41 Replies to “Say It Isn’t So, Joe!”

    1. It’s when your wife has a better divorce lawyer than you. Then you truly understand economic intercourse.

      1. When I was a grad student at UBC 40 years ago, the newsletter we got was named Intercourse, as in discussion and the exchange of ideas. Soon after I started, that name was changed, as I recall, to the bland The Graduate Student. I guess there was too much sniggering and guffawing about the first name for that publication to be taken seriously.

    1. I love the English language, and I hate it when words are taken away by the progs.
      If you write traditional poetry, gay was a great word. It meant happy, rhymes with a ton of words, and is short and can be thrown in at the end of any line. Even as late as when Belafonte sang Jamaica Farewell, it still only meant just happy. (Down the way/ where the nights are gay …) But it only has one meaning now, and it does not mean happy.
      There are other words like that, such as faggot, which as late as Victorian literature meant a piece of smoldering ember. It also meant cigarette in slang. You cannot even find those definitions in Webster online any more. One of the latest I suppose is woke. Soon you probably cannot say when I woke up in its traditional sense. They even try to co-opt words like pride, justice, and freedom. Some words are forbidden just because they sound like other words, like niggard.
      Biden has an endless litany of malapropism, but intercourse should not be one of them. It used to just mean interaction. If it was meant in a narrower sense, it was usually preceded by an adjective such as social or sexual. I am Biden’s age, and when I was young, the phrase social intercourse was commonly used to mean just what it should mean, no more and no less. Unlike Biden, I have learned not to use that word any more, but it really is another word they have stolen from the English language.
      Call me an old fuddy duddy, (which term is probably only used by old fuddy duddies any more) but I still hate it when I have to concede the language to the progs. They have taken over almost everything else, and never miss a chance for their encroachment, as they are doing with this pandemic.

      1. Indeed OB … you’ve got me by a few years … but I am starting to present some fuddy-duddy tendencies.

        Biden believes his digital intercourse was “virtual intercourse” … so it never really happened. Add “virtual” as another overused and maligned word that I am tired of hearing. Hint: your “virtual” sex … is REAL sex. Only it’s between you and your digits .. only. A REAL Woody Allen kind of sex.

          1. I loved Harry Belafonte’s songs. Alas, he is turning into about as far out a leftist activist as one can get.
            Back when I was young and callow, I never held an artist’s politics against him. Indeed, if I did in the fifties and sixties, I would have listened to no music or read any contemporary poetry at all. I even thought I could make some sense out of Allen Ginsberg’s Howl. But back then, their politics were really by and large personal, just like if religiously they were Baptists or Buddhists.
            But then Belafonte evolved into the worst kind of progressive activist. And I finally said to myself, OB, I said, it isn’t their politics you minded, but the fact that they want to beat you over the head with it. And it is quite alright to reject them, music and all, because you don’t want that to happen.
            But I haven’t lost my capacity to take my favorite authors, even, with a grain of salt. There are parts of their beliefs that seep into their work that I can disagree with violently, but I can take it as long as they are not activists: Tolkien, Dostoevsky, John Buchan (Thirty Nine Steps, Greenmantle), 金庸.

          2. OB
            I don’t usually want to know peoples’ choices of their preferred political parties — I might be disappointed! However, people usually have good taste in music. Here is that smoothie Harry Bellafonte, even though he is a Liberal. Ha!

            Of course with dedication to abtrapper who suggested this song!

            Watch Harry Belafonte – “Jamaica Farewell” on YouTube

    2. alecincgy, Kenji ….. Hilarious.

      If they cut internet digital intercourse Bill Clinton will have to ask Hillary one more time for her hand.

      1. Huh… a lady comes forward with a credible accusation of sexual assault by Joe Biden, and HRC finally endorses his candidacy for president.

    1. He’s always been like that. I remember senate hearings he lead in the 1990s on the assault weapon ban. Every time he opened his mouth the IQ of the room dropped 40 points. It was -amazing- how dumb he sounded. Not a single clue. But there he was, Senator Bignutz from Wherever, shooting his mouth off like a boss.

      Now of course with his brain draining out his ears, they can’t even get him to read the script. He’s genuinely demented, almost certainly Alzheimer’s is kicking in hard. This time next year he won’t be able to carry on a conversation about the weather.

      1. “This time next year he won’t be able to carry on a conversation about the weather.”

        Democrat leadership is fine with that,,, as long as they “get to help” Biden pick his running mate!

  1. that Joe, he’s a man of action, versus PDJT just “boy talkin” thanks Melania!

  2. Vote for Joe Biden….
    He will always tell Americans the truth about where they are Going and Coming.

  3. A spouse that is dedicated to supporting and nurturing their mate would have called this off long ago. Mrs. Slow Joe should have cupped his elbow in her hand and steered him home. She must have visions of the White House dancing in her head and grand vacations ala Barry’s entourage. Joe is standing directly in the way of the wicked witch of Arkansas. She wants the presidency and beware all that hinder her.

    First scenario: Hil strokes out Joe before the convention. You know she can do what she wants. After a suitable time of mourning, say 24 hours, Hil swoops into the dim coven meeting and is ready to save the world.

    Second scenario: Through hook AND crook, Hil is the vp candidate. However Joe Blow has to learn to walk backwards. Eventually, he’ll slip up and Hil will be crowned Pres.

    Is that too left field for you? Go back and read a novel by Dean Koontz, written in 1981. It’s titled “The Eyes of Darkness”. In it the book talks of a virus loose on the world that was developed in a weapons/bioengineering lab in Wuhan, China.

  4. Here’s a scenario for you:
    Hillary and Joe have an online town hall where Hillary endorses Joe….and Joe, promptly, falls asleep in the middle of it. Which just happened…I kid you not.

  5. I’ve looked at Ms. Reade’s comments as well as those friends and neighbours providing contemporaneous comments. It seems they and Ms. Reade are still voting for Biden despite his alleged sexual assault. With the leftist mind so depraved, it really won’t do any good to continue with this issue. “I feel so dirty after he put his fingers up my ______ but I’m still voting for him.”

    1. It seems it’s just Ms. Reade’s friends and neighbours, who back up her story, that despite what he has allegedly done, are still staunchly supporting Creepy Uncle Joe.

  6. Is speaking moistly considered economic intercourse under the right conditions? My inner 15 year old needs to know.

  7. It is not his choice of words..Who the F**K is running his campaign?
    that was so lame it was almost parody.
    Soon Trump’s campaign will have nothing to work with,as everything they do will be condemned as beating up a cripple..
    Is Joe even gonna’ make next week?
    Nevermind the convention.
