13 Replies to “What Would We Do Without Dignified Elites?”

  1. “the truth will out”
    Wm Shakespeare, Merchant of Venice 2,2 (I have the Al Pacino, Jeremy Irons version)

    what would The Bard think of present politics:
    ah, what a RICH vein of material!’

    1. And here we thought that anything that Mittens said was like that from Prinz Dummkopf: “full of sound and fury, signifying nothing” (from Act V of the Scottish play).

  2. Romney’s affiliation is Asshole just like McCain. Republican in name only, they just about destroyed the Republican Party

    1. McCain and Romney both ‘threw’ their elections for President. They were placeholders.

  3. How much money has Mittens stuffed into the vault as a direct result of cheap Latin American labour?
    His policy voting and leanings are perfectly aligned with the Dems. It’s all about the uber-wealthy making more jingle off the backs of the slave trade…I mean open immigration. Not to mention all thr Chinese made goods which filled his stores at above average profit margins. Allowed the Chinese slave market to flourish and expand.

  4. Immediately Carlos Dangerous comes to mind. Now there’s a dynamic duo.
    Birds of a fetish I’m sure.

    1. Yes. Only Romney could pick a pompous double entendre and end up with his stripper name.

  5. Mitt Romney is just an establishment wannabe and political whore who has sacrificed integrity to his low and cheap ambition to “ matter”.

    Hilarious how un self aware this thin skinned queen is.

    If the people of Utah have any integrity, they will recall his ass, before he has a chance to vote for the impeachment of a true statesman, Donald Trump, who beat the brains out of every one of the sinister Republican swampers, including him. And the cowards refuse to show their faces, hiding behind Twitter burner accounts and anonymous leaks.

    Until his sorry skin is recalled, he should be mocked relentlessly, and politically harassed every time he shows his face.

    His presence in the Senate is an affront to the Constitution, and the patriots who have served there. Another man child in the image of Clinton and Obama.

  6. Mitt the twit had a father with close connections to Mexico’s illegal Silver importing…,,,It was FBI Agent Felt (deep throat) who was investigating the Twits UTAH Connections. Open the file

  7. Sorry, the spelling on this is wrong, it should be

    PierrE DelectO

    Or in anagram form, El Pee Director
