21 Replies to “Those Moderate Muslims!”

  1. Water: wet; sky: blue!!

    Crime is a way of life for most of the middle-easterners whom I know and have worked with. They invent and recycle their MO’s (pun intended) of thieving, strife and drug dealing.

    ANYTHING to make a buck.

    Here in Calgary the crime statistics are the highest in the immigrant neighbourhoods. When they congregate the temperature rises and the sparks start to fly.

    But governments now run on feelings instead of facts and the rule of law. We get the governments we elect. As they continue to immigrate and reproduce in high numbers they will reach the tipping point and their laws, customs and habits will become the ruling culture, unless they fully integrate into western (Christian) culture. But our heritage and culture appears to be in the rear view mirror now.

    1. All one has to do is read the koran to understand the mindset or lack of morality.

  2. What about Timothy McVeigh!? What about Timothy McVeigh!? Homegrown Terrorists!! squawk!

    The Euro version:

    What about Russia!? What about white supremacist, Putin!? What about Russia!? squawk!

  3. Gee! Secular states being overwhelmed by mass importation of highly confident mobs of non-assimilating followers of a theocracy of a warlord prophet famous for his prowess in exterminating and advocating for exterminating Jews. Who would have thought it?

  4. Are the authors in jail yet? They have disparaged a protected class; their lives are over.

  5. Since the countries compared vary widely in population, I find it strange that the study examined number of assaults per jewish inhabitant in each country, but didn’t compare number of antisemitic assaults to estimated muslim population of each country.

    Also, I found the description of “enlightenment based” antisemitism confusing. It was described as being based on people who oppose “jewish practises like circumcision and ritual slaughter” Ritual slaughter?? Does that just mean kosher butcher practices?

    As the author admits, this study needs a bigger sample and more rigour.

  6. Those vile white, supremacist, skinhead, ethnonationalists… oh wait never mind.

    Can’t wait until someone accidentally publishes statistics on homophobic crime.

    Turd worlders build turd world, that’s what they do.

  7. https://thereligionofpeace.com/

    today, HOURS AGO: Hindu pilgrims are machine-gunned by Muslim radicals: 7 Killed

    I have previously, and personally know muslims.
    I do NOT trust
    I have a Star of Luggage tag on my gym bag. NO ONE fcuks with me after they see the massive amount this 68 yr old
    white haired hippie can heft.
    no one.
    God Bless America!!! and God Bless the State of Israel !!!

    1. ha ha! just noticed: Star of David etc ha ha !!!
      anyway, it’s still there and another one at home when it wears out.

  8. There are twice as many attacks on Christians in France vs. Jews.
    What do the attacks have in common? Neo-Nazis!
    It’s neo-nazis, satanic cults and anarchists who are attacking the Christians.
    You don’t read about Muslims committing hate crimes. The murder of a Holocaust survivor is just a robbery by a Muslim with mental issues ( the killer was calling out his Allah-Akbars while stabbing the victim.)

    At least Jews in France are catching on. “””The lesson here should be fairly straightforward: Those who remain silent on the murder and persecution of Christians in distant countries like Nigeria, Syria, Algeria, Indonesia and Sri Lanka will find themselves persecuted at home…This discussion should not stir hatred, but it must redraw the borders of what French society is and is not willing to tolerate. Those who want to immigrate to France must adjust themselves to French society, and not the other way around. To the chagrin of our supposedly liberal media, this should also hold true for the rest of Europe and Israel as well.””


  9. Maxime Bernier

    Another fake media controversy about one of our candidates who commented on an honour crime involving a family of Syrian refugees in Granby and other politically incorrect topics.

    Our candidates have a right to their opinion as long as they share the PPC’s fundamental values.

    It’s in French so I Google Translated it so apologies for the long post

    PPC candidate makes controversial comments on Facebook

    The Voice of the East

    The words of the candidate of the People’s Party of Canada (CPP) in Shefford are controversial. On Tuesday morning, on Facebook, Mariam Sabbagh suggested “dispersing immigrants and placing refugees in semi-isolated villages across the country.”

    Like dozens of Internet users, she reacted on the Facebook page of La Voix de l’Est to the article by journalist Pascal Faucher entitled A crime of honor in Granby? , alleging harassment and death threats against members of a Syrian family of Syrian origin.

    READ ALSO: A crime of honor in Granby?

    Ms. Sabbagh, with whom La Voix de l’Est spoke on Tuesday morning, said she first wrote this comment as a citizen and not a candidate in the federal election this fall.

    She then clarified that by staying with each other, Muslims continue to apply the customs of their home country. “When I say isolate them, I’m not talking about putting them in a corner; I mean we have to mix them with people from other communities, “she says.

    In her original publication, she mentions that “most Muslims in North America do not believe in honor killings because they are separated from their extended family and their intimate community for which they feel the need to preserve their honor […] This problem can always arise when their communities grow in some cities. ”

    The candidate states that Canada should reduce the number of landed immigrants to “give these people time to integrate. They also need well-planned cultural awareness. ”

    “I think that before coming to our country, these people should have classes to determine if they are willing to live by our values. They must know in advance that they can not come here and impose their traditions on us. Here, honor killings are not tolerated, here our young people can have lovers. ”

    Ms. Sabbagh believes that this is a social issue, an issue that particularly concerns her. “I can not imagine parents wanting to kill their child, without thinking about their future. There is something weird about it. ”

    Regarding the history of the Syrian family, the candidate suggests that the judge return the parents and brothers in Syria. For her safety, the young woman should stay in Canada. “It could be sent to another province if necessary, with a name change and advice to remove the headscarf. I imagine that [her] family would have forced her to wear it, “she wrote.

    A few minutes after the interview, Ms. Sabbagh contacted La Voix de l’Est again to let her know that she had withdrawn her comment, at the request of her husband.

    Equality for all

    On the PPC Shefford Facebook page, and therefore as a candidate, Ms. Sabbagh regularly publishes articles dealing with the Muslim community or immigration.

    She admits that Justin Trudeau has a bias against Muslims and newcomers. “I think he has to treat everyone the same,” she said in an interview.

    On July 7, she shared a text published by the Clarion Project, a site run by a non-profit organization whose mission is “to educate the public about the dangers of radical Islam,” about a group Muslim students wishing to hold prayers at their high school in Ontario. “It seems like they have an agenda …” suggests the newcomer to politics.

    Four days earlier, Ms. Sabbagh shared the results of a survey concluding that Canadians are divided on the issue of immigration and that the current political context makes the population mistrustful of refugees.

    A poll misinterpreted according to the candidate, who does not believe that advocating for a cap on the number of immigrants is racist.

    “There should be an authorized number [of immigrants so that] the services can accommodate both citizens and immigrants,” she wrote.

    “Cultural differences need to be addressed,” Ms. Sabbagh continued. When the difference is superficial, like a preference for forks or chopsticks, there is no problem. When the difference causes a lack of respect for the citizens of the host country, there will be problems.

    Castrate pedophiles

    In late June, Ms. Sabbagh commented on another short story from La Voix de l’Est, outlining the judgment of a Farnhamian who was declared a sex offender for life

    At the end of June, Ms. Sabbagh commented on another Eastern Void news story about the judgment of a Farnhamian who had been declared a sex offender for life after he admitted to having sexually assaulted a minor under the age of 14. years.

    “I think that if his fellows were deliberately castrated as soon as they feel their tendency of sexual [sic] delinquency, he could have saved us from sorrow. “If your right eye makes you plug [sic], tear it out! “” Had then written the candidate.

    Faced with her remarks, the candidate persists and signs. “If someone assaults a child, it’s something serious. Putting these people in jail is not enough, in my opinion, “she says, but does not advance on the possibility of amending the Canadian Criminal Code to include the measure.

    Late Tuesday afternoon, PPC spokesman Martin Masse said, “Ms. Sabbagh has spoken on her own behalf, the party’s agenda does not touch the issues she raised.” .


    1. The odd man out is Russia, where Muslims are expected to behave, and do for the most part.

      Anti-Semitic hate crimes are not a big problem in Russia, the activities of “neo-Nazis” employed by foreign governments to stir up trouble notwithstanding. Government sponsorship of Jew-hatred died in Russia with the Soviet Union.

      1. You do realize that “Protocols of Elders of Zion” is a Russian forgery that predates communism? Just checking.

        P.S. “you know, we have Eastern Christianity and certain theoreticians say that it is much closer to Islam than [Roman] Catholicism is.” ~ Vova Putin.

  10. Meanwhile in Germany, the same women who supported the importation of savages to satisfy their black pudding fetish without having to explain to their husbands why they need thousands of euro for a “holiday with the girls” in Africa are getting what they thought they wanted from gangs of savage “boys” as young as twelve and choking on it—literally, I shouldn’t wonder.


    The root of all evil is not money, the patriarchy, or bigotry. It’s women who don’t know when they’re well off—and thrust globalists into office over the objections of their long-suffering fathers, brothers and ex-husbands year after blessed year.

    (So when are we getting a breakdown of rapes by religious background? Probably not before the overthrow of globalism.)

  11. the last time I saw this level of extreme violence in Europe was when the British soccer fans ran amok for many years. the only way that mess was quelled was to ban UK soccer fans from the continent. And this wave is of course on a different level. The Charlie Hedbo attacks, the coordinated mass shootings at the concerts.
    so banning extremists can mitigate extreme behaviour eh….just saying.

  12. Well, obviously, the Norwegians are flaming racists, let’s just ignore this hateful study.

  13. @A Canadian. I believe your quote about money is incorrect. The way that I learned it was that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil.
    That has the connotation of worshipping money above other values. It implies that money controls you rather than the other way around. The former reduces your personal power and has you chasing after more dreams than you can afford. Zombie Marxists want to crush the middle class and have us fight for crumbs and private property. Conservatives don’t like debt for very good reasons. Give thanks that you fall somewhere in the middle class and stay there if you are able. Much better to be grateful enough to be satisfied with the fruits of your labor. Easier said than done to be sure. Temptations abound. 🙂
