I Want A New Country

Vancouver Sun;

British Columbia’s human rights commissioner is calling on Canada to stop building a contentious natural gas pipeline until the affected Indigenous groups consent to the construction.
Kasari Govender said in a series of tweets she believes Canada is shirking its obligations as a signatory to the United Nations Committee for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.

46 Replies to “I Want A New Country”

  1. I’m calling on Canada to deprive BC’s human rights commission to be deprived of fossil fuels and their byproducts until he learns that actions have consequences.

    1. What’s this “Canada” you’re referring to? Do you honestly believe that Quebec, with all its carbon tax free Saudi oil, wants to do anything that might benefit we ingrates here in Alberta?

      1. Quebec doesn’t get Saudi oil.

        Most of Quebec’s oil comes from western Canada and the US.

        I do believe that the Irving refinery in New Brunswick may use Saudi oil.

        1. Ah, but doesn’t Quebec get a lot of its oil through the pipeline from Maine? And where does the Portland oil come from?

          Besides, didn’t Mayor What’s-his-name in Montreal say no to any additional oil pipelines from Alberta?

          The fact remains that Quebec won’t lift a finger to help Alberta because it doesn’t give a rat’s patootie about us. (“Gee, too bad you’re having a recession out there. Where’s our equalization payments, you western hillbillies?”)

          1. BA, This article is a bit dated but should answer the questions you asked.


            The Maine pipeline brings in oil from the US gulf coast.

            In my opinion Quebec wants money for a pipeline through Quebec. They want to buy Alberta oil at a low price and then sell it to New Brunswick at world price. Similar to what they do with Churchill Falls power. Newfoundland gets $65 million a year selling the electricity to HydroQuebec. HydroQuebec sells it for a billion a year.

            I can think of 20 billion reasons why Alberta should exit Canada. On the plus side, Toronto will have to come up with $20 billion in equalization, with $13 billion to Quebec

          2. You’re probably right. However, Alberta oil is subject to carbon tax, while Saudi oil isn’t and I did hear somewhere that Quebec gets some of the latter.

          3. But they DO give a rat’s patooie. If they don’t prevent us from reaching our full potential within the federation they become irrelevant.

      2. Quebec has the James bay power project that lights up most of the US eastern seaboard for which Quebec does not have to pay any federal tax on . How many Indian tribes were relocated when Jame Bay Power flooded thousands of square miles on land.

        Canadians are fools.

    2. I would like for all those who do not want gas pipelines or oil production to quit using it right now. Walk the walk … see what it is you are wishing for. You stupid MOFO leftist clowns.

      At least you will be doing your part to ‘save the planet’ for the Chinese and the East Indians to plunder once we have all frozen to death in the dark.

  2. Here we go again: the wrong kind of Indians, those who want the project and can benefit from it, gave their approval, therefore the project needs to be delay, if not scuttled.

    1. It’s a known environmental tactic. If the elected chiefs agree with the project, the environmentalist go to the hereditary chiefs to try and find opposition. If they agree with the project then the environmentalists find whomever lost the election for elected chief and see if they will put up a stink. And finally there is always a disgruntled elder or two.

  3. I am speechless.
    Elimination of racial discrimination means everyone should be treated equally, REGARDLESS of race. It does not mean someone should have veto power over the rest of the overwhelming majority society BECAUSE OF his minority race.

    1. “Elimination of racial discrimination” means whatever Humpty-Lefty wants it to mean, including different meanings whenever they want to change their mind and/or change it back.

  4. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/kasari-govender-appointed-commissioner-1.5156744
    “Govender is the executive director of West Coast LEAF or the Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund, a non-profit organization that uses litigation and public legal education to advance gender equality.”
    “In November 2018, the NDP government took the steps to re-establishing the provincial Human Rights Commission. B.C. is the only province in Canada without a human rights commission after it was abolished by Gordon Campbell’s Liberal government in 2002. “

    Jessica Yaniv best illustrates non-profit gender equality before the resurrected BCHRC.

    1. Maikeru, there is not such animal as a non-profit, as soon as a salary is drawn that becomes “profit”.

      1. All those billionaires`charities and trust funds, including Pet Boy`s and his pal the Aga Khan`s, are `non-profits. This means you keep control of the money, pay no tax AND pay yourself an administrtive fee.

      2. From one view, you’re right. From another, non-profit organizations are those that don’t need to produce a profit.

        A for-profit group must sell their goods or services to stay alive. A non-profit does not have a profit motive. Their true motive is not pleasing most of their customers/clients, it is something else. I like to think of them as “we have outside money paying for us to stop you. You have bills to pay. If we stop or slow you for long enough your bills will keep coming in and you’ll go broke. Just before that happens, you’ll have to abandon this plan. When that happens, we win.”

  5. Maybe you should just shut down all the pipelines to BC right now, out of respect for the First Nations?

    If they have problems with one new pipeline, likely they would have had problems with all the previous pipelines. Out of your deep respect for these peoples, shut down the pipelines until you have been reassured they are not a problem.

    Not a drop. Not a puff. Shut it all down.

    1. No, shut down all cash flows to Indians and reserves, the money comes from resources, cut off all oil and gas, cut off everything that requires fossil fuels to exist, and let them come to the stark realization that without oil and gas they are going to die. Of course if the same could be done to everyone who is anti prosperity and against living a life that is comfortable.

      1. They won’t die. They were doing just fine without our inventions before we came. If you don’t believe me just ask them. They will tell you. So if our culture was/is so damaging to theirs we would be doing them a favour by withdrawing what we thought was help. Sorry. I promise I won’t do it again.

    2. rd: Yes. The only logical response to an illogical situation. Let them plead, and then, eventually, squeeze concessions & written, enforceable, agreements out of them.

      Out of pain comes awareness.

  6. Now that Canada is under UN laws, peacekeepers from African and Muslim countries must be sent here to enforce regulations set forth by saintly civil servants at UN headquarters in New York.

  7. The We Were Here First Nations must really hate the national anthem “… our home and native land.” It should say “and all our stolen land.”
    Whitey is a thief and always will be in many of their eyes. The woke people seem to think they can make things “right”.
    Yeah no.

    1. First Nations are not indigenous to Canada. They came from Asia during the last ice age.

      Oh and they also were the only humans around when all the large North American mammals disappeared.

      1. I feed the local critters, whether it’s the rabbits here in Edmonton or the birds at my house in B. C. After all, it’s their land as much as it’s ours and, besides, their ancient ancestors were here long before any humans were.

      2. “First Nations”
        Now theres a croc of shit if I ever heard one….they might the 6th or the 73rd…..in a long long long list of “We were here firsters”.

        I am 100% in favour of shutting off all Fossil Fuel Supplies to the Entire province of BC…well, at least the Lower MAOLand….and every dissenting Reserve in the Province.

        As to Human rights Commissions-Aires.
        They along with Public Service Unions are the enemy.
        Leftist Social Justice Human flotsam. (GARBAGE)

    2. Buddy, as I always say, no one younger than me was here before me. They need to get over themselves, they are no more important than I am and I have the right to live, and not as a slave to some snot nosed socialists. Oh, and joe is correct.

      1. I know you’re both correct.
        And what allowed them to exist and then thrive after migrating?
        Global warming.

    1. Instead of being dressed like Catholic clergy, they’d all be wearing Mao jackets. And no sentencing to any comfy chairs, either.

  8. The socialist extremists that rule the Socialist Province of British Columbia (SPBC) are completely opposed to the Edmonton – West Coast pipeline and every time they lose an argument in courts, they will bring out some natives that will again and again go to court to delay and eventually stop the pipeline.

    Now, contrast this with a pipeline from Northern SPBC to the West Coast where the socialist extremists that govern the province have a different idea.

    “Horgan says ‘rule of law applies,’ LNG pipeline will proceed despite protests”

    “A natural gas pipeline across northern British Columbia is vital to the region’s economic future and it will be built despite the objections of some Indigenous leaders, Premier John Horgan said Monday.” …. sez the extremist.

  9. In the absence of a proper constitution including property rights, the government funded communist racial ghettos called Indian Reserves are now in a legal twilight zone thanks in great part to an activist judiciary who have done their best to erase sovereignty of the Crown in their efforts to reverse (not abolish) apartheid. This plays well for the greens who can use the Indians as their useful idiots to hold energy infrastructure along will all other development hostage to further the cause of reversing apartheid.

    Reversing apartheid will not actually sell when the mainstream of the mushy mindless middle realizes that they will be serfs to not only their own governments but race-based governance as well. Peace will not ensue.

    The only peaceful and useful solution would be to deed (Crown grant) private land to individual Indians (ending the Indian act and everything associated with it) with rights of way exclusions for transportation and resource corridors. One benefit would be to undermine the powers of the tribal governance which would then fall under existing provincial legislation for local (Municipal, County) governance. It (privatizing Crown land) would also be a good model for the ROC.

  10. See, this is why when the “evil” White man showed up on N. American shores, the indigenous population was still in the Stone Age….Whenever some smart guy, invented something new–some oldster would take him to court and stop it. “What’s this round thing…”wheel” you call it…nah…that’s not keeping with our traditions–destroy it”. “What do you mean domesticate the buffalo–that’s crazy talk. Stop this madness Court of Shamans..” etc. If we keep giving these Stone Age people’s ideas legal standing, society will stop progressing and start regressing. Remember they still think the Earth is a giant turtle.

  11. I am an indigenous Canadian because I was born in Canada.

    originating or occurring naturally in a particular place; native.“

    And I say the pipelines get built.

    And government/activist sinecures get re-eliminated.

    NDP and Liberal communists are always pumping their activist comrades full of taxpayers cash with orders to them to push politicians for more and bigger government empires.

    Our rapid transition to being just one of a large number of uncivilized countries in the world is applauded by media, academia, politicians, and the wealthy. If only rational adults could get them to realize that it is extremely difficult to recreate the conditions that made Canada a great country in the first place. It is likely impossible considering the tribal Balkanization government promotes now, but eliminating ‘multiculturalism’ from our language would be a good first step.

  12. We have to appreciate the schadenfreude here too, peoples!

    This SJW was appointed by the ENDP, as they recreated the Human Wrongs Commission.

    And she pokes a finger in the eyes of Whoregan. It’s great watching that two faced, duplicitous communist SQUIRM. That part I love, though, the whole suggestion here is that until every last little Indian is somehow approving ANY project, NOTHING should move forward.

    One law for whitey, and a totally different standard for the Injuns.

  13. It is amazing how quickly these ~stewards of the land~ change their mind once the Government cuts them a big enough cheque. Once you have enough for a new ESCALADE….environment be damned.

    If you doubt it, just go visit a Reserve up North. Looks like a garbage dump. People who live there just dump their trash wherever they happen to be standing. They are only environmentalists when the camera`s are rolling.

    That`s why they always show up for the ~free cash~ Government moment, wearing headdresses made from eagle feathers. The equivalent, would be for the Government to show up in the Dress of the day the British wore two hundred years ago. It`s all about the show.

  14. We should listen and take the advice of the BC Human Rights Commissioner, as soon as they show us who elected them.
    Otherwise go back to your abomination and concoction of humans deciding others’ human rights.
    Hint: if it imposes an obligation on another, it can’t be a right because they’re universal.
    Call it what you want, but it never has been and never will be a “right,” unless you wish to repudiate your nation’s history.
    Hint: It didn’t start with the Constitution Act of 1982. It may have ended there, we will see, but it sure as hell didn’t start there.
