30 Replies to “Joe Biden’s Enthusiastic Support Base”

  1. She and Warren share the same path to success////White and,Black flavors of the same jelly bean …
    She is a Jamaican-Black American who has stolen the rights of REAL Black Americans

    1. Not quite. However disgusting Fauxahontus is, she didn’t sleep her way to the top.
      How appropriate is that photo? A sexual abuser and a whore.
      OTOH, I don’t get too worked up about stealing “rights” of native Americans or blacks. Yes, they are frauds. But the “rights” they stole, such as Affirmative Action, are not Constitutional rights, and should not have existed to begin with.

  2. Leftists believe in one thing and one thing alone: obtaining power by any means. A purported belief in anything else is pure theatre and can be morphed or dropped in a heartbeat to suit the whim of the moment.

  3. “The only reason I’m voting for Bison…..”

    There it is, the perfect Democrat voter.

  4. Kamala is hot in a milfy kind of way. If I were a lefty gamma male, her presence on the ticket would be enough to make me masturbate so compulsively I’d forget to vote.

  5. Spineless as a jellyfish, liberal, some guys would think she would make a good head of state.

    Maggie Trudeau might have to give up the title bestowed on her by The Rolling Stones…

  6. Remember how Kamala Harris was the first choice of millions of Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada, and South Carolina Democrats? Remember how she was the favorite in so many political polls?

    Yeah, Me Neither. She has no charisma, no charm, no accomplishments, and she maxed out about 8% in the polls before fading out well before the first votes. I do remember one thing though; Tulsi Gabbard gutted her like a trout live on stage, and Tulsi never even once mentioned Willie Brown, fellatio, or Harris sleeping around.

    Just like Barack Obama chose Joe Biden to NOT Upstage Barack, Joe Biden may choose the non-entity Kamala Harris to not upstage his senile and somnolencent self. Except Joe ain’t their candidate this time. He will take the dive, and the Democrat Party will slide in their chosen candidate. —- Which isn’t Harris.

  7. She is nothing more than part of the corrupt lawfare class that has driven the US into the ground for their own personal gain. If you ever follow Katsmella’s Favourite candidates running for any election they are all lawyers.

  8. He picks Harris he loses for sure. Everyone is making the calculation that he likely doesn’t finish the first term. Harris is a loon with zero appeal in the swing states and has less pull with blacks than Biden does.

    Klobuchar is a very different and much better choice.

  9. I don’t see joeballs picking Camela.

    What’s the upside? The black vote? The black brothers who are going to vote Trump won’t be swayed by her.

    Camela has limited appeal. An acerbic personality with a ton of baggage. Sounds like HRC doesn’t it?

  10. So Biden has the same problem that John McCain had.
    Any running mate will upstage him.


  12. At least Harris and Hillary banged their way to the top.
    Trudeau is so lazy he had his dad bang his way to the top for him.

  13. I’m old enough to remember that during the first presidential candidate’s debate, she called Joe Biden a racist for voting for “get tough on crime” legislation in the early ’90s.

  14. I think I understand slow-joe’s problems while public speaking. The ole’ kamel has been under the lecturn giving him a horkie. She wants the veep job in the worse way. What’s selling the old carcass a few more times, anyway? It’s not like she has never had old age creep up on her.
