12 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. A bit of skin shoved into a matchbox and a twitch of the hand….. So that’s how they predict the behaviour of the virus.

    1. They killed a rat using a similar experiment .

      Scientist carefully put 200 used match sticks up his ass, and he died.

      Peta has filed a $10,000,000 lawsuit against the firm for not using a box of unused, clean Diamond Safety Matches.

  2. Randi also committed suicide on stage frequently by swallowing an entire bottle of homeopathic sleeping pills.
    He would do it at the beginning of the show and then stubbornly not die an hour later.

    He’s got a lot of good Youtube videos out there.

    RIP, maybe those years of overdosing on homeopathic medicines caught up to him at age 92.

  3. A truly great man and one of the great defenders of logic and rationality.
    His debunking of Uri Geller was legendary, and he was the scourge of fraudulent faith healers everywhere like Peter Popoff, not to mention a legion of supposed psychics like Sylvia Browne.

    1. In that, he was rather like Harry Houdini. Houdini despised those who took advantage of the vulnerable, particularly psychics and mediums claiming to be conducting sceances with the dead and exposed them and their methods at every opportunity.

  4. The whu who flu has fooled billions. Fucking stupid people will fall for anything. Irrational fear is one hell of a motivator. Stupid fearful people tend to make up a mob. All one has to do is watch an old Frankenstein movie. This is where we are and the idiots and morons are eating it up. Just die, die so I can continue living. The stupid is suffocating even without a mask on. I am not sure I will live long enough to say I TOLD YOU SO.

    1. So true VOWG.

      Noticed how the virus is popping up all over the world, as the second wave, but not telling everyone. Hey folks, we are testing more & more.

      Fools all of them.

  5. As Randi has pointed out, you don’t need a PhD to research psychic powers. In fact, that just gets in the way. You need to be a magician, someone skilled in the art of deception.

  6. Sadly, Randi’s heirs at the JREF went all in on the CO2/global warming hoax. When some folks began pointing out that they were engaging in exactly the same kind of self-deception that Randi warned scientists studying “psychic” phenomena about, the meltdowns were epic. Phil Plait in particular threw quite the tantrum when asked how being an astronomer qualified him to judge the truth or falsity of claims about atmospheric science.

  7. amusing also the great and invariably simple ease Randi blew gaping holes in the illusions.

    now he’s gone, look for a record level of nonsense to exist with legions of believers.

    uri geller fell off the edge of the world after that memorable FAILURE on the Johnny Carson show.
    squirm squirm squirm.
