19 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

    1. Late night leftist comic’s satire … good!
      Babylon Bee satire … bad! …Bad Alt. Right. Propaganda

  1. The NYT Chronical of HATE.. What hate have they missed? When their hate boomerangs on the NYT, they will have nobody else to blame.. The existing crazies are leftist lone wolves wound up to tight by the MSM…..The real dangerous folks are still keeping their powder dry….Keep stoking that Hate… A-holes…

    The Democrats are having problems raising REAL money… The children only have limited credit, and their contributions bounce.. Who are the fools who want to lose big money supporting fakes who will fold….


    1. I was about to to ask the same question. It isn’t like anything will change anyway.

  2. That’s FALSE!!! (I read this on snopes)

    They have degrees, don’t carry pitchforks, and all the feces are metaphorical.

  3. from the link:
    “liberal notions about the way the world works are all left”

    see, the thing is, it all depends on grammar. ‘left’ can be either adjective or verb.
    alllllll depends on grammar.
    and Kate, you have a way with words, even the borrowed ones. LOL !!!!

  4. Every day things get dumber and dumber. I wait for the snot to start running from the nostrils of the idiots propagating the idiocy that we are exposed to on a daily basis.

  5. Why do they need a mob?
    Are their articles written by automatons?
    After all,CBC .CTV and Global do not need a mob,they have that hate filled,virtue signalling thing,completely in house.
    Times is tough when the Babylon Bee’s satire is essentially straight news.

    1. That one is already reserved for the Washington Post, a.k.a. “Pravda on the Potomac”.

  6. I’m waiting for the first failing media company to start a #walkaway movement for leftist fake news outlets.

    Meanwhile, Jeff Zucker seems more than content to kill the CNN brand in the name of advancing progressive socialism and blackballing Donald Trump. If he was at all worried about the network’s financial viability, he would actually loathe the thought of a Dem president. What will they possibly offer to entertain their burned-out TDS victims, then?

  7. The reason I knew it was fake news was that: “That’s why we’re taking this next step, to make sure ideas, facts, and details that might fly in the face of your preconceived, liberal notions about the way the world works are all left on the cutting room floor.” is already the job of the NYT editors. Why would they outsource that to their well nurtured customers?
