37 Replies to “The Sound Of Settled Science”

  1. I was to busy mowing my lawn and changing the oil on my car to notice I guess.

  2. doo doo doo do doo doo doo do doooooooooooo
    Rod Serling and the Twilight Zone

    1. Better would be to ask Mr. Quantum Computing. Dear Leader’s an expert on the subject.

  3. We are headed into a magnetic field reversal, which is something that originates in the core. Should make for some great auroras over the next 1000 years.

    1. No, we are all going to die if that happens, what the next species will look like is anybody’s guess. I sure as hell hope they don’t get the flu for at least 10 thousand years. And when they do someone is intelligent enough to recognize it for what it is.

      1. Magnetic field reversals are fine. The flu is fine. CO2 is fine. What is not fine is the panic-mongering humans who sew panic for profit and power, and the fools that listen to them. It only takes 10-15% of the population to swallow this crap to throw the whole thing outta whack, which is what we are cursed to witness. Best advice I’ve got is learn to shoot while drunk.

        1. Well now, how many freaking times have I said that. I know I am just a stupid old man. I never used to shoot while drunk . maybe I should start making exceptions.

          1. Well OWG I have never gone to the range under the influence but, I must admit I have set up a range in my basement for a pellet pistol “40 feet” and have gone down there with a little nip of scotch and found that my aim has improved somewhat. Might be my imagination but the holes are in the center. I will admit to one thing my re-loading skills have improved 100 % over the last couple of months 9MM and 45 are my best friends . Maybe this is the up side to this Covet 19 BS. Stay safe and keep your eyes open Steve O.

          2. As I see it, when I can’t hit a stack of 5-6 bottle caps at 10 yards, I’m drunk enough. Works great, 10-15 drinks, and leaves me lotsa room for…bigger critters.

          3. Steve O – I guess it’s like playing pool. When you’re at the level where your conscious mind gets out of the way and lets muscle memory take over, you can’t miss.

            When you see 2 or 3 targets, you can’t hit.

    1. “Obviously caused by climate change”

      Beat me to it.

      You see, with both poles almost bare of ice cover, of course magnetic waves escape.

      Mann and Suzuki can explain it a lot better than I can.

    2. Nines and forty fives are real good friends of mine too but never forget 308 … because long distance is much better than being there. In the words of good old friend, now long passed, “If I ever have to use my forty four for it’s truly intended purpose, then I have made a terrible mistake.” “ I have let my enemy get WAY TOO CLOSE.”
      With straight wall cases close enough is good enough. If you wish to exceed factory performance from a necked case you must approach it as a scientist, a real scientist like Watt. Not like Mann or Skuzzukii.

  4. Knock over a couple of statues of Einstein and Newton.
    That should fix it right up.

  5. Wait for it. Someone in Ottawa is trying to devise a way of taxing this unnatural phenomenon.

  6. I find it interesting that WUWT blocks Tor.
    It must be a decoy site, which identifies the dissidents.

    1. its all a matter of how much resources they have to spend tracking you. VPN = more resources. Tor = more resources.

  7. It could be an Alberta rig where the tool push went a few yards too deep.

    I blame Harper.
