Coulda Had A Pipeline

And during an election, too.

40 Replies to “Coulda Had A Pipeline”

  1. Hey Quebec! See my two fingers rubbing together? They’re playing the world’s smallest violin. I’ll let you figure out what the tune is and for whom it’s being played.

    I wonder what Monsier Legault thinks about banning a pipeline through his province now.

  2. Of course they will erect 100,000’s wind turbines and 100,000’s of solar panels before winter.
    Build that crap, and tell’em, never leave a crises go to waste !
    Problem, no matter how it’ll be fixed, will mean Western Canada will be paying for it.

  3. A pipeline east would come in handy…

    Brent crude oil opened at + $19 / barrel.

    USS Lincoln carrier group is east of Iran, skipped a shore leave to get back to the gulf half way between being relocated from the east coast to the USA west coast. So about 5 1/2 months without a proper shore leave. They’ve got to be less than happy at the turn of events ….

    USS Boxer with 1600 aboard is “I think” in the Persian Gulf or Red Sea. This is the ship that shot down the Iranian drone on 19. July.2019

    Iran has said they are ready for “full fledged war”

    Mike Tyson said, “Everyone has a plan until they’re punched in the mouth”

    1. This Persian Gulf Military Crisis is the perfect chance for the mighty European Union Military Juggernaut(TM) to step up and show the benighted Americans how it should be done. They can enforce peace on the aggressors that are potentially interrupting the flow of Saudi and Kuwaiti oil to these same European Union countries.

      Thankfully they have the high moral authority to defend themselves. They can point to their strong support for the sanctions on Iran and Iranian Oil put on by the United States.

      They can build on their amazing military performances they had when they chased the Evil Dictator Qadaffi Duck out of Libya. Their last Overwhelming Military Response(R) brought so much freedom, justice and stability to Libya! They must be soooo happy about the new increased and stable oil production from Libya too.

      Yes I am being SARCASTIC. Those craven appeasers learned nothing from their previous craven appeasement of Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin in the 1930’s.

      Let the Europeans bleed for their craven cowardice and progressive stupidity for a change. The Straits of Hormuz are not worth the blood of one Nebraskan Coast Guardsman.

      We Americans don’t have to do anything to keep our lights on and economy humming. For the first time in OVER FIFTY YEARS!!!, we are self sufficient in oil and natural gas. Thank you frackers. Thank you President Donald Trump.

  4. I wonder how much China and Japan would be willing to pay for Albertan oil FOB British Columbia? No pipeline and don’t you have a tanker ban on the BC Coast too?

    Instead it will continue to be sent south to us in the US in bottlenecked pipelines.

  5. How many trains full of Saskatchewan and Albertan Oli will be running East and West during the next few months? How many grain cars and entire grain trains will be shunted aside for the higher priority oil? How many dollars per bushel will it cost the Albertan and Saskatchewan farmers? How many Canadian grain customers will have unfulfilled orders?

    Ripple effects. Just more Unintended Consequences of policies from your Bestest and Brightest Professional Establishment Politicians.

  6. I think at this point Canada may be too far gone to save – or at least its reputation is.

    Rush Limbaugh once said that the American republic could survive an Obama presidency; what it couldn’t survive is an electorate that would put him in the Oval Office twice.

    Even if Max himself gets elected Prime Minister, it’s not going to matter. Major oil companies don’t make major infrastructure investments on a four year horizon. It doesn’t matter who’s in the PMO, the Canadian electorate has demonstrated that they will repeatedly give majority governments to parties that are blatantly hostile to the oil & gas industry. One pro-industry government won’t suddenly assuage oil companies. I’m afraid this isn’t fixable in a generation’s timespan.

    1. Canada is screwed, Canadians are too stupid to understand just what a country is or should be.

  7. It’s election time. Trudeau, who helped block pipelines to eastern Canada wouldn’t want to get the blame for high prices they’ll now have to pay, so he’ll announce a massive subsidy for those who use imported oil.

    Just a bit of idle speculation, but it could happen……

    1. Shades of Daddy’s NEP where the Spawn’s father did that exact thing and for the same reasons. The Quebecois never have to act like they are a part of Canada and they can piss all over the West that funds their overly generous welfare / nanny state while the ROC is forced to buy their dairy products at inflated prices. If that isn’t enough, we then get to be ruled by the likes of the Spawn and his not dead enough father.

  8. Canada is America’s reserve oil tank, and the eco-warriors are being well paid to keep it that way until needed.

  9. Yep, that twitter thread confirms it. Everyone talking like the eastern politicians all have good intentions, that they want to help, that they are competent.

    When in reality, THEY ARE THE PROBLEM. Not part of the problem. Not ignoring the problem, hoping it goes away. Not denying that there is a problem. Not simply mistaken. This is malfeasance on full display. This is deliberate, premeditated; THIS IS NOT MISFEASANCE.

    Just know that no matter how bad things get at the corner of Jane and Finch, no matter what gas prices get to at the corner of Dewdney and McCarthy; No Liberal party brass will feel any pain. No one in Parliament will miss a meal, or feel the need to put on a sweater. They will burn enough jet fuel to heat entire continents, running around on election junkets and taking selfies. You will be paying for it, while your water pipes burst because it actually gets below freezing in your house. No matter how many people freeze to death, they will continue to make out very well for themselves.

    And every single one of them will say how much they care about you, while every single one of them fails to deliver on anything they ever promised anyone. They will be laughing on their way to the bank.

  10. Frankly, if I was Alberta or Saskatchewan, I would not ship a barrel eastward unless it is by pipeline. Cite safety concerns.

    You want the oil, build the pipeline.

    Or, well, you can virtuously, freeze in the dark.

    1. “Frankly, if I was Alberta or Saskatchewan, I would not ship a barrel eastward”…let me stop you right there.

      1. Exactly. This the Golden Moment when Kaybeque misses out on that 60% of their petroleum products that they get from off shore…because “dirty Alberta oil”. Ooooh, that one smarts, eh? Yeah, I’m gonna rub it in. You deserve it. Spend some of that Equalization cash you get from us out here, instead of in Saudi Arabia.

        We should go back to coal in Alberta for power generation, like the Chicoms do. We have 300 years or more of supply. McMurray oil makes prime industrial diesel fuels, the stuff that powers agriculture and industry. The Greens and Horgan can really learn now on how to live on less oil, grease, natural gas that make things go. Invent the Hemp Burner. Pity Trans Mountain is bogged down eh?
        Might be time to say Sayonara to Kanaduh, Kenny, love from the prairies.

        My Rupert’s Land flag is proudly flying today.

        1. I will be writing “Western Separation” on my ballot in the Federal Election. While I have friends back East, I am “done” with Canada. As Bette Davis said in “All About Eve” – prepare for a bumpy ride – for the next 4 years.

  11. “And during an election, too.”

    Ah, but it is only people like us here at SDA who say that Trudeau’s regime bought the pipeline to shut it down.
    Trudeau and his pet media will claim the opposite. They will claim they had the best intentions and that others were the wreckers.

    1. I’m like you Robert. Twitter links on the SDA page are gone in my Chrome browser, but they are available in other browsers. Why would that be?

  12. The only pipeline Trudeau had any intention of building led to China.

    This is why the Chinese wanted the pipeline. Before 2050, the CCP’s target date for world domination, one of two things were bound to happen: the Saudis would run out of oil or the Iranians (allies against China of Russia, China’s mortal enemy) would defeat the Saudis in war, overthrow the House of Saud and cut off China’s oil.

    Canada is America’s gas tank. Far better for western civilization that it stay that way. If Justin has a problem with that, picking him off would be a weekend’s work for the US Army.

    1. You are politically ignorant.
      The federal government doesn’t need to negotiate transportation,/I>. It has the power to sweep away protests and make it happen.

  13. Who is this moron?

    The European Commissioner on Climate. The answer to the problem with oil output (Saudi oil was cut by 50% after the drone attack) is to solve global warming using money from the private sector – $250 billion Euros a year for the next 30 years. It’s not yet clear which part of the private sector will provide the money – probably that part that is closely tied to the government.

  14. I heard on the news this morning that 2 people wearing I Love Oil & Gas shirts were not allowed into Parliament Hill because it was to political…..I wonder if you wore anything to do with Climate Change…..just thinking….

  15. The Saudi attack might actually expedite the Keystone XL approvals and speed up the Line 3 & 5 projects. Thankfully those are projects in the USA and not Canada where idiots like Turdeau hold sway. Taking comfort in the idea that Quebec will suffer more thru the loss of foreign oil is a sop to the Canadian reality. Quebec is the obvious example of eastern exploitation of the West. It makes no dif whether Brent crude is selling for $50 or $100 a barrel. When will Westerners wake up?

    Highly likely the Liebels will win this election as once again the CPC cannot seem to get its act together. The CPC is quite willing to sacrifice their philosophy in exchange for eastern votes and thusly power. I will vote for my CPC candidate as I believe he is smart enough to see the ultimate division of the country as inevitable. While having him in the House is valuable it is more important that Westerners support provincial parties and municipal politicians who are willing to chart a separate future. Actually a Liebel win will simply accelerate this process.

    1. Yes, this may lead to a quick upgrade of American pipelines. Which could create the following situation: Alberta and Saskatchewan oil flows easily and quickly to Louisiana. From there it is shipped by tanker to Quebec and the Irvings.

  16. Francois we in the West will not trade our oil for your Maple Syrup! We don’t have an appetite for maple syrup and it doesn’t warm the house as good as oil! Does this mean we don’t care about your plight , irony and Karma can suck can’t they!!!!!HA Ha

  17. I don’t think there’s a big supply issue in Canada yet. If the oil infrastructure war accelerates or major shipping lanes are blocked, then there will be problems. Human nature is to hoard in times of uncertainty. Eastern Canada gets lots of oil from the US via the great lakes region. The Sarnia refinery depends on it but those main pipelines are under political attack by environmental activists and, of course, the possibility of US hoarding oil if war accelerates. I suspect the Irving refineries are more vulnerable to shipping disruptions and that refinery complex is very big, very important to eastern and central Canada. I’m not sure what Quebec’s situation is.

    Right now the positive effect is that western Canada oil companies should see higher prices, even though there’s shipping constraints. Frankly, the thought of Alberta being more prosperous is something Trudeau and the chattering class resent more than fear the risk of oil shortages. Hobbling Alberta prosperity seems to be an obsession with the Trudeau family and their cohorts.

    1. I stated above 60% of Quebec’s oil comes from off shore. That’s foreign off shore as in a goodly chunk from Saudi Arabia, not US supplied which is part of the 40% Canadian sourced from western Canada, via roundabout pipelines through the US. Those numbers are very recent, look it up. There are no plans to ramp up refining capacity here, or in the US any time soon.
      Venezuela used to supply CDN crude in eastern refineries but that has significantly changed since I used to ship out of Montreal in the 70’s and most of those refineries in Montreal are now closed. Levee Quebec is the closest stop for off shore crude, the rest is supplied via pipeline from the east coast and foreign sourced. That’s where the Saudi oil comes from. Not sure that white elephant at Come by Chance NFLD even contributes, or is even operational at this time. Couldn’t have placed that refinery any further from the destination of offshore crude to Canadian markets and not connect it via a pipeline. Tanker only. Idiots.

  18. Pretty sure that the idiots in the parliament will find a way where people of Alberta will pay extra for oil where ever it comes from and what ever it will cost.
    Remember the removed Trudeau? He set it up in the NEP.

    Just watch. The remaining Trudeau will make sure of that.

  19. what about THIS outcome:
    the TURDoo 2.0 wins the election (with massive kaybeck support)
    aaaaaaaand ORDERS AB to ship ALL the oil kaybeck demands.
    at pre drone prices too.

    I still really hope enough of omar’s millions come back in the form of an enormous detonation that turns TURDoo 2.0
    into a bloody smudge on the tarmac. and the ‘dots’ go all the way back to omar.

    1. That would trigger a referendum here. The same as another “two price oil regime” … National Energy Program 2.

      There’d be massive protests of unemployed people, don’t doubt that there’s people here with very little else to do right now.

      All they need to show to Jason Kenney, is that they vote.
      I’ve heard zero inclination of the holding of a referendum, or unilateral declaration of independence, not one word as of yet, not a hint of this by anyone but us commenters on social media, nada.

      I can guess though, that with such unanimity of silence in this regard, that it’s officially forbidden thus far to speak of such ideas. It’s probably best to keep these cards close to the official poker player of the province.

      but to always have a plan, until you know at least who your adversary is. 21. Oct. 2019

  20. Well, the Saudis won’t be shipping as much as oil to their customers. Wonder who is going to get cut off?

    Do you think the country where the PM and Foreign Minister both criticized Saudi Arabia, and mused about cutting off contracts signed long ago because of human rights abuses might be near the top of the list?

    That’s what I love to see. No oil coming up the St. Lawrence, Kenney turning the taps off “for maintenance” – let the people in BC and Quebec live in the no-oil world they claim to want. What a sight that would be! Huge lineups on Hwy 15 south of Montreal of people trying to flee $4/litre gas. The Irvings losing millions of dollars each day. And the Liberal vote collapsing in their traditional strongholds of the Atlantic and Quebec.
