33 Replies to “Rants From The Road”

  1. He’s right, and another aspect, is, only the well off will be able to afford gas and diesel. The lower deplorables will either bike, bus, or walk. From their perspective, there’s more than one way to skim our income. It’s called “creative taxation”, and we little people will find it “taxing” just to survive in the new reset economy. Isn’t Juthtin wonderful!

    Just wait until the digital currency is unveiled 🙁

    1. Exactly! The goal is to FORCE the hoi polli OUT of their cars and trucks. And the reason no new power plants are being built is following the same principle … NO Power for the people. FORCE people to conserve and/or simply NOT use electricity. NO power for YOU !! (spoken like the Soup Nazi).

      This is what the CA PUC and the CA Energy monopolies are doing … they are jacking up energy costs SO high … that everyone is turning off lights, buying LEDs, turning down the thermostat, turning OFF the air conditioner. If people didn’t do that … they’d be driven into “Energy Poverty”. So we do without.

      Not the Country I grew up in. The Land of Plenty … has become the Land of Empty. SMH … Energy Poverty … Thanksgiving Interrupted and Christmas Cancelled !! What a shithole my country and State are becoming.

  2. Canada is the chief test bed of Agenda 21 – the overall reduction of human population in favor of nature. They want 95% of us to die so that we are no longer the supreme species. The elites honestly believe that they will not die with us. They believe that China will be gracious and let them live. They are dead wrong.

    1. They’ve been in charge of PG&E for decades now … did you know that PG&E had the FIRST ‘Latinx’ CEO in the HISTORY of corporate America!? Ohhhhh yeahhhh … and she quit (shown the door) when the Utility was forced into bankruptcy. Her notable accomplishment? Public service notices about PG&E’s … inclusive … hiring of minorities and LGBTQqEu … oh! … and that BANKRUPTCY thing. Her, and her predecessors abandonment of meaningful maintenance of the power grid resulted in numerous fires and charges of negligent homocide. Yeah … affirmative action hiring has consequences. Senior Managers with “Gender Studies” or “Environmental Studies” degrees have NO BUSINESS running Public Utilities … but they do.

  3. Since Pearson let bureaucrats unionise, this is the crap we get. Environment and Tossing Virgins into Volcanoes Canada are full of card carrying Greenpeacers. They also think they can legislate us out of ICE powered vehicles. Remember, this crap is being dictated by the bureaucrats and the Lieberals are just more than happy to accommodate them.

    Years back, I had this idiot from Finance ask me why I didn’t think solar powered cars were the answer. I responded by asking him if he only planned on driving during the day. Then reminded him that daylight hours are limited in the winter. He just returned a blank stare.

  4. “It’s never been about the carbon, it was always about the tax”

    Bingo. It has never been about the environment, but about a politically palatable excuse to raise taxes. Canadians have been conned, and they’ll continue to refuse to admit it until the pain is unbearable. But by then it’ll be too late.

    1. Actually the tax is just a bonus – the goal is far worse

      The United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) met in 1992 in Rio Janeiro. The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change was formed at that time. A major power broker and organizer behind the UN global warming agenda in Rio was the Canadian Maurice Strong.

      ” What if it were concluded”, Strong romanticized, “that the principal risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? … Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about?”

      “What we really need are massive incentives for the right kind of behaviour,” Strong explained at one seminar to an audience of roughly 400. “Economic incentives, but also moral incentives, ethical incentives, psychological incentives . . . fear.”

      The covid is the fear.

      I think Strong also posited that 1billion was about the right size population for the earth.

      1. Strong’s audience were mostly Western liberals and environmentalists, and what he said was what they wanted to hear: depopulation, de-industrialization and emissions reductions. Yet China, his favourite place, and much of Asia for that matter, are doing none of those things.

        While Western leaders congratulate themselves for agreements like the Paris Accord, exempt countries like China and India ramp up coal consumption without limitations.

        At best, reductions merely put downward pressure on global fossil fuel prices. While China chuckles, arrogant oblivious Canadians, believing they are the moral ones, think their sacrifices are saving the planet.

        It’s genius PR strategy. Canadians are handing over their wallets to the bandit, then thanking him for taking it.

      2. “Economic incentives” = bankruptcy = dependence of government welfare = governmental control over every detail of your life.

        1. That’s because the proles are seen by the elitists as nothing more than expendable worker drones.

  5. I didn’t even click on the video rant,,, because any guy standing infront of semis, at a truck stop or a shipping lot is expected and redundant !

    Now if you posted a rant from some millennials with a bunch of face tattoos and face piercing’s or some GenXers who are college profs and speak with a fake British accent, or 75% of Brampton’s population(those of you who know Brampton, know who I’m talkin’ about) or a group of west coast immigrates, like a BIG group who are New Canadians ranting about the CARBON TAX, then I might click and listen,,, until I see Leftist, or New Canadians bi-tch-ing about the CARBON TAX, nothing will happen and nothing will change. (that and maybe if Lise daPhlegm and ‘ol Rosie, bi-tch-ing about it on TV, them I might believe something will happen to change the direction this government is taking)

  6. In 2019, domestic gasoline demand nearly reached 135 billion gallons in the United States.
    In 2019, 4,130 billion kWh (or 4,130 million GWh) of electricity were generated at utility-scale electricity generation facilities in the United States.

    EPA formula is: 33.7 kilowatt hours of electricity is equivalent to one gallon of gasoline.

    Replacing gasoline energy with electrical energy using the EPA formula of: one gallon of gasoline is equivalent to 33.7 kilowatt hours of electricity is equivalent to: 33.7 kWh x 135 billion gallons = 4,600 billion kWh or 4,600 GWh.

    Compare this to:
    Total U.S. electrical generation = 4,127 billion kWh

    If the U.S. was to completely convert from gasoline to electricity for cars and trucks it would have to more than double its electrical generation.

    The average sales of gasoline per retail outlet is about 1.2 million gallons per year, or 100,000 gallons per month, or 3,300 gallons per day, or about 140 gallons per hour. There are approximately 115,000 stations selling a total of 135 billion gallons of fuel annually.
    Therefore, the average electrical consumption for a recharging station would be: 33.7 kWh (per gallon) x 1,200,000 gal/year = 40,000,000 kWh

    In 2019, the average annual electricity consumption for a U.S. residential utility customer was about 10,000 kWh.

    The average recharging station’s electrical consumption would be the equivalent to that of 4,000 homes and they would look like hydro sub-stations.
    The timeline set to eliminate internal combustion engines by the various juridictions around the world range from 2030 – 2040.
    Not possible under any scenario!

    1. Of course it’s not possible. The end goal isn’t replacing every private ICE vehicle with an electric one. It’s making sure the plebes no longer have access to private transportation. Electric vehicles will be reserved for the elite – because they will be priced beyond what Joe Six Pack can afford precisely because there’s not enough juice in them there wires. Take away the ordinary serf’s ability to move about and you increase your control over him. Our political overlords and their environmentalist enablers are literally the worst human beings on the face of the planet.

      1. The Spawn isn’t capable of conceiving of anything beyond the emotional benefits of virtue signaling. His master and Canada’s apparent master social engineer is Gerald Butts whose agenda is no different than that of Maurice Strong – to impoverish and eliminate most of humanity to serve his pathological pantheistic obsessions. The irony is that this cult is propped up by the party supposedly representing all those unionized middle class Canadians who they have targeted for extinction. They aren’t called the genetically brain dead NDP for no reason.

        Word is the “Spawn” wants to advance the deadline for ending the sales of all new ICE vehicles. Can’t wait for those February brownouts when all you’re allowed is electrical heat.

        1. There will be a big black market in illicit woodstoves and the things necessary to use them safely. Power goes out, mount the stove jack in an open window, break out the camp-style stove and bob’s your uncle. In fact, the black market will be bigger than the ‘legitimate’ one, just as it was in old soviet days.

        2. Don’ bet a dime against the influence of former Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney on the Bong. Carney is a true globalist.

          If you want to listen to Carney tune into the BBC’s Reith Lectures. You can almost hear the Bong ape Carney word for word.

          1. I don’t remember Carnivore as being a particularly effective Bank of Canada governor.

      2. Tanker, that pretty much covers it, but as Blackfox’s post’s last line above says,

        “Not possible under any scenario”

        However, it is possible, if you don’t care about the majority of deplorables, Hint, (they don’t) If they can force it they will, and to hell with the consequences (for us!)

        It’s really dependent on how much “WE” are prepared to accept, aka, put up with.
        The continued rumblings for years about saving the planet, have all been conditioning in preparation for their “Great Reset”, (population reduction) reduced ability to travel (at least as individuals) Veganization, digital currency, (total people control) Saving the planet, (the planets resources) for them (the elites) so they can continue with their their privileged lifestyles into their future, (Not ours)
        We, because of our apathy and indifference, have allowed this to come about.
        Now it’s up to us to change it, and I’m not sure we can anymore. Apathy again!

  7. This boomer-tier rants just go in circles.

    They don’t understand the ideology of our enemies.

    They are exasperated and irritated, but they don’t seem to get that these long winded explanations aren’t going to change anything.

  8. Look Back to some of my posts in regards to this VERY subject:
    ELECTRICAL GENERATiON Required to meet the Desired result of 100% electrical use for all energy needs.


    HYDRO..??? is pretty much TAPPED Out world wide – and No, You Goddamned well will NOT Mess with the Nahani River – Fucking EVER..!!
    Oil/Gas/Coal…??? ALL about to be phased out.
    Renewables..??? Beyond Laughable & simply IMPOSSIBLE. Can’t even tickle the Current Baseload requirements…
    Bio Mass..??? yea, about as useless as burning coal with a lot more CO2 generated. and forests Destroyed. STOOPID.

    So the only VIABLE Alternative is…………………..N U C L E A R
    Somehow I have my doubts as to WFF, Greenpeace et all will sign on to that eh…???

    1. And the reason why they ignore nuclear power as the solution is that it would still allow industrial civilization to continue along with the current and growing world population in a lower carbon economy. That’s just not the agenda. Green theocracy dictates that most of humanity must be impoverished and eliminated. Ignoring nuclear is proof of their agenda. Solar and Wind are just distractions to pacify the scientific and economic illiterate (particularly the media).

    2. Ontario is already there with nuclear. and NB. Quebec flooded the north for Hydro. Nfld+Labr has Muskrat Falls (for now)
      BC is mostly Hydro, excess to the USA, backup from Alberta thermal coal plants, soon to be natural gas.

      The faerie gold dust Butts and Socks fart every night, are just repeating the pervious Ontario mistake.

      I wanna see Quebec and BC go first with no ICE sales. The freezing rain in Montreal will kill EV’s trying to defrost ICEd windshields, bwahaha.
      Where do you suppose the loss in gasoline/diesel sales taxes are gonna come from?

  9. Oil and gas is a STORE OF ENERGY. That is EXACTLY why it is not replaceable. There are no equivalents.

  10. Rex Murphy nails the problem: an Opposition that doesn’t oppose all the climate change bullshit.


    A great column, but it won’t do a damned thing to to put balls, spine or honesty in Pinky O’Toole & Co. Besides, the average Conservative voter will remain as dull and uncaring as his socialist counterparts and will continue to vote for yellow sheep like Pinky.

      1. Unless the US heartland separates from the two left coasts, that would not constitute an improvement over the deranged dominion. Obama’s third term c/w his deep state, bankrupt treasury, and puppet administration is at least as deranged as the Spawn’s Canada.

  11. Now that the politicians have an easily led, compliant, mask wearing, social distancing public, willing to do anything for “public health”, they know they can make them do anything. Next global warming will be used to dictate what cars we can buy, where we can travel, how far we can travel, what we can eat, what we can buy, how we stir our coffee, where and when we can vacation, etc. Up next your carbon credit card, used to track your progress towards sustainability and compliance. All of this wrapped up in the planets greatest “public health” threat… climate change.

  12. Hydrogen (gaseous or liquified) is also a STORE OF ENERGY that the enviromentalistas have been having wet dreams over lately.

    However, it is not so easy to transport or store.

    Liquid Hydrogen

    Not only that, but you cannot apply a ‘carbon’ tax to it.

    1. Hydrogen would actually be feasible. Making it a viable alternative is more of an engineering problem, but there isn’t a great amount of work being done on it.
