44 Replies to “Countering the Insane Woke Narrative”

  1. I got two emails from online outfits that I deal with signaling their support for BLM.
    One business and one charity.
    Both accounts are closed now.

    I told them that all lives matter and that I don’t deal with racists who only support BLM.
    And I told them that I don’t deal with companies that support criminal vandalism and looting and assaults.

    There might have been a couple of bad words in there too.

    1. Just did the same thing at one particular online site that I’ve been buying and selling guitars through with for years.

    2. The Stratford Festival has paused their live streams of previous plays to devote a week to the black members of the company posting videos about the terrible racism they’ve suffered as elite actors at an internationally reknowned English literature festival.

      When I responded to their email blast indicating that this wasn’t why I’d bought $1000+ worth of tickets this season (I’ve been a supporter of the festival for over 30 years) the “Literary and Editorial Director”[1] emailed me back personally, telling me that the Stratford Festival “wasn’t a good fit” for me and that they would refund my ticket receipts.

      Also, the Festival is $20M in the hole due to Kung Flu and they went cap in hand to Parliament begging for $8M of taxpayer money this week.

      [1] What the actual fuck is that

  2. You stand accused of witchcraft, you will now be interrogated until you confess or you can confess now and be burned at the stake.

    1. Or, you manage to float with this anvil tied to your ankles with your hands tied behind your back.

  3. So, when’s Dear Leader going to kneel in atonement for his white privilege?

    1. Indeed. He must have poor ol’ Xi’s arse licked raw by now. Time for Turdo la doo to service someone new.

    2. Oh, snap, yes he did. Not sure what colour he had his face painted behind the Covid mask though.

      1. To be fair, Juthtin probably gets on his knees pretty regularly and has no need for a costume.

        1. Besides, I hear it is hard to put on a costume over a fursuit while keeping access points open…

  4. Wasps forced to kneel to their new religion and the tribe is giggling their asses of.

  5. Amen brothers and sisters. I’ve been unfollowing every Facebook group that changed their profile to a black circle etc. I’ve been at the back of the bus my entire life because i was born a white Male. So sick of the real racists and the race baiters in the media and govt. I honestly couldn’t care less about skin color. Your character on the other hand speaks for itself.

  6. We need to show respect for one another as members of the human race. None are more equal than others before and under the law and when that concept goes off the rails we create exactly what we are seeing unfolding today.

  7. The Staged event where a white woman gets down on her Knees & seeks forgiveness for her White Privelge… Suggests she has zero respect for herself.. Sad that the PIMP & his white Hooker played this gross scene…


  8. An excellent post, but David Harris is wrong in one critical aspect. There’s no need for his apology. What he’s reacting to quite rightly is the obscenity that BLM has become and how it’s been taken over by Antifa thugs, who more and more resemble the Blackshirt thugs of the late 1920s in both appearance and tactics.

  9. please indulge me in letting me share a letter to the Editor of the Toronto Star I know they will never publish. I need to put it out somewhere:

    re :https://www.thestar.com/opinion/star-columnists/2020/06/03/what-white-privilege-why-cant-you-be-more-civil-some-faqs-about-racism-and-answers-you-may-find-challenging.html:

    Shree Paradkar, Race & Gender Columnist
    Wed., June 3, 2020

    Shree Paradkar presents a handy FAQ on the plague of Racism in Canada on June 3, 2020. Here I learned that Canada is a “supremacist system.”

    Canada is racist country? A country I have always known to welcome desperate refugees from around the world regardless of ethnicity? One of my early memories of this: The boat people my church welcomed and sponsored. A family happy to escape to Canada from Vietnam when I was 10. Along with many other Vietnamese. They had their first Christmas dinner in our home. 40 years later my family and my church still supports refugees as many, many Canadians have done in recent years. In all that time, governments of all political stripes and at all levels have always explicitly condemned racism. Since 1977, we’ve established and funded Human Rights Tribunals to investigate complaints of discrimination, punish racists and compensate victims. Does that sound like a racist country?

    Well, let’s ask Shree what can be changed? If there are problems we don’t see, let’s identify them, let’s deal with it. Her Answer: Nothing. Not that can actually do any good for anyone else, not now. Here’s her answer:

    “You don’t get to jump to “what do we do” without doing the hard work of “what is.” No reconciliation without the truth. Your guilt, your saviour complex, your need for absolution, that’s all about you. Racial justice is not about niceness, it’s about righting wrongs.
    To get to the truth, you — a person for whom society was built — have to learn to listen. Challenge what you consider “the norm.” Don’t confuse oppression with lack of agency. For as long as people have been oppressed, they have resisted. Support Black and Indigenous activism, and migrant rights advocacy groups. Read books, listen to podcasts, introspect, reflect. The solutions will come. Meanwhile, work on valuing other cultures without virtue signalling. Challenge racist sentiments in your social circle. Be the change.”

    Perhaps there is something there. Perhaps I was too hasty. The author has given this some thought. I mean she is the Race and Gender Theory columnist and all. Her answers are surely built on a long heritage of useful solutions and a respectable philosophical grounding. Maybe there is something we can do. Apparently, we never listened. We all (is that just white skinned people?) must admit the truth of our racism. Then there is one thing, after we oppressors deal with all our psychological issues, we can challenge those around us; challenge “the norm.”

    The good news is that we’ve already started: Cancel culture. Public Denunciations. Let’s fire Stockwell Day. He said Canada wasn’t racist. That proves he is. Let’s attack Drew Brees. He said he loves and respects the flag. We can make him bend. Who’s next? What’s next?

    The Soviets called it Самокритика

    The CCP called it 自我批评

    All included public naming, shaming, and demands of self-judgement.

    Let the show trials begin. That’ll make things better. It always has. Thanks for the advice, Shree.

    1. Wow. Interesting letter and bizarre quote from Shree. Spread your letter far and wide. I am not quite sure how the knee jerk attacks on white people who have welcomed new comers, supported minorities and do not think of themselves as racist is going to improve race relations. I think the abusive attacks will just make many fair minded people resentful. I am still seething about Stock Day getting humiliated for “wrong think”. Such intolerance.

      1. It’s not intended to improve race relations; quite the opposite.

        The blacks were moving off the plantation, migrating to Trump. The Dementocrats and sundry leftists and race hustlers cannot allow this.

        Black olives matter; much better than green.

    2. Your guilt? What had you done PB, you evil person? Are you white or male or heteronormative? Then die in purgatory and give us all your things.

      /sarc if someone isn’t familiar with my jottings.

  10. A couple of excerpts from a Thomas Sowell column on slavery:

    “If the history of slavery ought to teach us anything, it is that human beings cannot be trusted with unbridled power over other human beings – no matter what color or creed any of them are.”

    “If American society and Western civilization are different from other societies and civilization, it is that they eventually turned against slavery, and stamped it out, at a time when non-Western societies around the world were still maintaining slavery and resisting Western pressures to end slavery, including in some cases armed resistance.

    Only the fact that the West had more firepower than others put an end to slavery in many non-Western societies during the age of Western imperialism. ”


    White men with guns defeated slavery.

  11. Well Adidas now seems to have stepped in it (pun intended). An employee accuses them of not working hard enough to address racism in their work place. Now this is a 25 year old who has worked there for about a year. Presumably others discuss this racism but hsve not spoken up out of fear. Adidas is expected to apologize. Rather than insisting on a public apology, why not just make some suggestions for ways they can improve. I am very concerned that black employees will be viewed as trouble makers. Many racial minorities have convinced themselves they are victims and it is not helping them.
    The employee requests Adidas “issue a public apology for the racism and discrimination that they have openly enabled and perpetuated across the brand.”

    1. Being prompt to work, being productive and sober? Obviously whitey’s racism must be resisted.

  12. There is no systematic racism against blacks


    In my life I’ve had lots of people tell me they didn’t get a job because they were female, or black, or etc.

    My response? I’d say, “Welcome to my world.” This brings a look of total bewilderment to the face of the person complaining. I then comment that every white male knows that competition for jobs, especially supervisory or management ones, is fierce. Most white males don’t get the jobs they’d like to have.

    In my company their were a lot of visible minorities and women in leadership positions. So I’d take out an org chart or two and point them out to the person claiming discrimination.

    If anything, nowadays many jobs are going to less qualified people to fill quotas (official or unofficial).

    I’m guessing 10% of the US population is black. Proportionality would argue that there shouldn’t be another black President for 9 more elections. Otherwise it’s racial bias.

    As for a female president? I believe there are more females over 18 than males, so ladies it’s in your hands.

    And lastly, perhaps we should impose diversity quotas on professional sports. Let’s have Kapernick campaign for 10% blacks on pro sports teams. 🙁

    1. “There is no systematic racism against blacks…”

      Not true, there is. Majority of people who are not white, hate blacks (and every other group), it is ok, they are allowed to do so. Only whitey is not allowed to be racist. Everyone of course is encouraged to hate evil whitey colonialist slavers.

  13. But despite common sense, Canada’s Snowflake weekend is off to an early start.

    The yutes and wokes are out in force in Ottawar today, mostly white of course, Virtue Signalling their purity, in their search for the Utopia they were promised.

    Similar walkabouts are planned throughout the Prog Cities of this pathetic nation, by the perpetually aggrieved, and the self-hating young progressive snowflakes.

    Employers, remember this when you’re considering hiring anyone under 25, they havent grown up yet and still see through the lenses of purity and utopia!

    1. I live in downtown Ottawa. Yes, it was mostly half-naked white girls just now heading to the US embassy in hope of getting a taste of black sausage. I hope their fathers are proud of the little harlots.

      Earlier in the day, business owners near the embassy who had managed to re-open were scrambling desperately to board up their windows, justifiably fearing a visit from looters or antifa. Wish them luck.

    2. “The yutes and wokes are out in force in Ottawar today”

      Well I hope there’s a Pied Piper who will work the trash up to a fever pitch and lead them through Rockliffe Park.

    3. The is a protest scheduled later today at the Manitoba Legislature.
      When the protest was announced earlier this week, the Chief of Police of Winnipeg said there will be Winnipeg Police Service members in attendance, but also acknowledged no shields and other riot gear. (Hint, hint to Black Block/ANTIFA/Anarchist shitheads.)
      Today the City of Winnipeg warned businesses in the area to be aware of the large number of people that may attend the protest.
      In other words, expect a riot that won’t be stopped.
      Winnipeg has a woke Mayor. He is attending the protest, don’t know about the likely riot.

  14. On CTV Winnipeg yesterday a black Member of the Legislative Assembly said until the last Manitoba Provincial election in 2019, black persons were underrepresented, but now there are 4 black MLAs.
    She isn’t very good at math apparently, 4 out of 57 MLAs is 7%, according to the 2016 census of Canada, black person comprise only 2.4% of Manitoba’s population.
    But sounding historically aggrieved, even though Manitoba was never part of the slave trade of black persons, is more important than facts, to those perpetuating their victim mentality.
    Since black persons are over represented, maybe she should resign, and let another person from an actually underrepresented visible minority group take her place. I kid, she won’t be woke enough to give up her bully pulpit.
    Of course she’s a NDP party member.

    The CTV video: https://winnipeg.ctvnews.ca/video?clipId=1971814

  15. Bending or taking a knee is the definitive forum of self supplication. Our PM did it today in Ottawa! Now for the love of God someone please explain to me why we have to be exposed to this snivelling display of misery in the media by politicians and leaders in the WEST!!!!! Western society has made the biggest contributions to the human race in history and now these present day leaders want us all to supplicate ourselves to the very people that are desirous of destroying this society. Slavery is as old as history itself, in every race and civilization, you don’t need a primer in history to know that. So don’t tell me to supplicate myself because my recent ancestors gave up a practice that they found abhorrent to their Christian beliefs, a practice that is as old as history itself. Anyone who believes we should kneel and ask forgiveness should be banished from our society, we have nothing to be forgiven for.

  16. Take a knee?
    There are one helluva a lot of dudes and ladies, of all colours, sizes and vocations thinking: WTF?!
    Take a knee? Hang yourself instead. You’ve deemed yourself worthless.

  17. Well if they despise themselves so much that they must virtue signal such weakness,I suggest we bring back sack cloth, ashes and self flagellation .
    Or they could try the Japanese Empire era solution to loss of face.
    Either is fine with me.
    Jumping off high buildings would probably be great preparatory training for those in the gender bender seats..

  18. There is a rumour afoot that Trump is organizing a beer and popcorn party at the White House on Saturday night to celebrate the protests that are happening. Seems the Democrats have outfoxed themselves. If the protest go ahead as planned then there will be a massive surge in covid deaths in two weeks time, mostly Dumb Donkey Democrats which will decrease the Democratic voting base in November. If there isn’t a dramatic increase then all of the experts were wrong again and Trump was right. On the other side of the coin the more deaths reported then the more voters on the Democrat election lists but then again dead voters, like most Democrats, won’t put up much of a fight when TSHTF. A win-win situation for Trump.

  19. I’m happy to offer my hand in friendship, but I kneel to no man.

    I’m an American.


    Theodore Dalrymple:
    Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, nor to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is to co-operate with evil, and in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.

    Kneel before your betters!
    Or shave your head bald….
