It’s Probably Nothing

Released to the wild: after Westjet “informed the appropriate authorities” of reportedly unresponsive, feverish passenger from China, Health Canada released the flight and ordered the plane not to be quarantined. Good to know this is being taken seriously by Westjet, at least.

Update: More info here.

Meanwhile in Iran (because diversity is our strength!) Nothing says ‘we’ve got this under control’ like confirming that a handful of your government’s most-senior officials have caught the virus at the root of a deadly pandemic sweeping the globe.

That’ll teach em for palling around with Chinese weapons deliverymen.

33 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. Has it occurred to anyone that maybe, just maybe, the government wants an epidemic in this country?
    Given Butts’ radical anti human environmental agenda it wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
    I can find no other reasonable explanation for the government’s lackadaisical attitude on this matter.
    I’d like to say it’s gross negligence but I’d only be lying to myself.

    1. Well given that it primarily kills the elderly … /puts tinfoil hat on/ … it will do wonders for the solvency of our pension system.

      Oh and it will reduce the housing demand and hence the average house price.

      Wiw win really … unless you or someone close to you gets designated for this natural reselection.

      1. it primarily kills the elderly

        and as many leftists have told us ( including Oprah )

        racism will go away when old white people finally die

        coincidence? possibly

        leftists would kill two birds with one stone ( no pun intended) ; there would be less people to emit co2 thus the planet would be saved from its ( imaginary ) fever

        1. well, we may not have a sarcasm font but we sure gots a sarcasm web site.
          dripping with contempt for the targets.
          Canaduhians really are a stoooopid lot when it comes to picking leaders.

  2. DD – can’t you under sarcasm? Actually, rather sense Colonista has a good sense of how our elites actually think. They, of course, know they will be well shielded from the virus and, should they actually contract same, will have access to much better health care than the rest of us.

    Where she errs is that a lot of relatively young people are also dying. Think the doctor who went public and was chastized for it.

    1. Ah I was hoping DD goes ballistic and I get to troll him. You took my chew toy away.

      Anyway, yes the virus can cause death among relatively young people. But it is extremely unlikely. Up until at least recently, possibly until now, no child under 10 years old died from it according to official statistics. Then the death rates are picking up but very slowly at first. It is really people in their 70s and 80s that are dropping like flies. So that is for death rates.

      Infection rates are something else but at least some earlier studies suggested that infection rates are also higher for people above 40 and keep increasing with age.

      In all age groups men are more likely to die from it than women. Don’t know how infection rates vary by sex. Could well be that conditional on infection, death rates between sexes are the same.

      This place has some solid analysis of official data:

      1. I would not believe any stats on this disease.
        No one knows who has died in China or how many.
        All conjecture.
        When crematoriums are running 24/7 (if true) there are more than a couple of thousand deaths.

        1. Yes, but the samples from outside China are sadly becoming more and more representative. And the patters reported by Chicoms appear to generally hold for outside of China. In short Chicoms have provided mostly representative mean statistics even if the count statistics are grossly unreported.

  3. Let’s hear Bernie explain how great Medicare-for-All is when VP Pence has contained the Wuhan plague and Canadian cities are burning the bodies of former Liberal voters in the open air because they can’t even build a functioning crematorium without the eco-kooks screaming blue murder.

    Let’s hear Justin explain how he’s going to sweet-talk Trump into re-opening the Canadian border to anybody not willing to spend two months in quarantine under guard by American soldiers under orders to shoot them if they try to escape.

    Shoot, let’s hear Bernie explain to Vermonters how their economy will ever recover from the loss of Montreal daytrippers spending money in Burlington.

    1. fbm:
      I like your way of thinking.
      suffice to say after 68 years under most LIEberals, I’ve become rather hardassed about a lot of stuff.

  4. Coronavirus is not the pandemic we should be panicking about. What we should be concerned about is the pandemic of slow Bolshevism that is corrupting the minds of our future generations.

    “They turned upon Russia the most grisly of weapons. They transported Lenin in a sealed truck like a plague bacillus from Switzerland to Russia.”
    Winston Churchill

    1. Yes spread of Bolshevism is an issue, even more cancerous is the spread of Islam.

      “The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property—either as a child, a wife, or a concubine—must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the Queen: all know how to die. But the influence of the religion paralyzes the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science—the science against which it had vainly struggled—the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”
      Winston Churchill

      1. Winston Churchill quietly flirted with Islam — to the point that relatives feared he might convert
        Churchill’s fascination led him and his close friend Wilfrid S. Blunt, the poet and radical supporter of Muslim causes, to dressing in Arab clothes in private

        But what may come as a surprise is that he was a strong admirer of Islam and the culture of the Orient — such was his regard for the Muslim faith that relatives feared he might convert.

        The revelation comes with the discovery of a letter to Churchill from his future sister-in-law, Lady Gwendoline Bertie, written in August 1907, in which she urges him to rein in his enthusiasm.
        (You may have the final word.)

  5. Well well, Butts gets his chance to destroy Western Canada via the China virus.
    What if that plane was flying Montreal-Toronto
    With” real “Canadians on board?
    Jerry can meet his Paris Accord targets and a job for life.
    F$&k Canada!

  6. As for Iran (and your post from a couple of days ago) I’m sure they’re very confident in their anally applied essential oils.

    1. sneaky, with evil visualizations. you owe me a cup of eye bleach.

      And well said (once I get the eye bleach).

  7. The aircraft should be quarantined.

    If the 737 has cabin air filters system similar to the A319/320/321, they should be changed. Cabin air filters filter the air and that’s the air one gets above their seats via the vespers(nozzles)…

    What a friggin gong show…

  8. Well its already been said but behind closed doors this plague is probably celebrated by the Turdhole/BUtts gang… and they probably contemplate and discuss how to spread the disease among loyal Turdholelanders…. Turdhole/Butts would love a deadly plague wiping out whats left of Canadians. Not to worry though as we have a woman without any experience in anything in charge, you know, because, vagina. Come to think of it, maybe wiping out the population of Turdholeland wouldn’t be such a bad idea… it would get rid of a lot of stupid thats for sure.

  9. this happened because the ‘authorities’ havent a CLUE what to do.
    all the lessons fergotten already.
    no one STOPS and ‘thimks’, gee, *what’s wrong with this picture* so they default to whatever the std is.
    which is to let them all thru.
    let the horse out of the stable.
    the covid cheerleading team is ecstatic.
