Can we step back before going over the cliff?

Yesterday, in a brilliant conversation with the gents from Triggernometry, Douglas Murray expands on what he wrote in The Madness of Crowds and explains that “normies“, both Left and Right now must speak out against the madness of BLM & Antifa.

Speaking of which, here’s a question to pose to your left-of-centre friends & family: Please tell me how the beliefs of Black Lives Matter are inherently different from the Ku Klux Klan. Their desired outcomes might be different but their general belief systems are remarkable similar.

Update: Here’s a follow-up article by Douglas Murray.

18 Replies to “Can we step back before going over the cliff?”

  1. Communism is the driver and they have their foot firmly on the gas and we are blind and sitting in the backseat.

  2. Complacency and submission to faux authority types permitted a wide spread corruption of the organizational infrastructure across the entire spectrum of human activity in western democracies. From education entities to labour entities to corporate entities to political entities to legal entities to the media there was a failure to challenge and to root out the infiltration of Marxist philosophy and doctrine embedding itself in the fabric of activity.

    Now, the majority of these complacent and submissive supporters of western democracies find themselves on the outside looking in as a Marxist insurgency roils across the country supported by the various entities named above. These same supporters have no idea of what they can do to oppose the insurgency and no idea of what entities can be persuaded to support and work with them to restore order.

    Standing on a precipice and starring into the abyss is where these supporters of western democracies are today. If they fail to figure out that they have to cease their complacency and their submission and if they then fail to move quickly to organize themselves into a formidable infrastructure that is able to counter and challenge the Marxist philosophy and doctrine then the Marxists will win, if not now at some point in the near future.

    1. Excellent and too the point Jim. Like so many aspects of society people are looking inward with a serious lack of skills to determine their future actions. Politically ordinary people have no idea how to organize and make their voices heard. If Trudeau gets his way and his socialist promises are accepted then there will be little hope for Canada.

      How people could have been led down a road that totally ignored the communist threat is astounding to me. It is as if the fall of the Berlin Wall brought an end to communist ambitions led by Russia and China. Communism is an ‘international’ effort to raise the downtrodden. It is a fascist theology. Geopolitics is not abstract it is a very real reality. If your governance cannot produce enough to satisfy the people you go out and take it from someone else. The communist have incubated their efforts in western media, education and government workers. Any challenge to what they have achieved will take years and will be bloody. By the time society realizes the true nature of what is going on it will likely be too late.

  3. Marxist philosophy, is an extension of religious authoritarianism ,neither likes competition , that’s why RCC tried to destroy Judaism, and socialism and marxism destroy religion.

    1. Anyone knows why socialism doesn’t work; because individually humans are industrious and capitalists by default; hunter gatherer to feed self, not a whole community. Small subsistence farming is key to any human’s success.
      Socialism corrupts; that;s why fundamentally how socialism fails. When so few manage so many with money and resources it is a question of “when” not “if” some 1%er will raid to cookie jar for his/her own profit.
      Humans are also corrupt by nature. Humans are not made to artificially live squeezed together in the millions in cities which start all societal problems we see today. Socialism ain’t the solution.

      Only the real 1 %ers made a good living under socialism.

  4. some choices… wipe out Marxists or they wipe out those who disagree with them..
    past demos were china/Russia/Cambodia/Vietnam …
    anyone got an example of a peaceful power transition..
    eastern euroland does not count as it was an invasion..

  5. I’m inclined to let them carry on. I don’t think “normal” people get it yet. Let this spread into the burbs and neighborhoods of the wealthy and other commie voters. (Stay outta my small town though or you’re gonna get turned away)

  6. We are caught between two forms of authoritarian thinking. The progressive’s Bible, “The Authoritarian Personality “, has corrupted higher education for 70 years. There is no appeasing the aggrieved who seek utopia. The tear down is easy but the re-build is like a public works project over spent and without a completion date.
    What Douglas Murray fears is the political pendulum swinging to the opposite extreme. Going over the ‘precipice’ is going into a perpetual free-fall.

  7. The USA can,because their constitution and a well armed public act as brakes.
    Can Ahh Duh is in freefall,without any hint of a parachute.
    All we can do is adopt the US’s constitution and carve out an area we can legitimately defend in the ruins of Confederation.
    Such enclaves may be able to join up ,at a later date,but I doubt the cities will survive.
    We are the experiment,”Bigger Government is Better” was the hypothesis.
    Observed evidence,indicates “NO”.
    As in the road to Hell is paved with “Good Intentions” .
    These good intentions have degraded our society to the point of collapse.
    And this collapse is proclaimed to be a “Good Thing”.

    Parasites are not known for their ability to reason.
    Especially the two legged kind.

  8. “Their desired outcomes might be different.”
    Yes, Robert. KKK wanted to put uppity blacks in their place. For some transgressions, like making love to a white woman, that can be at the end of a rope.
    But BurnLootMurder ultimately wants to kill all whites.
    Also, the KKK operated clandestinely because the laws of the U.S. were against them. They wore hoods to hide their identity, and did their foul deeds in the dead of night.
    OTOH, BLM operate openly in states and cities whose officials approve of what they do. The police are told to stand down and make sure no one bothers the BLM.
    Come to think of it, the KKK became much more blatant after the Democrats regained control of the South after the Reconstruction. So KKK operated essentially freely in Democratic controlled South, and BLM operate essentially freely in Democratic controlled states and cities.

  9. Douglas Murray was getting me really depressed until he mentioned C. S. Lewis and Christianity and then I realized he doesn’t have the belief in Scriptures that many of us have so doesn’t understand that these times have been spoken about by our Lord Himself and in both the O & N Testament, especially in Revelation.
    Whew! Glad I remembered God is in charge, not the lunatic left.
