7 Replies to “A Dish Served Cool”

  1. ‘The highest paid person at CNN and the Washington Post spoke at the GOP convention tonight.’


    ‘Say what you want about Donald Trump, but he makes the liberal tears run on time.’

  2. It’s been fun to watch as CNN airs all the narratives that they totally deny. Powerful presentations that must have them squirming.

  3. ” Powerful presentations that must have them squirming.” NO they are beyond redemption…The smart ones will get out now with a cash Settlement…The last ones will get an Apple & Bus Ticket as the power is disconnected…..They are out of Money & New ideas, boring Communists from WAPO & NYT. This is their last election & they have already lost…..Joe will have money problems.

    I agree with Joe that Anita HILL lied, but he was the Chairman of the attempted lynching of Clarence Thomas… He has always been a piss-ant and did just what he was told…Unethical & Spineless


  4. I see where one of CNN’s Chief Snakes is calling Sandman a snot nosed entitled Kid yeah sure blow it out your ears Joe lockhart fewer Americans are watching your fake news so Go Soak You Head

  5. That kid and his lawyers are now extremely rich. He’ll never need to work a day in his life. I’m gonna get me a maga hat and see if I can sue CNN.
