Now things are going to get really interesting

Terry Crews is a well respected member of the American Black community. Well, he used to be. Now he will deemed to be no longer Black because he dared to speak out against the narrative.

h/t Mark from Ontario

22 Replies to “Now things are going to get really interesting”

  1. Sounds like he gets it. Too bad he’s now going to be called a coconut (or worse).

    Intellect is the enemy of the mob, and must be destroyed by righteous anger. Anger at what? What’ve you got?

  2. Nonsensical. First, define “White Supremacy.”

    As I recall, last year I was being told that requiring black employees to be punctual to work was enforcing “White Supremacy.” That’s just an example of how defining the narrative is about opportunistic pandering.

    If you want a forthright, direct and honest discussion on the matter…then let’s talk frankly about life choices. Dietary habits of the black community in general leads to premature fatalities. Lack of a positive paternal influence in 70% of black households. A big screen TV in a vast majority of black homes, that don’t pursue their own healthcare.

    Limbaugh has a little joke he throws in every once in a while. “Asteroid to destroy the Earth and all inhabitants…women and minorities hardest hit.”

    The basis of that joke is that the Left panders to the black community and refuses to hold them responsible in any way for their lot in life. Instead, it’s just the opposite. They go out of their way to imply that whatever the issue/crisis/ concern….the minority community is going to take the most “damage.” It’s the Left’s “victim mentality” on steriods. The purpose is obvious in that it affords the Left the opportunity to keep them “in their pocket.” By reinforcing the “hopelessness” of it all, the motivation to exceed and move toward the future is lost. Instead they live in the past.

    You know who says this better? Bill Whittle. Check this out:

  3. Black Supremacy led to the formerly prosperous Rhodesia turning into bankrupt, tyrannical, unable to feed itself Zimbabwe. The population is poorer and more miserable than it was pre-1980, but at least whitey isn’t holding them down any more.

    1. There were times when much of the population had wished that Ian Smith had been in charge again. At least under his rule, people had enough to eat.

      I remember how do-gooders in church were thrilled that Mugabe eventually took over, using it as an example of the “social gospel” in action. However, in subsequent years, when things went from bad to worse, those same do-gooders didn’t say anything about what was happening. To them, it was more important to destroy white rule in that country.

      1. Used to speak to a an ex -Rhodesian Special Forces officer turned Metropolitan Police officer (you can tell when you are talking to a truly hard bloke can’t you…..). He said before independence the only thing the blacks didn’t have was the vote. Now, that’s all they have…

  4. Racism is everywhere by every race.

    Here is a sample of the Bumiputra policies set out for the Malays by the Malaysian government. No word from Virtue Signaling Liberals here, no,no,no…………..

    “Certain but not all pro-bumiputra policies exist as affirmative action for bumiputras, for NEP is racial-based and not deprivation-based. For instance, all Bumiputra, regardless of their financial standing, are entitled 7 percent discount on houses or property, including luxurious units; whilst a low-income non-Bumiputra receives no such financial assistance. Other preferential policies include quotas for the following: admission to government educational institutions, qualification for public scholarships, marking of universities exam papers, special bumiputras-only classes prior to university’s end of term exams, for positions in government, and ownership of businesses.”

  5. Let us return to reality, drop racism and call it what it really is tribalism.

  6. Our progressive comrades love redefining words,to promote their agenda.
    White Black.Meh.
    Just as “Police”,when they mean Progressive Minion,from progressive controlled cities.
    The Police they condemn are not my police,they deliberately seek to tar all police with image of the dregs they command and the Likes of Bill Blair.
    Political minions and thugs.
    Deliberately created to “blacken” the public perception of policing.

    Our current RCMP is an example of Progressive Product.
    Mostly useless and dangerous to be near.
    This is what Progressive build,structure of weak connection on foundations of sand.

    If we substitute Moron for Black,the results are quite interesting,for burning down your neighbourhood is moronic as it gets.
    Trusting Liberal Style Politicians..Also totally moronic.
    Taking as allies the most racist group of people on the planet,thats our progressive comrades,.Yup actions of a moron.

    And rejecting,savagely, any member of your group who doubts the mob wisdom?
    Truly moronic..
    Now same substitution works with White Suprematists,such morons are amusing,after all what a thing to brag about,the colour of the skin you are born in.
    That is as dumb as those who use their sexual identity as a weapon..
    What an achievement,you are “Whatever” and belligerent about it..Shame no one else cares.
    Strikes me a skin tight racist is into ancestor worship.
    Well when you have no skills,abilities nor talent,you gotta do something.??
    So most of this current virtue posturing,existence validating nonsense goes right by me.
    For those who are racially obsessed,who find racism everywhere are miserable fools,lacking any content or character.
    Moron thee be.
    And boy do we have a lot of fools and bandits,proudly demonstrating their stupidity.

  7. It’s not “white supremacy”….it’s “white accomplishment”. The Marxists (Dems) want to keep the colored folk on the plantation and keep instructing them on crab bucket mentality. Funny how the left lionizes a guy like Floyd and vilify guys like Ben Carson.

    1. Huh I wonder what Opera would think if her comment was flipped by someone popular maybe Asian who stated “A whole generation of black people just have to die to fix racism”. I dunno, they may think that in parts of China.

    2. We had that. As far as we can tell from extant material, the Roman Republic/Empire didn’t care about your skin colour, just your citizenship (at the beginning only Italians could be citizens, so that kind of counts, but that rapidly changed). You were either civis romanus or you weren’t, and if you were that was the end of it. We have some rare literature references to the ethnicity of some notable Romans, but by and large it doesn’t seem like skin colour was considered even worth recording.

  8. Well. Good on him for understanding that another Haitian Massacre isn’t even in his own community’s interest.

    For an encore let’s hear why he thinks America’s long-suffering petits blancs need endure torments from thugs and terrorists much longer.

    So he, Terry Crews, can be second banana to a self-hating Jew in a puerile sitcom aimed at people who think cops are idiots?

    Because cops are not idiots. They depend on their wits to stay alive.

  9. Wait until someone in the Democratic organization think up the next big fraud to be foisted on their base. Here is an idea that might gain traction with them, probably ‘leaked’ by a trusted anonymous source from within the offices of,
    a) Nancy Pelosi, b) Adam Schiff, c) Jerry Nadler, d) Diane Feinstein or e) Maxine Waters, or f) all of the above.
    The ‘leak’ is going to be along the line that a well known real estate mogul recently turned politician actually started this whole protest movement in order that he could purchase properties that had been destroyed in the protests and re-develop them into upscale locales.
    Remember you heard it hear first!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!

  10. Hb – “we will no longer tolerate intolerance” . Just pointing out the obvious – but doesn’t that in fact make her intolerant? Just asking for a friend and a laugh.
