7 Replies to “Social Disease”

  1. It blows me away that these vapid Hollywood actors seem not to understand that their success is dependent on having a large fan base. Cusack just blew off half of them.

    So, aside from being a Jew-Hater, Cusack has also demonstrated that he is a dumbsh!t.

  2. “To learn who rules over you, find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

    I quite agree. If you do too, you’ll quickly conclude that it can’t be the Jews, in Israel or anywhere else.

    (Moreover, if the Jews controlled global finance, Israel wouldn’t have a national debt.)

    1. Meanwhile, virtually all of the most powerful positions in the western world are controlled by Roman Catholics.

  3. What is truly interesting is that the response is proving that Mr. Cusack’s tweet was absolutely correct!

  4. if, IF the anti-semites are correct about joooos running hollyweird, ummmmm . . .
    isnt it kinda STOOOOOPID for a B grade aktore to be dissing the judens?

    no they DONT ‘run hollyweird’ BUT there are Jews in high places there.
    I really REALLY hope circumstances unfold that cusack’s B grade career is OVER due to that.
    at the very least that NONE of them give him a job ever again.
    THAT can be well hidden too.

    heh heh heh.

  5. I would call into question the attribution of the quotation from the newsbusters article below.
    ( https://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/culture/jorge-plaza/2019/06/18/john-cusack-anti-semitic-nazi-tweet-blames-alt-right-bot )

    This quote “If you would know who controls you see who you may not criticize” I believe should be attributed to ‘ Tactius ‘, a Roman Senator and Historian (56AD – 120AD)  author of the ‘The Annals of Imperial Rome’ ;
