended to protect public health during a global infectious disease pandemic isn’t leading us to totalitarianism. The fundamentals of Canadian society are far less delicate than your sensibilities.

    1. In BC you can be arrested for having anyone other than your household members in your home. Police rely on neighbors ratting out neighbors which is encouraged. This isn’t liberty. This is tyranny.

      1. And what it isn’t … is aiding in public health. The lockdowns have all FAILED. Epically. Failed.

        1. aiding in public health

          That was never the objective. Better get used to having a boot stamping on your face forever.

        2. Kenji, temporary lockdowns absolutely work — ask New Zealand, or Atlantic Canada — as long as there’s solidarity, common purpose, and recognition that short-term pain actually leads to a faster reopening and minimizing of long-term hardship and misery.

      2. James — BC successfully held an democratic election two months ago. You have a strange definition of “tyranny”.

        1. When the boot is on your throat, it will be too late.
          “Quit being such an asshole, and maybe your neighbors will invite you over”
          is what the real police should say to the tattle tales.

        2. Hey Lance – how do you exist in a climate where some of your essentials come from outside of your little enclave? Perhaps you can live on lobster which may be available and butter, in the M’times, and potatoes, but sooner or later you are going to have to access toilet paper and a list of other items that originate outside of your little enclave. Clothes maybe, and gasoline and diesel fuel to access those lobsters that you are getting tired of!
          Maybe you want to travel beyond your borders to visit family, friends.
          Ya gotta think a little harder.

    2. As long as police are used to arrest and/or charge regular people huge fines for behavior that is totally tolerated in the “supervisory” class, they are thugs. When you see police scream at and threaten to use a taser on a kid for nothing but skating on an outdoor rink with a couple of friends , they are power-hungry thugs. When a church is charged a $2300 fine for holding a meeting because the church is “non-essential”, but the same group would be absolutely fine in a big-box store, they are godless thugs.
      And you, lance, should crawl back into wherever it was you were that the difference between responsible public health orders and ones that are unreasonable or stupid can’t be seen.

      1. When you see police scream at and threaten to use a taser on a kid for nothing but skating on an outdoor rink with a couple of friends

        Worse was that the police refused to explain to him what law he had broken.

      2. Rick in BC, and others — you do realize that, by characterizing police as thugs of an oppressive state, you’re making basically the exact same arguments as BLM, right?

        I mean, I’m glad you’re all coming to understanding what over-policing feels like (a lot like injustice, yeah?) when it finally arrives in your communities. Throw in your very recent enlightenment about the negative consequences of global free trade, off-shoring, and neoliberalism on the North American working class, and maybe now you’ll start to realize that you share far more common interest with the progressive left (the real left, not the posing kind by centrist Liberals/Democrats — think Bernie, not Joe) than you will ever likely admit.

        1. 90% of conservatives are just slow leftists.

          ” the negative consequences of global free trade, off-shoring, and neoliberalism on the North American working class” are imaginary.

      3. Side note: can’t help but notice that SDA’s been awfully silent on Trump’s repeated calls for, and the Republican Senate’s rebuffing of, $2000 public taxpayer-funded cheques to Americans as a COVID economic relief initiative.

        I know, I know, it doesn’t fit your standard SDA “pro-Trump” but also “anti-Big Government” narratives, so it’s hard to calibrate the right angle. Better to ignore it completely in order to preserve the impeccable acoustics of your precious echo chamber.

      4. Thank you Rick, you’ve spoken the obvious truth in a very blunt manor. Once the state starts this kind of behaviour they become addicted to this kind of behaviour and soon will know no other way.

    3. Child. You NEED govt to hold your hand. Politicians travelling means its all a scam you like.

    4. Indeed. While I don’t care for the ad hoc way this is happening, it’s not senseless. You can’t have large gatherings like this.

    5. What a load of utter bullshit Lance.

      Canada is and has not been a “democratic” country in any way shape or form.
      ZERO rights with a shit ton of obligations.

      Whats goin on with this Planned Scamdemic is 100% full on totalitarianism with an integrated plan to reduce the population and enslave the remainder via the implementation of Digital currency.

      The Public Servants aka Police will do precisely what their Union Masters tell them is OK for them to do … after vetting & Approving their Mayors orders. Nothing but KAPO’s and wannabe SS guards..

      Ratting out your neighbours is classic GESTAPO conduct and necessary for this totalitarian shit to work….Canadians being the Gutless Fucking Drones they are, will capitulate by the tens of Thousands…all ready to Screw over their neighbour at a moments notice.

      WE are going down the TUBES and I FAULT the UTTER FUCKING IMBECILES who thought it was a good Idea to Allow the TROUGH FEEDING MARXIST FILTH to organize and unionize.

      They, my fellow SDA’rs are your REAL enemy: PUblic Servants…anyone of which would screw you over without missing a beat.

  3. As long as police (or government) have a monopoly on the use of “legal” deadly force, you live in a police state. There really is no other criterion of importance.

    I’ve been saying for years that the police are not your friends, but few believed me. Perhaps that’s changing, but I’m not hopeful.

    1. I’ve got neighbours like that across the back alley from my house in Fort St. John. I wonder how long it’s going to take before I get a ticket.

      Then again, I shouldn’t be surprised. That couple is from Vancouver.

    2. Spray paint “snitch bitch” on the house if know which neighbour. Its time to share.

  4. What is really disappointing is that the media is cheering on this descent into a totalitarian police state.
    Responses to letters in the Calgary Sun show their full support for this BS.

    1. See Baldrey, Keith. Global Bootlicker and fartcatcher for Horgan’s NDP.

      And yes, the snitches are around. Two doors up is the neighbourhood beyotch, who complains about everyone anyways, we’re all on the shit list.

      But this rests on Dr Bonnie Nazi, this clueless, WHO supporter, who doesn’t know what’s she’s doing. She put in this NO VISITORS edict strictly to cramp Christmas and New Years. Mission accomplished, she better lift this on Jan 7th and not extend it.

      Though we will be stuck with face diapers for some time yet, despite them not being necessary in the spring. Victoria is full of compliant obedient socialist sheep!

      1. Two doors up is the neighbourhood beyotch, who complains about everyone anyways, we’re all on the shit list.

        You just described the Mrs. of the couple across the back alley from my house in Fort St. John. She’s got a bad reputation in the neighbourhood for complaining about anything and everything. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was the one who sicced the local bylaw office on me for leaving my truck parked in the alley whenever I’m not in town.

        1. I’ve dealt with a KLunt like that in Harvest Hills….7 yrs of her scheming and pissing pretty much everyone off around. It kinda stopped when MY Newfie neighbour banged on her door and told her husband the next time miss Klunt pulled some shit,he’d be driving his bulldozer thorugh their fking house. I knew him well and it was Not in any way shape or from, Bluster.

          A week into moving into the house, my dog takes off on his own…couldn’t find him and that was strange. Less than a half hour later, City dog catcher comes to the house and has him in the truck.??? Yea, she enticed him in with something and then called them up. That one cost me 120.00

          Cpl yrs later she points the finger at me for backing into some woman’s car parked across the the street from me early one morning, which I am damned sure i did not….but it stuck. I had no way to prove otherwise.

          Anyway…she will die long before I will and that gives me some small measure of satisfaction…the SOONER the better. A BEOtch C*&T on steroids

      2. Dan, I have friends in Victoria, and I’m told that every public park has homeless tent populations. The “face diaper’s” are probably a good idea when you are close to a park! I would also bet there are more than just flu germs flying around in those places as well.

  5. Snitches need stitches. If that doesn’t work, burn their god damned house down. When will we fight back if not now?

  6. It seems there’s never a shortage of snitches. And why? I don’t know, it’s just weird.
    My dad told me about this phenomena in his nazi occupied homeland. There was nothing to be gained by snitching and nothing to be lost by keeping your mouth shut.
    That said – He also told me how they put snitches in the loss column.

    1. Most Jews went willingly into the box cars knowing what their fate was. I don’t know why humans do this. These monsters would lose if we all fight back.

      I was heartened to see the backlash over heir Henry’s last minute Nye order though.

  7. This is the epitome of H. L. Mencken once said: “Puritanism: the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy.”

  8. 34 calls. That’s 34 people calling about (presumably) 34 different gatherings. But only 4 tickets. Even if each gathering had two callers that’s still 17 callers.
    The police only wrote 4 tickets.
    So on the low end 75% of the time there was no ticket / no enforcement action.
    I’m more concerned about the callers.
    I wonder how many of those 4 tickets the officer tried not to write. How many said “give me the ticket so I can fight it in court”? To show everyone how wrong this is?
    I’m far more concerned about the callers.

    1. Exactly so. The police have to respond whether they want to or not. Part of the job. The callers who are given a tiny bit of power are quick to use it against anyone they can. There is no shortage of petty tyrants.

  9. In BC, the police didn’t pass these laws, the NDP gov’t did.
    In Alberta, the police didn’t pass these laws, the UCP gov’t did.
    In Ontario, the police didn’t pass these laws, the Conservatives did.

    I don’t know if the police have the discretion to simply say, “we’ll be back in 1/2 hour, the gov’t mandates that we ticket you at $ x amount then”.

    If in the next elections, the so called “right vote” splits, we’ll have the left who governs us again in AB, BC, Ont. and it won’t be better, it’ll be worse. I know what happens at the federal level when the “right vote” splits, we saw how Chretien was elected in 3 majorities in a row.
    Unfortunately I don’t see a way out from this. Perhaps when AB/Sask. separate it’ll shake things up, people will embrace those new found freedoms in the west New Canada again, and the east Old Canada won’t be able to afford their ways.

    The majority of citizens seem to support these measures.
    So I remain pessimistic for the future of our freedoms.
    There simply isn’t anyone in the country at the provincial level that advocates for more freedom in the face of evidence that masks haven’t worked, or that the virus knows to go to sleep at 10pm, that the virus doesn’t go to Superstore or Home Depot but loves to infect those in churches, in restaurants and bars, and small shops that are essential to the livelihood of millions of people.

    Freedom is dead.
    This is as good as it was, we’ll never be permitted to do and think as we did in 1980.
    For the 20-30’s crowd, they’ll never be permitted to do and think as they did in 2000.

    Freedom is dead

    There is a carbon tax that will steal whatever pocket change you had, and I don’t believe for a second that any constitutional challenge to this will win. The SCOC is simply a wing of the federal gov’t that in the majority of rulings rubber stamps whatever they deem to be just.

    1. Bang-on marc.

      Why people think Trudeau was just horsing around when he said they are using this for the Great Reset and Agenda 2030 is beyond me.
      I mean the documents are publicly available and can be read by anyone, they want you to know your future does not require your input.

      Authoritarianism has been creeping in for many years, there is a rule and regulation for everything you do outside and inside your home.

      It is a systemic issue, simply plugging more coins in the meter will not fix it.
      We need a defined set of natural laws that can never be trampled under willy-nilly by unelected bureaucrats who have a vested interests and ties to foreign corporations.

  10. Agreed Marc, for the most part. My friend and I disagree over some stuff, one being he wants to get rid of the senate and keep the SCOC. I want to rid us of the SCOC and keep the senate.
    But what I really want is to get rid of the ROC. Fucking freeloaders, ALL!
    We need to redesign our existence out here – a New Rupertsland, if you will. With a new very limited government!
    Kenney cannot and will not lead that effort, altho in my opinion he has done the best he can with his limited self-imposed parameters regarding the province of Alberta within Canada. He won’t be around long. He is under intense attack from the New ‘Dems’ and their media and their bureaucracies and their unions, and the splits among those that want more freedoms but are divided about how to get it, well, as someone once said,
    Freedom is Dead!

    1. You can’t have a system of law without SCOC. The senate is useless at best. In America, a bicameral legislature has been a disaster.

  11. We can have one or the other. Can you name one member of the SCOC?
    I thought not! If the senators were elected for a certain term we would have to know their names. (EEE, recall?)
    The Effective part becomes critical!
    There are appeal courts in each province. How far do you want to push stuff equates to how much money do you have to piss away on lawyers?
    Your appeal should go to the Senate when the provincial courts are done. No more law-making by the unelected “Supremes!”

    1. That’s not what legislative bodies like the senate are for. You’re just leaping from the (mostly bullshit) complaint of judges making law to wanting law-makers to enforce laws too!

  12. Funny, most times the cops can talk their way out of issuing a ticket like this one. We didn’t see the lead up to the dust up. A “Whiskey Front” probably had a lot to do with it. Then some lip and Bob’s yer Uncle. Doesn’t matter if a neighbor called it or not.

    What’s that tune? Sudbury Satiddy Nite?
