26 Replies to “Visit The Washington Monument While You Still Can”

  1. I kind of love this. No person is safe, which is actually kind of great. Enough with this Great Man (Woman) of History mythologizing and verging into secular sainthood.

    It’s not like anyone is going to forget who Abraham Lincoln was or be unable to learn about his positive contributions to the nation. But he was also just a guy who happened to be US president for a while, and during that time he signed some laws and enacted some policies that fit within that particular historical moment. Some decisions in hindsight were good, and some in hindsight were bad.

    People are complicated, and imperfect, and — if one takes a sufficiently long view of history — inconsequential. No one deserves a pedestal indefinitely.

  2. All roads, bridges, schools and such should just be given numbers. Numbers can’t be racist, right?

  3. Well, like me* Abe was a racist for sure.
    He did want to ship the blacks out to an African country.
    And he didn’t start the War Between The States (not a civil war) to emancipate blacks, somehing that even many highly educated people, left and right, believe.

    BUT of course, that is no reason to disappear him. He is a world historical figure. We do not ever want to backdate current sensibilities. Our history is our history good, bad and indifferent. We learn from our mistakes (probably more than from any other source).

    * Having just spent some time on the BC “Human Rights” Commission to have a look under the hood at their new anti-racism campain, it’s crystal clear that I AM A RACIST … as is the commissioner.

  4. Those are ungrateful wretches raised by ungrateful wretches. Their snobby sense of privilege is off the charts. They are no countrymen of mine…

  5. This would be a funny parody on the Babylon Bee but it’s real. Ridiculous things like this are allowed to happen because our “leaders” now base 100% of their decisions on what “outraged” Twitter mobs demand of them.

  6. There is going to be a Civil War again in the U.S.

    The Marxist’s are trying to eliminate the history of the U.S. icon by icon.

    They are indoctrinating U.S. citizens children in schools, teaching them a new definition of who and what is evil and this is part, the elimination/demonization of what should make knowledgeable citizens proud Americans.

    At some point everyday normal persons in the U.S. will wake up to this and all hell will break loose. It won’t be pretty.

    The Marxist pigs will never stop themselves as they have no conscience and never will gain one. So everyday proud U.S. citizens will have to stop them.

  7. In 50 years, we’ll be tearing down statues of BLM and Antifa fascists and the collectivists who visited misery on the nation.

  8. Joshua Philipp with Crossroads Video on the CCP incursion into the North American Political Hierarchy is the necessity of understanding where the Future will be If POTUS # 45 Donald J.Trump is not the President sworn in on January 20, 2021. — __ https://www.ntd.com/2020-election-investigati

    This is a One Hour Plus Video which the Central Canada Media under the control of the Trudeau Legacy & the Laurentien Elite dominance of Canada will not provide.

  9. It’s just the post modern nihilist version of book burning, including real book burning. Once you eliminate history, any kind of depravity is welcomed as something new and modern.

  10. Ah fu*it lets add somemore names:
    John Eh McDonald
    Bob & Doug McKenzie
    Lester Pearson
    Winston Churchill
    Joe Clark
    Don Cherry
    And all the US aircraft Carriers’ namesake
    Post your own favourites

  11. So Honest Abe didn’t demonstrate that ‘black lives mattered to him’.
    Can the much-rumoured Emancipation Retraction be finally enacted?

  12. Re: “The man behind the renaming of 44 of San Francisco’s schools is a first grade teacher who was influenced by his parents – both prominent members of the Nation of Islam – who set up their own Islamic school.”

    Nation of Islam – now there is a fine example of tolerance and human rights.

    I wonder if Jeffries would support naming a school after Muhammed given his fondness for bonking a 9 year old girl.

  13. One can only continue to pray that tectonic faults will take care of California for us and I mean the big one goes…it will be a states richly deserved rewards.
