8 Replies to “Visit The Washington Monument While You Still Can”

  1. So, if the Emancipation is considered cancelled, I guess that the Confederacy won the American Civil War, right?

    That was one of the reasons Lincoln freed the slaves as the Union needed the manpower, something he debated doing. He thought that if he could win the war without freeing the slaves, he would leave things as they were. But, if he could win the war only if he freed them, he would do so.

    As it turned out, once the Emancipation Proclamation was enacted, former slaves willingly enlisted to fight for the Union.

  2. Yes we should replace the statue by a much more appropriate one. How about, a skinny white Antifa throwing a molotov at a black owned store, with a CNN reporter looking the other way?

  3. Negro emancipation was the brainchild of Karl Marx, one of Lincoln’s favourite columnists in the New York Tribune. Marx believed that turning the slaves loose to engage in an orgy of score-settling and terror (as in Haiti) was key to hurrying along the end of “capitalism” (European civilization) in the Americas. It’s hard to name a more catastrophic blunder committed by an American president.

    Every educated American who actually knew something about Negroes, had thought the issue through and wished his country well supported colonization—that is, returning the Negroes to Africa.

    Abe’s order to turn the Negroes loose should be remembered not with pride but with shame.

  4. When you are rewriting history for an increasingly historically illiterate populace and your goals include racializing everything, then it makes sense to reinforce the narrative that slavery never disappeared and that Whites (and Asians) are keeping all others down and on the plantation. It’s what BLM does with help from their useful woke idiots.
