69 Replies to “Bernie Burns Out”

  1. Still 3 months to go giving Biden lots of time to have a total breakdown. Bernie lacks a backbone.

    1. I agree. Biden is 77 years old, he looks exhausted, and he may be showing signs of mental deterioration. Anything could happen. Sanders should keep his hat in the ring just in case it’s the only hat left come July.

      1. He MAY BE showing signs of mental deterioration? Have you listened to him in the last few months? His latest TV interview was a garbled mess. That he’s a presidential candidate is mindboggling.

  2. I wonder what the D-rats will come up with now to rid itself of Crazy Joe ……

      1. I am so looking forward to watching sleepy Joe meander incoherently on at the mouth in a debate with Trump. Biden is only eminently electable in regions with no voter ID and twice as many people voting by absentee ballot as there are residents. Unfortunately there are a lot of those.

          1. An analysis based on polls from the New York Times? Bwah-ha-ha-ha! Trump has nothing to worry about.

          2. Umm… the “data” is months old, from polls in early November 2019. Some things have happened since.

            And it’s cute you think NYT polls constitute data. They’re data of a sort – subject to the narrative – but hardly infallible.

            He’s as weak a candidate as you could have, and you know it.

          3. That joke of an article? Keep up the good work helping re-elect Trump. No way the feeble one gets elected.
            With friends like you, the Dems don’t need enemies, but like you they’re enemies to their own ignorant arrogance.
            Remember, Trump had no path to victory in 2016, the polls assured us. He won, but the data is the data.
            Like Churchill said, polls are something dogs pee on. Release the hobgoblins hounds!!!!
            Right now the Democrat establishment consists of urine soaked political pole dancers, without the ethics.

          4. Please read the article. Polls from a year before previous presidential contests have often proven eerily on point a year later.

            “He’s as weak a candidate as you could have, and you know it.”

            Saying this over and over again will not make it true. You sound like the morons who thought the Liberals were in for it when they nominated Trudeau. You people really are stupid, and very lucky to have someone like me around.

            “Trump had no path to victory in 2016, the polls assured us.”

            The polls didn’t say that. Pundits did.

      2. Blind, dumb as a stump and emminently stupid…with a striking penchant for touching other folks children…

        UnMe you kills me…
        NYT Polls no less….lmao…!!

  3. I guess the Democratic establishment finally caved and gave Bernie a big enough bribe to get him to drop out. I wonder what it will be this time since he got a $600,000 summer house by the lake last time.

    1. JB, just amazing how these politicos get rich, never having produced a damn thing in their lives other than grief for other people.

        1. His followers are somewhat relieved. Now they can drop democratic from their socialist trappings.

          Democracy, that’s the problem with this bunch, not socialism. They will turn out for Biden? Methinks not.

          Like Scott Adams said today on the announcement, Trump is officially running unopposed.

          Plus any VP Biden could pick would pale in comparison to Mike Pence, demonstrating his competence as we speak.

          1. The Dems are going to pick Michelle Obama for VP and then quickly “retire” Joe just before their convention. She will probably beat Trump by about 5-10%. Just my prediction, don’t shoot the messenger.

          2. It’s risky for Michelle. I don’t think she will be much out on the stump and Trump will deliver withering attacks that she might not handle well. She will become a big target.

            Once the chinese virus runs it’s course the economy will be the focus. Trump might suddenly become vulnerable. The swing States come into play and all bets are off.

    1. Yes, he’s 2 for 2. The Dem establishment steals another one.

      At least, he moved the Dems further to the left than Barry O could ever have dreamed of and that will be a little easier for President Trump to win by a landslide.

  4. Two points:

    The maim stream media will now pull out all the stops to try and get Biden elected.

    There will be a battle for the VP nomination. Lots of jostling will occur to try and get Biden’s nod. US readers please correct me, doesn’t Biden’s choice for nominee have to be voted on at the convention? Can other people put their name forward for VP?

    1. Nope, not American here, but Joe can pick Mickey Mouse or Darth Vader for his VP.

      Maybe it will be CornPop or a Dog-faced Pony Soldier!

      1. Darth Vader….Hey the MSM class are pushing Darth…. the NY Governor….That would be good for NY but the VP is not a popularity choice… Biden does not need help in NY or California.. He could pick a great Ape and the bobble heads would vote Biden….He needs to make a pick of someone that can help his ticket in the Mid-Western States that he needs to Win… and make his choice known ASAP… Trump & the Virus has sucked all the Oxygen from the usual Champaign… I would bet that AMY supporters floated the story of sexual misbehavior by Sleepy Joe..Yep! he needs Amy & they need time & access……. (The Time tested pairing of a Northerner & Southerner may be a mistake in 2020)

        1. It looks like Heels Up Harris could be Joe Who’s vp.

          As horrible a pick as could be. Typical of this party, bereft of Logic.

          There’s nothing likeable about that horrid thing. No charisma, horrible voice, and a Nondescript track record.

  5. Bernie scared off the big moneyed and corporate elite who would prefer an old, corrupt, creepy, crony, and crazy Joe. Perhaps they looked North and observed that virtually everything that Bernie advocated had been accomplished under his ideological clone in the Spawn and his predecessors and it didn’t look that great. My biggest disappointment is that we won’t get to watch a repeat of 68 at the DNC.

    I give him a fifty-fifty chance of winning in November.

  6. If the Democrats do actually run Biden as their candidate. It is because that they, subconsciously, want Donald J. Trump to be their wartime President, too.

    Biden is a cypher or place holder candidate, the empty chair on the podium, a light on the porch but nobody home.

    1. My husband just commented that what is important who is going to be the VP candidate. If Biden wins, just a little over halfway into his term, he resigns due to health reasons, the VP takes over, and is eligible for two more terms. Potentially ten years in office!

      1. Potential VP candidates?

        Kamala Harris
        Hillary Clinton
        Elizabeth Sanders

        I could see a whole bunch of Democrats preferring an older candidate. That way they have a chance at running in 2024. However, I’m not travelling much to the US any more so I’m not close enough to the mood of Democrats and I could be wrong.

  7. This is terrible news. Once again, Real Socialism cannot get a fair shake at showing it’s never manifested outcome. It has never happened, but really smart tenured University profs can spin elegant Hegelian word salad to their rent seeking students that their beautiful rainbow unicorn fantasy of Socialist Utopia is possible, do-able, and get-able. Too bad about the donations being non-refundable. And do watch out for telemarketers selling bogus Bernie discount donations for tax avoidance.

    1. F B, real socialism. You need to look real hard at where we really are and the level of government control over everyone’s life, including yours.

    2. Well done,Fenris, the Sage of Mitchieville strikes again!

      Now, Hillary to the rescue!

      1. Nope. Even the DNC is not that stupid. Prediction: Michelle Obama will be the VP candidate who ends up running for President after the “sudden health-related retirement” of Joe in late July or early August.

  8. Bernie bowed out because the virus accomplished more in one month than he could have in four years. The government had decreed that certain industries are non-essential and can be shut down. The 1st amendment rights to free assembly and religion have been erased. What’s left for Bernie to do? May as well sit back and enjoy the show.

  9. I can’t wait to see WHERE Bernie chooses to purchase his newest vacation home …

  10. Bernie, the man who never held a full time private sector job, should just quietly go away.
    Joe was so happy when he heard the news he grabbed the first preteen girl he could find and gave her a great big warm hug.
    Too bad Joe is losing his mind.
    just like Hitlery, he’ll never be president.

  11. I believe the Dems know Biden can’t win so they’ll shoe horn in Andrew Cuomo or someone like Oprah or maybe even Billary.

    If he doesn’t get dumped by the Dem’s then Hitlary or Oprah will be his VP choice and one of them will get in after Biden resigns for health reasons.

  12. Bernie’s not much of a fighter when it gets down to the nitty gritty. He had one last chance to take a vulnerable Biden down in the final debate mid March and he laid down. Instead of going HARD on Biden he choose to take on Trump for the most part. So here he was, the one and only time he and his opponent were one on one with no other distractions, and his strategy was to attack a distant target instead of the one in front of him. It must of drove the Bernie Bros CRAZY. They were pissed that he laid down against Hillary (remember he refused to take on her email scandal) and now he did it AGAIN.

    1. Bernie is a preacher, not a leader. And he doesn’t really believe what he preaches. It’s just an anti-capitalism shtick, a la Michael Moore, that brings in the cash from the deluded masses. It’s much easier to take potshots at real leaders than to actually lead. And if he were to fail as the Dem candidate (a certainty), then the failure would be all on him. He’s never had an actual job his entire adult life. Why start now? He has a cozy Senate seat to keep him comfortable in his twilight years.

    2. 2016 was Bernies time and he lost to an equally flawed Hillary,,,,2020 he was the loser nobody liked.. take your Marxism & Plastic Straws and shove them where it don’t shine

  13. Bernie doesn’t have the confidence in “democratic socialism” to run as an independent for President? Strange, I am sure all the socialists out there would vote for him. Maybe he is afraid of splitting the “progressive” vote in the USA. Or maybe the DNC just gave him a huge chunk of money to sit this one out, again. We will never know. I, for one, would encourage him to run just to prove a point!

    1. Ralph Nader was “disappeared” by the Left after he cost Al Gore the Presidency. Bernie won’t make the same mistake as Ralph.

  14. The Check Cleared. Last time he and his wife bought a nice little cabin with 500 feet of lakeshore. I wonder what it will be this time? / sarc

    He probably had no choice. When was the last time you saw a news story on the Bernie Campaign? They don’t cover senile old Joe very much, but they gave no airtime to Bernie! at all. Heck, I thought he already dropped out. His people saw probably enough of the Wisconsin Primary results to know he didn’t win it.

    Who contributes to the Bernie! Campaign?
    Rich Urban Woke Liberals and Hollywood Woke Celebrities, but they already maxed out their contributions. He is getting most of his new contributions from Working Poor people. The people that barely make it in service industry jobs, charitable service sector jobs, retail jobs, and restaurant jobs are a big part of his donation base with their $10, $20, $25 contributions. They give a little every month, or every few months because they believe. Suddenly the Chinese Coronavirus hits and they are out of a job. Do they buy food, or do they pay the rent? How about the lights? If they have a job, are they helping out friends first? Because they sure don’t have money for all that and Bernie too.

    Bernie’s Campaign is broke, and they won’t get any free publicity either.

    1. No worries mate.
      Without the power position, his Clinton/Trudeau Foundation riches scam is gone,but that other recent political Left self-enrichment flimflam of a huge advance for his forthcoming new non-bestselling book is no doubt nigh.

      Those two relatively new methods of Liberal/Left financial self gratification of course do not preclude the time-tested Librano tithing we are all so familiar with.

      Clinton, Gore, Obama, Pelosi and many, many other originally broke-ass……….lifelong politicians worth hundreds of millions.

      Where is the Media?

    1. When is Larry ever NOT despondent (*does not include deposit days for Seinfeld cheques).

  15. Don’t worry, Bernie will be back next election.

  16. UnMe ….” eminently electable ” …..really . I now understand why all the vitriol directed your way sticks like cow shit on a rubber boot .

    1. I happen to be educated and live in and amongst real normal educated people. We don’t typically wear boots or wade through animal feces. That’s for people without our education.

      Not even saying that Biden *will* win but he isn’t Hillary. A lot of people in my generation have a liking for him. That’s how it be.

      1. Oh, you’se on of them thar intellectual yet idiots, with yer big wurds and churts. Aka stupider than a bag of nails.

  17. Every bit of oxygen has been sucked out of the room due to the pinko pox and nothing, absolutely nothing is getting any air time especially the race for Democratic nominee.
    The only recognizable sign that they still had a race on at all has been the occasional news interviews that have featured Joe Biden, and they have done nothing to increase interest. As a matter of fact anytime anyone in the media mentions that the democrats are still having a contest at all more people lose interest.
    Bernie likely figured that by “suspending” as opposed to drop out, he has secured the runner up position if for some completely unexpected reason Biden doesn’t make it to the convention.
    Unofficially the nomination process is over and unless a vaccine can be found, nobody is motivated to be too outwardly enthusiastic about the 2020 election.
    That being said, my kid who has a low opinion of Trump is a good barometer of what the reaction to this news likely is among those who would cast a vote for anyone but Trump.

    Me: “did you hear that Sander’s has just pulled out of the nomination race?”
    she: “NOOOOOOOO! Not Biden!”

    Folks, it’s going to be 2016 all over again.
    I am looking so forward to November.

  18. Just as Killary planned.
    Now to be feeble Joes running mate.
    Win election.
    Feeble Joe suddenly “passes away”.
    Killary becomes president.
