35 Replies to “Dittos”

  1. Very, very sad and bad news.
    Limbaugh is one fearless voice on the airwaves.
    If you don’t like him, you probably are socialist extremist.
    He is not a holy man.
    He speaks truth to power, every day, for 3 hours.
    Even the socialist, communists and so called “Democrats”, though it seems redundant, listen to see what is the news and how to handle it.

  2. He is always gracious and always a gentleman – a class act all around. I hope he can beat this thing.

  3. Watch him on his video feed. He has been losing weight.
    If he does not beat it, an immeasurable loss.
    Will be praying a lot.

  4. Heard it live, very sad News.
    Hope he doesn’t have to miss too many days before the Nov election, but when he calls it “advanced” himself, you have to wonder.
    None of his “stand in’s” on days he’s off, come close to replacing him.
    I do like Chris Plante that comes on before Rush, when I’m listening to WMAL 105.9 fm, but he might be too sarcastic for some.

  5. Advanced is not going to be good. Might be real aggressive.

    At one time I listened to Rush alot. I moved on and it’s been years since I sought him out.

    I always appreciated his politeness and decorum. Civilized in an increasingly vulgar world.

    1. We used to have decent Talk Radio in BC, but it’s pretty much listen to demi-commies natter. Mike Smyth is ok but part time.. I listen to Rush on 790 .. Poor reception from Wash State/Portland?.. Sorry to see him go..

  6. He is the model all the others wish to emulate.
    Even those that want to have a halo of being a conservative talk show host without having to actually walk the talk. They copied his manner but they don’t emulate the philosophy.
    I pray that he beats this.

    1. Rush has the best and most astute political analysis on U.S. issues. I prefer reading his transcripts because I need to mull his opinions over in my mind to absorb them. (I’m a slow thinker…:) I hope he can fight and beat this illness.

  7. Im a huge fan been listening for years, decades really. I heard it live and it shook me up. As he started the segment and said he talked to his staff about a paticular issue but was reluctent to tell his audience i stopped what i was doing. i could sence something wasnt right considering the time he’s missed lately. God bless Rush.

  8. I heard it live as well, but given that my wife received the same diagnosis a year ago, my immediate thought was that despite his good cheer and his reassurance of his audience and faith, it is still emotionally devastating. It is a life changing instant for the individual and those who love him or her.

    The key for all is to hang in there as long as possible because life extending or even curative opportunities are arising quickly and he will surely have the best care available anywhere on the planet.

    Sadly, we’ll likely now see the real vitriol and unabashed hatred of the left revealed.

  9. Advanced lung cancer is bad, bad, bad! May Rush beat the odds – can’t think of anyone more deserving!

    1. You believe MSNBC?

      Micheal J Fox went off his meds before testifying to congress at an earlier time so that he’d have the shakes. Deliberately. To make the symptoms look worse.

      1. I go with factual information.
        feel free to refute e-v-e-r-y video ever recorded.
        including limbaugh

  10. A great man. His significance to the conservative movement can not be measured. Right up there with Sowell, Friedman, Buckley. The greatest communicator of conservative values post Reagan. Prayers.

  11. Not really.

    Limbaugh is an entertainer. He has a ‘conservative’ bent but he’s in the entertainment industry. He’s certainly not in Milton Friedman’s league.

    That said I’ve enjoyed listening to him and wish him well.

  12. I hope he beats this, I know the chances are not good.
    One of my favorite programs to listen to always.

    If you haven’t stopped smoking yet, now is a better time to do this than tomorrow.
    Take care of yourselves, take care of your health.

  13. I will pray for Rush. This is as upsetting as Andrew Breitbart. At least we have time with Rush to take action.

  14. My grdaughter, who was an only child from divorced parents, lost her mother at age 51. About 12 months before she had been given 10 months to live, the cancer was then found in the brain, and then in the liver and she died a few months after celebrating her 51st b’day. And the family did have a party, still praying that she’d be healed. I still can’t believe God didn’t hear and answer my grdaughter’s prayers. The end was cruel. It happens and Rush’s chances of survival are no different from Sue’s.
    My grdau’r misses her mother still today and her children have forgotten their beloved granny. Rush has had a better run than most people and I wouldn’t wish what is ahead for him on any human being. If and when he dies, mourn his loss if you will miss his presence in your life for whatever reason. If you think your prayers will help, offer up a prayer. But the world will survive.

    1. I had a good friend die about this time last year from lung cancer.. I remember so well that fall, beautiful day, I was at our pub.. he came in and sat down , I asked him how he was,,(we all knew he was ill).. He said “Not bad for a guy who has 90 days to live”… he had just come from his doctor.. Terrible thing to go through.. He lasted about 110 or so.. Lovely man..

  15. Has Mr Limbaugh had his house checked for radon gas? May be too late for him, but could save other residents.

    1. Rush enjoys/enjoyed his cigars with reverance. I don’t believe one has to look much further.

      This is not good news at all. Have always enjoyed his well done research, his irreverance, and his devastating body blows to the Rats. His manner always had me coming back regularly, rather than Savage or Levin, that must be taken in smaller doses.

      1. As well he should. You don’t stop living life and enjoying it just because other people decide it’s “bad for you”. Rush is a treasure because he’s encouraged his fellow Americans to live their own lives free of the nanny state and what are today called “concern trolls”; you take the good with the bad in every decision you make, freedom comes with responsibility for yourself.

        My grandmother is 95 years old, but she still eats McDonalds and junkfood. Nobody in our family was ever going to imprison her in a hospital and enforce an “I know better than you” edict, nor should we have. She’s long resolved to live and do what she wants. Could she have gotten cancer by eating and doing “bad” things? Could she live longer if we made her live the way we think she should?

        That’s not the point.

        The point is that she enjoys them, has made an informed choice, and doesn’t want to live with her family tangling her in bubble-wrap.

        Freedom and self-responsibility are two sides of the same coin – you can’t give someone freedom without letting them live their own lives – for one thing, that freedom is not your’s or anybody else’s to “give” in the first place – it’s their freedom, God-given and to try to deprive them of that freedom is destructive, immoral. Just as you can’t give somebody responsibility while taking away their freedom of choice.

  16. Get well soon….perhaps you can stop the fake hate/outrage BS you promote & use your skills for better purpose. God Bless.

  17. Best wishes Rush and thanks for the insight over the years. The absolutely dreadful and horrific comments coming from the left are an example of their character (or lack thereof). I actually half expected to see universal support for Rush from both friends and those he politically disagreed with…I should have known better.

  18. May the Lord bless you Rush. Very sad to learn of your illness. You have been a great comfort and teacher.

  19. “Talent on loan from God!” I hope that perhaps God may extend that loan a bit, or preferably a lot, further.
    Prayers can provide healing.
