15 Replies to “Social Disease”

    1. Zuckerberg, Epstein and Weinstein, the first two are intelligence agency assets, the last two are perverts. All together though they are just more Jews in position to manipulate society.
      Well, two may be out of the running and the third still remains useful to TPTB.
      Though at this point it’s spin the wheel in understanding which ones are most important.

      Far as the Libra, some conspiracy-minded Zero Hedge folk consider it as a potential world currency. Of course the Russians and Chinese will have different ideas.

  1. Always funny watching the crypto currency cult actually believing they have something of value.

    After you done with currency, I think tulip bulbs are likely the next big thing.

    1. Value is relative.
      Read up on various societies in the midst of war. I think one Bosnian was commenting on how books carried more barter value than money.
      Gold and Silver are legal has been tender in Utah but the Goldbugs did not rush there. Ain’t no one shaving bullion at a Salt Lake City seven eleven for a bag of Doritos and a tank of gas.

    2. Don’t forget that crypto can be turned into “real” currency and back again. Not sure who allowed this but that makes crypto more valuable than real currency.

  2. Permissionless and no one controls? I’d say the trust level is negligible on that

  3. Imagine … if the social media megaliths, who have issued de facto social credit scores for every person who has ever commented on their platforms, and de-platformed those with “the lowest social credit scores … were able to do the same with everyone’s money? They would go from demonetizing their sworn enemies on YouTube to completely starving their political adversaries from any money whatsoever.

    Um, ah, yeah, ah … anyone who believes the consolidation of power in the hands of a select few self proclaimed “intelligentsia” is going to end well … is too stupid to keep drawing breath.

    1. Welcome to the club.

      When there is no power for lights, electric cars, nothing; how you gonna redeem your currency that basically depends on a reliable global power grid. Cause wind and solar, ain’t gonna cut it.

      1. Not just power. You also need a working internet infrastructure to deal with crypto-currency. If the internet goes down (or is taken down) no transactee.

    1. “So, why, exactly, do you suppose people who push crypto currencies…”

      Because they want to eliminate the physical medium of exchange. They want a cashless society. They’ll claim it’s to reduce crime.

      the Revelation of the Angel to John -Chapter 13:
      16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
      17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
      18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

  4. Kinda priceless,currency is a token.
    A unit of exchange to facilitate trade.
    Of recent decades we have given this unit more “value” than the trade it represents.
    However it depends entirely on faith and trust, to use this unit in place of physical exchange.
    Trust that the trade will be honoured and faith that the complete exchange will be made,such that you wind up with the materials you desired.
    Zuck is stating that he and friends can be trusted with confidential information and other peoples wealth.
    Record to date,does not support such idiocy.
    What if Lord Zuck does not approve of the trades made?
    He has already established a pattern of behaviour.
    Given the way these fools have treated the likes of Faith Goldie, they have zero credibility that they can administer a honest financial transaction on a good day.
    Who are these pompous fools,that they can tell me who I may donate money too?
    Whose money is it?

  5. If I were to create my own currency I bet the government would put me in prison.

  6. note the cockiness in the zuck’s control freak brain that fakebook can basically invent its OWN currency. or ANY of the digital currencies for that matter.
    are there NO regulatory mechanism regarding ‘currency’?
    oh. right. because it’s all on da compoootah then e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g is hunky dory.
    and when it aint, just blame da compooootah. and that SDA, is the view and opinion of yer typical
    swallow-it-all-whole-without-question citoyen soooooo accustomed to doing just that.

    oh, and vewwy vewwy impordand, a wee ‘bit’ (pun intended) of da spankin new currfrenzy will go to the polllllitiSHUNS
    who give it the green lite.
